Chapter 3: Good things come to those who wait

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Barrones P.O.V:

I can’t get the image of Kier trapped beneath the drum kit in our mangled van out of my mind as I’m dragged back to the ambulance. All of the emotion I’ve been holding back hits me like a wave. All the worry, sadness and anger hits me simultaneously and I fall to the ground outside the ambulance crying “Shane you need to get into the ambulance now. We need to get you to the hospital it’s been a long night” I shake my head frantically terrified as they to pull me off the ground and get me into the ambulance “shane you’re safe we won’t hurt you” the woman pleads. I don’t know why she sounds so sad. It’s not like her 4 best friends just died. It’s not like she was trapped in a car with them for what seemed like hours. I continue sobbing hysterically and my body shakes from the shear force of them. “shane you can cry but you need to get into the ambulance” I shake my head again “come on” she soothes “no.” I cry. A male paramedic arrives and pulls me to my feet “listen” he says holding my shoulders and staring into my face “You have been through a terrible thing but you need to get into the ambulance” “you don’t understand” I mumble. The man looks as if he’s about to break for a moment before recollecting himself “I do. Now you need to get into the ambulance” again I shake my head. The man drags me towards the ambulance. That’s when I kick off.

“NO.NO.NO.” I  shout at the top of my lungs yet he still ignores me “PLEASE DON’T” I cry out terrified “I-I’ll do anything” I cry as we get closer. He pulls me up onto the step of the ambulance and I start screaming, kicking absolute terror taking over me. I hang onto the outside of the ambulance for dear life screaming until my lungs hurt. Until I feel like I can’t breathe. Until I feel like I should be dead. I would rather be dead “we’ll crash, we’ll crash, we’ll crash” I mutter breathless “we won’t now-” I start screaming again. The woman says sorry and the world goes black.


I wake up sun shining through a window I don’t recognize. “thats odd” I mumble sitting up. Ouch, everything aches. I look around and realize I’m in a hospital, I slept in a hospital bed. Then all hits me all over again. The accident, the bod- no I can’t think like that. I take a deep breath closing my eyes and trying to stay calm. “oh you’re finally up” a voice I’ve never heard before says. She sounds quite friendly. I open my eyes quickly. Every time I close my eyes I see them. “we need to take a few details if thats okay sweetie?” she asks calmly. I nod. I need a distraction, anything to get my mind off last night, well I assume it was last night. “how long have I been...” I trail off “out for?” she asks I just nod “not long sweetie don’t worry you only came in early yesterday morning “y-yesterday? I slept all day?” she nods in response. People will be worried. Then I realize the ones who would be worried aren’t capable of worrying anymore “is something wrong?” “oh don’t answer that, thats a stupid question” I just nod uncertainly “okay we need to get some detail if thats okay?” she asks  grabbing my chart, again I nod. I don’t seem to do much else these days. “do you remember-” “yes” I say shakily “please I don’t want to talk about it anymore” I say a silent tear falling down my cheek “shush, shush it’s okay you don’t have to just yet” she smiles “yet?” “the police will want-” “okay” I say shakily “okay whats your last name?” she smiles “Sumner” I reply quietly. Drew always liked my name it reminded him of Summer, that was his favourite time of year. I catch myself before I start thinking about him too much and inevitably the crash “are you okay to continue or do you need some rest?” she smiles “carry on” I say weakly just wishing this nightmare was over.

Once she left and I was alone again I sat on my bed in silence for a while. I didn’t know what to do. I had no one to talk to, not the people I wanted anyway and all my possession were with the police. They fell out of my pockets in the crash and we taken as evidence. I sit for a while before deciding I should call home and tell my parents and maybe a few friends but I don’t have it in me to do it. I assume the hospital will call my next of kin for me. I don’t know. I sit in silence for a while before lying down again and crying myself to sleep.


The second time I wake up in the hospital it’s slightly darker. Early evening I assume, how I slept so long after a days sleep I don’t know. I’m just grateful the crash doesn’t haunt my dreams like it does my consciousness. I decide to walk down to the reception desk to ask some questions and am met by some friendly sympathetic nurses who probably all know the gory details of the crash. I’d imagine stories like mine fly around the hospital, a juicy bit of gossip. I would imagine it’ll be in the local paper now too, I don’t check. “what did you want dear?” one of the nurses asks kindly looking over the computer in front of her “I was – I was wondering about my clothes” I stumble slightly embarrassed “they were covered in blood honey the police took them” “oh” “you could have somebody bring clothes?” “Nodbodys nearby we were on tour” I say quietly “no I meant a nurse if you give her your size she’ll find you something” she smiles pointing at a mousy looking nurse reading a book in the corner of the desk.  I just nod and allow myself to be guided over to her.

I’m sitting in my room looking out of the window when I feel a prescence by the door. I turn expecting to see a nurse maybe even the one with clothes but I don’t. I see Kier. I’m going insane I think as I let out a blood curdling scream almost falling off the bed and backing as far away from him as I can. Kier looks confused as he approaches me and I sigh in relief when a nurse grabs him. Wait. What? People can’t grab ghosts. And ghosts don’t wear casts. “k-kier?” I ask my eyes wide “Shane?” he asks back “you know who I am right?” he says quietly looking positively broken. I nod. Kier begins to approach again and I cower back “shane whats wrong?” he asks “I won’t hurt you” he says sadly. “You were dead. You are dead. Dead people don’t – you’re dead” I cry collapsing against the wall crying. I’m going insane. I’m seeing the dead. I’m absolutely crazy. “I wasn’t dead Shane what are you on about?” Kier asks confused “b-but the drums and the blood and no one could have survived that” I say shakily “I wasn’t dead. I was unconscious Shane. You’re wrong no one should have survived it yet here I am” he motions to himself before realizing that was a bad idea and flinching.

“Shane please” he begs. I stare at him in wonder for a moment. He’s not dead. Kier’s not dead. I get up and run over hugging him and kier cries out in pain “oh god sorry” I say guiltily backing away “no Shane it’s fine come back – just no hugs” he laughs wheezily. “wh-whats wrong?” I ask gesturing at him and Kier laughs bitterly “what isn’t” “sorry” I mumble “no it’s fine” he smiles “it would probably be quicker to get you my chart but here goes” he laughs. Kier lifts his shirt to show a massive bandage “lets see I’ve broken all the ribs on my right side” he starts gesturing with his non bandaged hand. His left hand I notice “I’ve broken my wrist, part of my hand and  fractured a bone in my right arm” he sighs “my playing arm” he adds sadly “and I’ve got minor head injuries whatever the hell that means and a sprained ankle” he finishes. I just stare at him in disbelief. “how are you walking and standing and joking?” I ask amazed “painkillers they work wonders” he laughs “though sitting down would be nice”

A/N: I think I'm going to upload this fic every Wednesday for now as I have a half day at college on Wednesday, I mean I can acess Wattpad at college so if I get bored more chapters might randomly appear but still. I'm going to keep this brief because I'm still slightly confused by something that happened at college. Yesterday there was a guy dressed as a scarecrow DJing which surprsingly I got over pretty quickly however today I walked into a guy in a full Captain Jack Sparrow costume with another guy dressed as a Stormtrooper... my college is weird. Jack interrupted my friends biology class...

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