Chapter 2: Bloody Drum Kit

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Barrones P.O.V:

A loud sawing noise shatters my thoughts and even though it’s muffled it’s still deafening. After a while the sawing stops and I turn my head slightly to see a member of the fire services looking back at me I can’t be sure but I think he shouts “we’ve got a survivor” things become a mad rush after that. Somebody removes Luke from the vehicle and climbs in to retrieve me. My hearing suddenly snaps back to normal and I can hear everything again. The noise is overwhelming. I can hear noises coming from the van discouraging ones, Sirens too, a lot of sirens. Potentially more than I’ve ever heard in one place in my entire life. Several people are talking and shouting in the background too. “Hey you need to listen!” The woman before me shouts. Where did the man go? “whats your name?” “Shane” I reply my voice quavering “okay Shane we’re going to remove you from the wreckage now okay” she says her voice calm. The wreckage, she referred to our van as a wreckage. “can you feel your legs shane?” I nod in response “I’m going to unbuckle the seatbelt okay Shane but I’ve got you, okay?” she asks. She doesn’t make any movement until I nod and then she moves incredibly quickly. She unbuckles my belt and catches me in one swift movement before carrying me out of the van.

I look back at Drew as I’m carried away just before she says “don’t look at your friends” but it’s too late. I still don’t cry. She quickly hands me to a colleague before rushing back to the van. I watch her and stare in disbelief. That’s not our van. It can’t be. No way can that warped piece of red metal, that twisted cage be our van. The van still remains in one piece but it’s upside down and the back is twisted around a tree. Kier is dead. Nobody could have survived that. “shane?” somebody says “his name is shane right?” they say to somebody else. I realize I’m sitting on the back of an ambulance “shane can you hear us?” I nod. “shane what you’ve been through is traumatic, you’re most likely in shock” the man says quickly. I just stare at him dumbfounded. When did I get here? I was with a fire fighter not a paramedic. “shane does anything hurt?” I just stare at him blinking rapidly. It’s so bright with all the blue lights before us illuminating the motorway. “shane can you understand me” I nod again “can you speak?” he asks. I stare at him blankly for a moment “y-y-yes” I say shakily “good thats good” I do nothing in response. The man quickly checks me over before placing a ‘shock blanket’ on me. It reminds me of that scene in Sherlock we all watched back at the flat. That’ll never happen again, Sherlock Marathons, they’re all dead I think numbly. “okay shane this officer wants to talk to you is that okay?” the man asks I nod again before they leave me alone with him.

I watch my legs swinging from the back of the ambulance. My feet don’t touch the ground, that reminds me of Drew. All the times his feet didn’t reach the ground; sitting on the edge of stages, on chairs, tables, in the back of the van. “sir are you listening?” the man asks bringing me back to the present. Is that going to keep happening I wonder? Will I forever be haunted my memories of them, living in the past unable to function in the present. I nod at the man though I imagine it would be a somewhat delayed reaction “okay how much can you remember of what happened” he asks his voice void of emotion. “everything” I say trembling  “Everything was so – normal then it wasn’t” he looks at me pity on his face maybe he’s not some emotionless robot after all.

 “what wasn’t normal?” he asks and I delve deeper into my memories “headlights” “headlights?” “not ours” “where?” he asks leaning forward intrigued “w-why don’t you ask them?” I ask shakily “who?” “the other driver” I stutter “what other driver?” he asks his face darkening “they –they’re not here?” I ask in disbelief “there was no other driver?” he asks. Suddenly I begin to question everything. Am I going insane? Has being surrounded by my dead friends, bandmates, boyfriend deemed me completely insane. “driving – wrong – side – of – road – headlights” I stutter “boys!” the man shouts and I now realize he’s of importance. Why is someone so high up in force questioning me on the road? “there was another driver get the footage from the bridge cameras checked” he commands and they nod before running to the nearest police car and using the walkie talkie like thing to speak words I don’t hear to somebody someplace else. “he can’t be of much more use do you want to have him back?” the officer asks the medics a few feet away and I realize I’d zoned out again.


“Shane honey do you want to sit on the stretcher?” the woman asks me once she’s lead me back to the ambulance and I’d just sat on the outside. I shake my head furiously “do you just want to come inside then?” she asks gently. “n-no” I say shakily. I hear an ambulance drive away sirens blaring and realize another had left already, at least I think it did. No one here for them to save I guess. I overhear somebody say “four people tragic” and turn to watch them so quickly it hurts my neck “whats wrong?” the lady asks sitting beside me “4” I say quietly “4 what?” she asks I don’t respond trying to think. My brain was going so fast earlier but now it’s going so slow as if I hadn’t slept for days. “excuse me lads did one of you mention 4?” she asks getting up “yeah 4 people in the accident, tragic” “lucky there weren’t more though really in a van of that size” the other guy says “5” I mutter and the medic turns to face me “5?” “kier” I mumble my brain refusing to cooperate at an adequate speed. “is he saying what I think he’s saying?” one of the guys say wide eyed “i think so” the other responds shocked. The first guy kneels before me “hey” he says gently. I look into his eyes, they hold pity too. “what do you keep in the back of the van?” he asks slowly as if he thinks I can’t comprehend it. “g-gear-” “see nothing to worry ab-” I cut him off my voice quiet “a-and the b-bunks” he stops a moment and remains crouched before me absolutely still. Only wisps of his hair move blown by the gentle wind, “bunks?” he asks “beds” I say quietly before looking to the ground.

“GUYS DID ANYONE CHECK THE BACK?!” he shouts loudly getting up. I notice a man climb out of the drivers side of the fire engine “no? It was gear right?” he shouts back “IT HAD BUNKS!” the other shouts running down the embankment towards the van. People all stop what they’re doing and run after him or towards the fire truck to help carry the equipment down. I hear the sawing start up again and my eyes widen as I feel myself slipping back into another memory “NO SHANE LOOK AT ME!” the medic shouts “you need to get into the ambulance you probably have PTSD you could begin to remember again and get trapped in the memory”  “no.” I say watching warily as more people run down the embankment. How many people are here? 20? 30? I don’t have a clue.

I hear loud shouting from by the van but I can’t make it out. My feet begin to move of their own accord and I walk quickly towards the van. I think I hear somebody exclaim “shit” behind me. I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I’m standing at the top of the embankment. I’m looking at what used to be our van. The door at the front has been sawed to pieces, a large chunk of the back has also been sawed off and removed showing the vans twisted metal frame. I catch a glimpse of inside before I feel somebody grab me and pull me away, back off the embankment, over the barrier, onto the road. The van may be out of sight but I can see it clearly in my mind. The exterior at least and though I only caught a glimpse I remember the inside quite clearly too, amps, a broken guitar, leads and drum kit, with blood and a body beneath it.

A/N: Well It's half 2 in the morning and since I start college on Monday instead of sleeping like any reasonable person I'm writing chapters of fan fic slowy becoming less and less concious. I wrote 3 chapters today and have an idea for another to write when I wake up so I already have another 10 pre written chapters not including this one, So have a random upload, I'm just rambling now... Hope you guys liked it,


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