Chapter 12: Meet Fearless Vampire Killers

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Drews P.O.V:

A few hours after my surgery they moved me into a normal ward. “OH LOOK HERES MY BED!” Shane grins pointing to the bed to my left, I got the bed at the end of the ward so all that’s to my right are the windows, I can’t help but think it’s going to be lonely when Shane leaves. “are you okay?” Shane asks gently “yeah I’m fine” I smile “ah good” he smiles sitting on my bed beside me “oh look you have a tv now!” he grins turning it on. We’re met by a screen asking for a password “oh” I say confused “ah you need a tv card one second I’ll go get one from the machine!” and with that he’s leapt off the bed and ran out of the ward.

He seems to do anything for me I muse. I notice something on his bed and get down from mine carefully to go and have a look. It appears to be a book of some kind, it’s black. I open it and the inside cover has some note scrawled on it in terrible handwriting, I notice it’s signed Crilly like the note in his wallet was and assume that Crilly must have given him this notebook. The first page is black. I turn to the second page and stare at the drawing in awe. It’s amazing, it’s a guy sleeping – wait – it’s me. I notice a note on the bottom and wonder if I should really read it but do all the same

‘I miss you I miss you I miss you please wake up, I love you’

That’s it nothing else. I stare at it slightly shocked, there are a few spots by the writing and the ink has smudged, he must have been crying when he wrote it. Shanes handwriting is very neat, scarily neat almost. I wonder if I should ever turn to the next page but decide to anyway. The next page is a drawing of some skulls with weird things coming out of them “heliskulls” Shane smiles over my shoulder causing me to jump and drop the notebook opening it to the previous page “sorry for scaring you he smiles” as he leans down to pick it up. His eyes flick over the drawing and the writing and he flushes scarlett quickly closing the notebook and putting back on his bed

“can I look at the rest” I ask shyly “later, first I need to introduce you to Kerrang” Shane grins holding up the card. Shane quickly taps the code from the back of the card onto the screen and the channels become available “right one second” he mumbles flicking through the channels as I sit on the bed again “ah here we go Kerrang!” he grins “I thought they were a magazine” I  say watching the screen mesmerised “they have a magazine, tv channel and radio station” Shane explains “oh” I mumble watching the screen “do you remember this?” Shane says expectantly “should I?” I ask “it’s one of your favourite bands” Shane sighs “who are they?” I ask watching Shane for a moment “Weezer” “the name doesn’t even sound familiar” I sigh.

I look down disappointed. Footsteps echo on the screen and I look up intrigued. Shane shakes his head bemused “what are the chances?” I’m about to ask what he’s on about when I recognise Laurence “t-thats us?” I ask confused “that’s us, it’s an older song but it’s us” Shane grins “why is Kiers fringe brown?” I ask leaning forward to stare at the screen “and who is that guy?” I ask pointing “and where’s Luke?” “okay, okay slow down” Shane laughs “actually shh” I whisper putting my finger to his lips and turning the volume up.

When the video’s finished Shane turns to look at me “can I answer any questions you have now?” he chuckles “please” I smile “okay question one – the fringe” he says dramatically causing me to laugh “this was pre the fringe, an old video, Kier got it after us then the girls suddenly loved him and we had fans” Shane smiles. I stare at him in shock “I’m joking! They don’t love us for kiers hair! Well they love the fringe, I think there are blogs and twitter accounts dedicated to it but- oh I’m just confusing you aren’t I?” I nod “okay they like the fringe but the music’s good too” Shane laughs “right moving on Luke isn’t there because that is our old drummer though we don’t really talk to him anymore so you don’t need to worry about that” Shane smiles.

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