Uno Cards

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Rudy’s POV

          It was Thursday! That only meant one thing – thanksgiving! It was the first time that I and Nathaniel were actually going to do something in our lives that was useful, like cooking. I laughed at the thought. All the maids had gone home to their kids and husbands. They weren’t going to be coming today, so the three of us had the kitchen to ourselves.

          Evelyn and I had eaten our breakfast and were already grabbing the turkey out of the fridge when we heard the door ring. I ran to go answer it to find Nathaniel smiling with an apron in his hand.

          “Are you ready for the impossible?” he laughed and I let him in.

          We make our way to the kitchen and Evelyn looked up to Nathaniel. “Hey.” She smiled and then looked back down to the turkey, “So which one of you has actually cooked before?”

          We both exchanged looks before looking back at Evelyn, “I was hoping you had some prior experience.” I told her uneasily.

          “Well, I hope you guys got money, because when this fails I am still expecting a nice turkey dinner.” Evelyn giggled.

          Nathaniel walked over into the kitchen and grabbed the paper that we had on the table. It was the recipe for the turkey that I had printed out. “Well you guys have the turkey marinated for at least 10 hours right….” Nathaniel asked seeming unsure of us.

          “That was the easy part dude. Now we have to put it into this bag thing. How are we supposed to lift this thing?” I answered him.

          “Well hand me my apron, I can’t cook without it.” He nodded over to the counter and I threw him the apron. Putting it on I admired how new it looks.

          “Never used before it have you.” I chuckled.

          “Not once. Okay so Evelyn, open up the turkey bag lets’ get the thing in here.” Evelyn haltingly rips the box and opens the bag. She added some flour and shook it around in the bag.

“You forgot to tell me that step moron.” Evelyn laughed. Nathaniel rolled his eyes and held his hands out in front of the turkey ready to grab it and then pulled them away hesitantly for a second, “Are you sure you don’t want to do it Rudy.”

          “It’s all yours buddy.” I smiled at him. He put his hands back in the ready stance and made it closer to the turkey and then pulled them back again, “Are you sure you don’t want to do the honors?” I laughed at him and I saw Evelyn roll her eyes.

          “You two are babies move.” She shoved Nathaniel out of the way and handed him the bag. “You better keep this open for me.” She said sternly. He nodded his head and she pushed back her sleeves with her hands. Putting her hand in the same ready stance as Nathaniel she grabbed the turkey and pulled it to the bag. Once it was neatly tucked in Nathaniel placed it on the table and Evelyn quickly rinsed her hands. She went to the turkey bag and tied it up. We stared at her in awe. Grabbing scissors she made a small whole at the top of the bag. Turning around causally she looked at our taken aback expressions.

          “Evelyn can handle things.” I smirked at her.

          “Ya, look at her taking control.” Nathaniel laughed and she gave us both annoyed looks.

          “Oh shut up babies.” She muttered and the three of us fell to the floor in laughter.

          When we are all standing again and had regained ourselves we looked to one another.

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