Chapter 16: The oncoming storm

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Drews P.O.V:

I hear a loud noise outside and my eyes widen. Another loud rumble sounds overhead and I feel tightness in my chest. I’m so busy trying to remain calm, digging my nails into the palms of my hand that I don’t notice my whimpering or the nurse appear. “Are you okay honey?” a sweet voice asks from centimetres away. I jump slightly, shocked. After some hesitation I nod uncertainly. “Are you sure?” she asks soothingly looking at m hands, my knuckles white with strain. She holds her hand near mine uncertainly, assessing whether I’m a threat I suppose, before carefully placing her hand over mine and unclenching my fist. My open hand reveals my palm has deep indents and is bleeding. “oh honey” she sighs glancing at my hand before shouting “can I have some bandages over here?”. Holding my wrist gently she asks “you’re afraid of storms?” despite the answer being obvious “I- I guess” I stammer shakily. “What do you normally do to calm down?” “I can’t remember” I sigh sadly “Shane helps I guess” after a moment thinking “oh he’s the friend with you?” she smiles “he went home” I rely tearfully.

Shanes P.O.V

I hear the phone ring throughout the flat a few times then silence followed by a muffled voice, Kiers I think? The muffled conversation continues for a while before Kier shouts “Drew it’s for you!” I don’t respond burying my head further into the duvet instead. He must assume I didn’t hear as Laurence says “maybe he’s asleep?” in response to some unintelligible mumbling before Kier shouts me again. Realising he’s going to persist and potentially walk on in here and find me this way I shout “I don’t care!” back defeated. I hear more mumbling between the two of them before Kier shouts uncertainly “Shane it’s the hospital” my heart speeds up and my heart hammers in my chest each beat harder than the last, my chest tightens as I wrestle free of the duvet leaving it abandoned on the floor. I’m far from graceful as I jump from the bed and throw the door open running to the living room where I assume they’re residing. I grab the phone off Kier hastily taking in his countenance as I do so. I immediately notice the dark circles under his eyes. Have they always been there? He looks worried. Despite how quickly I got to the phone I’m hesitant to actually hear whatever’s going to be said. “Hello?” I say barely above a whisper “Is this Shane Sumners? A voice asks evenly on the line. She doesn’t sound anxious or sad. That’s good right? Or is she trying to keep me calm for some reason? Is Drew okay? Is he hurt? Or worse?... is he – no I can’t think like that Drew is- “Sir are you okay?” the women asks snapping me back from my thoughts. I nod gulping before realising she can’t see me “fine” I whisper “okay, Drew seems to be having a little bit of trouble- my heart feels as if it’s struggling to beat within my chest-so if you could talk to him that would be great” “Shane are you okay?” “Kier shut up!” I feel guilty as I see anguish form on Kiers tired face, he’s probably  worried about Drew and wanted to know he’s okay “Sir?” “yes – sorry – er – tha- that would be great” I stammer releasing a breath I didn’t realise I was holding.


“Drew what happened?!”

“I-I –”

“Are you okay?”

“n-no” he sighs after a while

“Drew have you been crying?!”

“A little” he sniffs

“What’s wrong?”

“t-there’s a storm”

“awh Drew – Hendrix is scared too I should have thought to call you” I groan angry at myself

Kiers P.O.V:

“you should check on him” Laurence murmurs patting Hendrix affectionately before gathering our empty mugs and placing them in the sink. Hendrix follows him from the table, so much for ‘no dogs in the kitchen’. “Why should I?! You do it!” Laurence doesn’t answer and I hear the kettle click behind me “oh right, because I’m taking in the tea” I sigh “you catch on fast” Laurence chuckles as the kettle begins to boil


I hesitantly poke my head around the door; Shane’s curled up on the end of the sofa, phone in one hand, and a cushion clutched close to his chest with the other. ‘I brought tea’ I mouth when he notices my presence “thanks Kier” he smiles briefly pausing his conversation with Drew before continuing it. I place the tea on the coffee table careful not to burn my hand before quickly retreating back to the dining area. “So how is he?” Laurence asks intently, leaning forward on the table “Jesus Laurence let me sit down first!” I grumble collapsing in my chair “well?!” Laurence demands immediately “Drew’s okay I think – he’s talking to Shane who’s smiling again” “thank God” Laurence smiles relieved “he’ll probably eat later” I smile back feeling much more at ease “we can get him take out” “what about take out?” Shane yawns ambling in running his hands through his hair. Hendrix lets out a high pitched bark excitedly jumping on Shane. You can tell he’s Shane’s dog, no one else’s. “You want take out?” I laugh “Chinese?” he asks gently “whatever you want!” “I’ll go grab a menu” Shane mumbles walking off. “He’ll be fine” Laurence grins “you want something?” I ask “we’ve already eaten” “oh live a little!”

A/N here's this weeks upload, I've written a few chapters this week which is good! As always I hope you guys enjoyed it,


Tumble ~ FVK FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora