Chapter 14: welcome home

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Kiers P.O.V:

“well” I sigh collapsing on the sofa “that’s everything” I smile “just have to cook it now” Laurence mumbles taking the bags from the floor and ambling on to the kitchen “cuppa?” he asks “sure thing!” I shout back swiftly removing my boots and throwing them to the floor. Damn it’s nice to take those things off. I flick the tv on checking the time, it’s 2 Shane should be here soon.

Shanes P.O.V:

I open my eyes tiredly. Shit. I fell asleep on the train. I look around frantically trying to figure out where I am. I’m not sure if I’ve missed my stop. The tannoy announces the next stop and I want to cry, I’m two stops further than I should have got off at. I get off the train as soon as it stops and head for the exit before realizing It takes the ticket and mine doesn’t go this far “fuck” I groan. I walk over to the ticket office defeated and buy a ticket to the previous stop, I guess I’ll be later than I expected.


By the time I get off the train it’s a lot later than I should have been back, going dark and raining. I pull my hood down over my face as much as possible and bolt out of the station. I start walking towards the flat quickly but soon slow down getting past caring as the rain soaks through my clothes. I think of Drew all alone in the hospital and choke back tears. I figure I should check my phone, I have a text off him. I smile as I open it

‘Hope you got home okay, texting is weird, a nurse showed me how to,


I laugh to myself and tap out a quick reply before noticing the missed calls from Laurence, Kier and Luke. I should probably ring them back but I’m a few streets away, they’ll cope.

Kiers P.O.V:

“where is he?!” I mutter pacing anxiously. Hendrix has picked up something’s wrong and is cowering in the corner whining like he has been for the last twenty minutes “he’ll be back soon” Laurence says trying his best to reassure both of us “do you know what station he got off at?” Luke asks grabbing his coat “not a clue” I sigh “well I’ll go look for him anyway” he sighs before leaving me and Laurence alone in the flat. Thunder rumbles in the distance and Hendrix lets out a shrill whine before shakily running behind the sofa. “Shane get back soon” I mutter casting a glance at the sofa which

Hendrix is hiding behind. Hendrix barks loudly and within seconds I can hear a key attempting to fit into the lock. I run to the door and open it catching Shane off guard and flying into his arms “SHANE YOU’RE OKAY!” I grin hugging him tightly “jesus you’re cold!” I exclaim jumping away “and soaking I’ll get you a towel and some clothes” Laurence says from behind us before he disappears. Hendrix has bounded over and is whining excitedly at Shane “Hey boy!” Shane genuinely grins for the first time in a long time. Laurence places the towels and clothes on the sofa before disappearing again. Within seconds I can hear him pottering about in the kitchen. Of course he’s making tea.

“so what happened?” I ask hesitantly casting a glance at Shane. Shane stops playing with Hendrix for a second, glancing at me before going back to playing with his ears. “I missed my stop” he says simply, stopping playing with Hendrix and walking over to the sofa. Shane drops onto the sofa the small thud seeming loud in the awkward silence. “I should ring Luke he’s out looking for you” I say absentmindedly to Shane grabbing my phone off the side and walking off to mine and Laurences bedroom. Luke picks up after a few rings “he okay?” “yeah we got him” I sigh in relief “how is he?” “happier than I expected” “that’s good, I’ll be back soon” “okay” the line goes dead and I put my phone back in my pocket before making my way to the kitchen to help Laurence with the tea.

“earl grey, herbal or Yorkshire?” Laurence murmurs as I walk into the kitchen “herbal” I murmur back wrapping my arms around his waist “you sound like you need it” he says softly reaching up into the cupboard with ease and grabbing a box of teabags. “SHANE WHAT TYPE OF TEA?!” Laurence shouts unexpectedly causing me to jump “sorry” he chuckles “can you?...” he asks motioning for me to detach myself “oh sure” I smile giving him space to make the drinks “can you hear th-” Laurence cuts himself off. Quiet sobbing and low whining can be heard drifting from the living room. Laurence looks at me expectantly and I nod heading off to investigate.

Shanes P.O.V:

As soon as Kier’s gone the facade falls and I pull my knees up to my chest edging back into the corner of the sofa. Hendrix looks at me with puppy dog eyes and I shoot him a smile or at least try to before my face falls and tears begin to run down my face. I can hear Laurence and Kier messing around in the kitchen laughter erupting from them. The laughter seems ridiculously loud and fills my ears. I feel more alone, like I did before Drew woke up. He should be here raving about Marvel and comics and playfully throwing things at me. Instead he’s in a hospital alone miles away and I’m sat on the sofa crying to only the dog. I think Laurence shouts a question directed at me but I shut off from his conversation a while ago, it hurts too much. “Hey?” a familiar voice says softly from the doorway. Kier stands assessing me for a moment before cautiously walking over and crouching in front of me.

We sit in almost silence for a moment my sniffles awkwardly loud. “I’m making your favourite” Kier smiles trying to cheer me up. I just make a ‘mmmm’ noise in response but even that sounds sad. “you can even throw some spaghetti at me if it helps?” he suggests. He’s really trying but it’s not enough, he’s not Drew. “I’m not hungry” I mutter getting up and ignoring Hendrix’s whines as I pass. I nearly bump into Laurence in the doorway causing him to spill tea from one of the mugs he was balancing. I don’t even apologise as I rush past escaping to my room.

The first thing I notice upon opening the door is the massive canvas hanging above the bed. A painting of me and Drew in stage costume, it was painted by a fan. I choke back a cry and jump straight onto the bed afraid to look around our room. It’s full of photo’s, drawings, memorabilia from Drews favourite things. It’ll all just make me feel worse. I hear the loud thunder crash outside and sigh, I hope Drew doesn’t have it his end. Thunder always scared him.

Laurences P.O.V:

“I’ll go get a dishcloth” Kier says quickly before rushing off to grab one from the kitchen. You can tell he used work as a waiter once, he’s so quick to clean up spills. He still sounds anxious every time, I can’t help but wonder what his boss was like, I’m assuming not great. “sorted” Kier exclaims in relief shaking me from my reverie “what was that about?” I ask quietly scared Shane might overhear us. I’m sure our mumbling is hardly inconspicuous but what else can I do? “I don’t know” Kier sighs “missing Drew I guess” he adds. It’s hardly surprising but he’ll be back soon and beating himself up over it won’t help. Kier frowns looking out of the doorway “be right back” he mutters before dashing off. “Come on!” he groans from the doorway before reappearing shortly with Hendrix “he was whining and scratching Shanes door” Kier grumbles closing the door behind us before releasing his grip on Hendrix’s collar. Hendrix won’t mess with Kier, sure Kier’s a softie but unlike Shane he can discipline the dog. Hendrix would run wild if he behaved how Shane and Drew let him.  “lets make dinner” Kier laughs rubbing his grumbling stomach “what about dog?” I mumble not using his name. If we all disappear he’ll think we’re leaving again and go crazy “well he can’t go in the kitchen!” Kier says sternly “Kiiiier” “fine. Keep him away from the food” he says trying to suppress a smile.


Kier chucks a meatball towards Hendrix who swallows it without a trace within seconds. “and I thought you were the disciplinarian” I laugh at him from the table. “hey I’m better than you guys!” he laughs chucking another meatball towards us. Hendrix eats it again before nudging me “hey I’ve not got any” I laugh. Kier starts making a lot of noise and without even pausing I run over to help grabbing a pan off the hob before it falls. “thanks bevers” he says nonchalantly as if things were under control. “you can wash” he laughs grabbing a plate and whispering “I’ll leave it outside his door” and disappearing.

“anything?” I ask as he reappears empty handed “no, it’s outside his door though lets hope he eats it” Kier sighs before grabbing a fork and digging in.

A/N Here's this weeks upload, sorry it's a little late in the day to upload - I've been busy being a bad influence *sniggers* I hope you guys like it,


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