Chapter 18: Surprise

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Laurences P.O.V:

Drew manages to check out rather quickly considering the length of his stay and his current condition; with promise of a referral letter arriving at our flat in the next few days we’re sent home. Drew can barely contain his excitement practically running down the several flights of stairs and through the long corridors down to the car. The first thing I do is set up the hands-free set so I can call Kier as we pass the hotel. I feel a surge of guilt thinking about lying to Kier but it soon dissipates when I glance quickly at Drew tapping his feet excitedly a massive grin on his face.

“can we put some music on?” Drew asks not five minutes after we’ve pulled out of the car park “sure” I mumble warily turning the cd player on. Green Day drifts quietly through the speakers. I catch Drew going to turn the volume up out of the corner of my eyes “DON’T!” I exclaim causing him to jump. After a moment he asks “did I do something wrong?” quietly his lip trembling “no, no – it’s just – I’m not very confident at driving right now” I finally admit “oh” Drew pauses in thought for a moment “were you driving when we er – crashed?” “no Luke was but I’m still pretty shaken up” I admit causing Drew to nod understandingly.

I notice we’ve already passed the hotel, shit. “Er Drew can you go to my contacts and dial Kier please?” I ask reluctant to take a hand off the steering wheel. Drew obliges leaning over and dialling Kier quickly. “hey Laurence?” Kier asks “yeah it’s me” Kier notably sighs in relief. I hesitate for a moment; do I really want to lie to him? “are you at the hotel Laur?” Kier asks “y-yeah that’s why I rang” I laugh awkwardly. Surprisingly Kier doesn’t pick up on it and believes me saying goodnight before cutting me off. “Why did you lie?” Drew asks quietly “he didn’t want me to drive in the dark, I’m fine though there’s no point him worrying” I smile. Drew nods but his eyes are unreadable. I don’t try to figure them out quickly turning my gaze back to the road. It’s going to be a long night.


Several hours later I pull up outside the flat. Drew’s snoring softly as he has been for most of the ride home. I’m surprised he’s asleep surely that’s all he can do in the hospital? I pull my keys out of the ignition and close the door behind me quietly unsure whether to wake him or carry him up. Upon realizing he doesn’t actually remember the flat I figure it’s best to wake him. “hey Drew” I whisper shaking him carefully “Shane” he mumbles “Laurence” I reply just as he opens his eyes. “we’re here” I smile and he’s instantly awake hopping out of the car and running around the back to gather his things. “Hey Drew calm down its 2am we need to be quiet” I whisper shout. Drew immediately quietens down but still looks ridiculously excited.

“Well this is home” I whisper unlocking the door. “There are so many stairs” Drew whispers breathlessly, I merely nod in response wary of Kier, Shane and hopefully Luke – providing he’s back – sleeping. Shane is sleeping where I left him on the sofa yesterday afternoon still clutching Drew’s shirt; I doubt he’s moved. An uneaten sandwich by his side with a post it note from Kier confirms this. Drew makes a high pitched noise and I stare at him eyebrows rose. ‘Sorry’ he mouths walking over and hovering above Shane. “Right I’m going to carry him to your room do you want to sleep with him or on the sofa?” after some thought Drew replies with “the sofa” rather unhappily. I figure he probably wants to sleep with Shane but decide against pressing it any further. “Night” I mutter carrying Shane out of the room “there’s a blanket under the coffee table” I add sticking my head back around the door.

I place Shane back on his and previously Drew’s bed tucking him in. I can’t help but notice all the photos, paintings and drawings of them around the room. It’s really sad to see how close they used to be. On that thought I retreat from their room closing the door softly behind me. Once I get to my room I immediately notice Kier sleeping. I’m glad he fell asleep; this reassures me I made the right decision lying to him. He wouldn’t have been doing anything other than wearing holes in the carpet by pacing anxious if I hadn’t.  Within seconds of my head hitting the pillow I’m asleep.

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