Chapter 9: Time is running out

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Laurences P.O.V:

I walk down the corridors to the ICU, a route that has become far too familiar these past few weeks, on my way to check on Drew and Shane. “how long has it been?” Kier asks, it’s a very vague question but I know exactly what he means “23 days” I reply my voice devoid of emotion. I hear Kier swallow behind me “how many does he have?” he asks quietly “5” I mumble “before they begin to discuss options that is” I add my voice shaky. I remove my hand from Kiers once we reach the doors, I need to ring the bell and sanitize my hands but all the same we’ve decided to keep contact to a minimal around Shane. Flaunting our relationship at this point wouldn’t be fair. “who has the final say?” Kier asks as we walk through the doors “Drews parents” I mumble before pressing a finger to my lips.

As we round the final corner and approach I can see Shane sleeping restlessly his hand still in Drews. Every time I see them together it breaks my heart a little more. “should we wake him?” Kier whispers as we sit down “no he needs to sleep” I mumble. However Shanes mumbling and twitching intensifies and Kier nudges me signalling me to wake him up. Shane needs his sleep but I can’t sit here watching him suffer anymore, though is him being awake really any better? I muse. “Shane!” I murmur shaking him out of his sleep. Shane looks terrified when he opens his eyes but soon shakes the feeling away “what were you dreaming about?” I ask after some time in silence. “It doesn’t matter” Shane replies his gaze on Drew. I wonder if he knows the date and potentially how little time they have left together. I imagine he probably does, Shane’s always been observant and liked to keep an eye on things. Though he’s not the same man he was before the accident, I shake the thought.

Shanes P.O.V:

Kier and Laurence have gone to get food and I haven’t seen Luke all day so I’m sketching Drew sleeping. I know sleeping isn’t the correct term but I can’t bring myself the even think the correct word. Laurence and Kier complained I need to eat something but I really don’t care, I can eat later. I look up from my sketchpad to see Drew twitching. I sigh deeply, I’ve become accustomed to it but it still hurts. Every time he moves I think he’s waking up for a second and am met by feelings of hope then crushing disappointment. I’d never felt disappointment this intense before, it’s as if there’s a weight on my chest. I sigh looking back down to my sketch pad and continuing when I hear mumbling. That’s odd I think to myself warily peering over my sketchpad, the nurse did mention muttering and mumbling wasn’t unheard of.

The mumbling intensifies and I peer over my sketch pad again. “hello?” a voice says. Did he- “where am I?” Drew murmurs and I stare at him jaw agape. I quickly drop my sketchpad and rush the few feet to the bed wrapping my arms around him. Drews response shocks me, his body stiffens rather than relaxing against me. “HELP” he shouts “WHO ARE YOU? GET OFF ME!” he screams and I jump back as if I’d been struck. Did he really just ? – “who are you? Where am I?” Drew asks again and I try my best to stifle the cries trying to escape me “nurse!” I shout and one runs over immediately. Upon realizing Drew is awake she calls a doctor and a few other nurses run over too. “Who are you?” Drew asks hesitantly staring at me his eyes wide. I realize I can’t hold in anymore and turn away running down the corridor and out of the ward before collapsing against the wall outside.

My body shudders from the sheer force of my cries and no matter how much I try to muffle them with my hands they echo down the corridor. Tears run down my hot face, my eyes and head stinging. He didn’t know who I was. Drew doesn’t know who I am. I try to stop crying, honestly I do, but I can’t. I pull my phone out of my pocket clicking the dial button and calling the last number dialled. The phone rings briefly before a familiar voice answers. “Shane?” I continue crying louder than before now “Shane what happened?!” Crilly demands on the line. I can’t form words cries still escaping me, my throat burns now and cries quieten somewhat “SHANE WHAT HAPPENED?!” Crilly shouts anxious “h-h he doesn’t-” “Shane is there someone there I can talk to?” Crilly asks and I shake my head before realizing how stupid that is. “n-no” I stutter shakily tears still streaming down my face. “okay Shane you need to calm down I can’t help until I know whats happening” Crilly says calmly “I-I” I choke out. “Okay Shane you need to take a few deep breaths okay” he says down the line.

My head is throbbing, my lungs feel as if they are on fire and my eyes are burning. I take a deep breath warily and my sobs catch in my throat “thats good carry on” Crilly soothes down the line and I oblige. “Okay Shane can you speak?” Crilly asks calmly “y-yeah” I stutter causing my throat to burn again “okay Shane whats wrong?” he asks “D-Drew” I whimper “whats wrong with Drew Shane?” he asks sincerely “h-he woke up” I whisper “whats wrong with that?” Crilly presses “h-he doesn’t remember” I cry “the crash?” “m-me” I say quietly and the tears begin to fall rapidly again “oh” Crilly breathes. Thats it, just oh. “where are the others?” he asks suddenly “I-I don’t know” I mumble “okay are you in the ward Shane?” “no” “Shane where are you?” “outside” I mumble “the hospital?” “the ward” I reply shakily “Okay Shane I’m going to call Kier an-” “no! Don’t leave me” I cry out “o-okay Shane I’m going to call him on the landline okay?” “yeah” I mumble. I can hear him pottering around on the other end of the line then a phone dialling “still here okay” he says gently “okay”

“Hey Kier?” I zone out after that admittedly. Next thing I know I’m being shaken. “Shane?” Kier asks crouched in front of me worry plastering his face “K-Kier” I say numbly and the next thing I know his arms are around me “I’m so sorry Shane” he says sympathetically “we’re here okay” Laurence says “Crilly told me everything, you ready to go back in?” I want to shake my head and kick and scream that I’m not going back in, that this is all wrong, cry out what did we do to deserve this but instead I nod numbly and Kier pulls me to my feet enveloping me in a hug before releasing me far too soon “okay lets do this” he half smiles worry still prominent on his face. The bell rings far too loudly causing the throbbing in my head to intensify. I hear a click and Laurence opens the door, Kier guides me through and down the familiar corridors until we stand outside Drews ward. “you ready?” Kier asks concerned “no” I say my voice small “do you want me to go in alone?” Laurence asks and I shake my head “I-I need to do this” I say quietly and they nod understandingly. “come on  Shane” Kier smiles sadly his grasp on my hand tightening as he leads me towards Drew.

“it’s you again” Drew says simply when I arrive and I manage to not break down on the spot which surprises me. The doctor turns to face us “are you his next of kin?” he asks, I shake my head “he’s the closest he’s got to next of kin here” Kier smiles nodding towards me “okay can I talk to you outside sir?” the doctor asks and I nod simply following him. “what is your relation to Mr Woolnough?” he asks “I’m – was his boyfriend” I mumble, he looks up at me before scrawling notes “why did you break up?” “we didn’t he doesn’t know who I – wait how is this relevant?” “it isn’t I suppose I’m sorry sir” I just nod “have you heard of Retrograde amnesia?” he asks “I – I’ve heard of amnesia but I don’t know the different types” I say quietly “okay. Drew appears to have Retrograde amnesia, it would have been caused by a head trauma in the accident” he explains “so he – he doesn’t remember what exactly?” I ask quietly unsure if I want to hear the answer. “he won’t remember anything from before the trauma but his memory from waking up onward should be normal” he smiles “s-so he won’t remember anything?” “unfortunately not though the condition is rarely permanent” he explains “how long will it take for him to remember?” “anything from days to years”. I suck in my breath. Years. It could take years. “sir are you okay?” “yes just h-how will he remember?” “well if his memories don’t begin to come back by themselves he’ll attend cognitive therapy” I nod not trusting my voice. 

A/N: So the title probably made this look like it was going to be a horrendous chapter, I'd say it's pretty mixed but still. Sorry about any errors I had no time to proof read, college is killing me. I'm also sorry if I haven't/don't reply to comments and messages, I'll get around to it in a few days hopefully, that said I have a wedding and a gig to go to this weekend. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,


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