Chapter 5: Restless

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Shanes P.O.V:

I wake up sweat dripping from my hair and forehead, screaming my lungs out. A nurse is over within seconds “whats wrong?” she asks quickly. “nightmare” I say quietly trying to shake the horrible images out of my head, trying to shake the image of Drew out of my head. “why am I getting them now?” I ask crying “it’s probably because the sedative has worked its way out of your system” she says kindly “I – I don’t know how to get them to stop” “the nightmares? I thought it was your first” she asks sitting on the empty chair no one had bothered to move “no the images. Them I keep seeing them” I shudder. “there’s not anything I can do about that I’m afraid” she says sympathetically I just nod grimacing at the thought of enduring this every night “it says here they were going to book you an appointment with psych tomorrow anyway” she smiles. Great just what I need, to be officially diagnosed as crazy. “do you think I could have a shower?” I ask timidly “sure thats no problem. Do you need anything else a drink, Horlicks maybe?” I just shake my head “I’ll leave you to it Shane” she smiles putting my chart back. One the way out I check what she’s written ‘Nightmares. Incident related. PTSD?’ “post traumatic stress disorder, makes sense” I mutter quietly trying not to wake any of the other patients who either slept through that or have fallen asleep once more.

I lean into the shower the hot water washing my nightmares and the horrible sense of insecurity away with it. I start humming Bow Ties On Dead guys without realizing then catch myself. I feel another wave of sadness hit me and realize I haven’t really cried much about the loss of my friends and boyfriend. I shower for another 20 minutes crying the entire time. Having ran out of tears and satisfied I’m clean I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist going over the mirror to see how I look. The mirror is misted up so I wipe it with the palm of my hand quickly. I look like hell. My eyes are bloodshot and puffy, dark circles leave shadows under my eyes and the pain within my eyes is obvious. I turn away from the mirror quickly not wanting to look at my reflection anymore and being the task of getting dry and dressed.

Kiers P.O.V:

I turn onto my side again restless. I still can’t sleep after hours of trying. I decide I might as well get up and check how he’s doing. I bump into a nurse onto my way down to his room “you should be in bed!” she exclaims “I couldn’t sleep” I sigh “well nothings open and you can’t go outside where are you going?” she asks gently “to see him. He’s my best friend” I say sadly “okay just try to keep out of trouble” she laughs walking away “and you didn’t see me I should have sent you back to your bed!” she whispers. I nod slightly bemused. The nurses around here so kind they’re one of the only thing that’s made me smile since the accident.

I turn the ward into intensive care and quickly clean my hands with some of the alcohol hand rub before rushing to see him. I immediately notice the flowers I left earlier are gone. That saddens me slightly I notice a note left in their place and quickly pick it up to read

‘flowers aren’t allowed into the ICU for health reasons. Sorry it should have been mentioned on your first visit. Please feel free to bring over gifts such as cards or toys’

“oh” I mumble putting it back down. I guess that makes sense. I drag a chair over as quietly as possible whilst trying to prevent hurting myself further. I feel I fail on both fronts. I sit down gingerly my ribs on fire. I don’t really care though as long as I’m here I think as I place my hand into his. “hi bevers” I say shakily my voice full of emotion “sorry I haven’t been here all day I’m a terrible best friend” I say sadly “it’s just I needed to be with Shane. He’s a real mess you know. I was going to bring him but I don’t think he’s in the right frame of mind and you might make him feel worse, remind him of the accident you know?” for some stupid reason I wait for a response before realizing he can’t respond. Apparently he might be able to hear me though, I hope thats enough for him. “Crillys here you know” I say quietly trying to talk to him about my day normally like the nurse suggested when I last visited. It’s hard though with the whir of life support machines and constant beeps and alarms going off. I never have to tell him about my day either he’s always there I think sadly. I talk to Laurence through the night before lying beside him and singing all his songs until I fall asleep.

Shanes P.O.V:

When I get back to the bed I notice a nurse has left a glass and a canteen on water despite me telling one I didn’t need a drink. I’m grateful though all the crying must have left my dehydrated. I pour a glass carefully and go to sit on the bed when I notice something on it. Somebody’s left a sketchpad and pencils. I look at it in confusion taking a gulp of water before placing my glass on the side and picking up the sketchpad looking at it bewilderment. Something in my mind tells me to take a look at the inside cover so I open it and to my surprise I see a messily scrawled note. It’s quite a long note I notice. I squint trying to read it with just the moonlight coming in from the window illuminating it but it’s no use. I remember there’s an adjustable lamp over the bed so I turn it on and close my eyes suddenly surprised by the brightness of it. I reopen my eyes and they readjust in seconds allowing me to try to decipher the note.

‘Hey shane I forgot to tell you I brought this and I suddenly woke remembering The nurses said I couldn’t visit at this hour so I decided to write a note and leave it with them at the desk One of them said you were having a shower anyway Who the hell has a shower at this hour of the morning in hospital could you not have just had one during the day like everyone else!

Crilly xxx’

I can’t help but think has that guy never heard of punctuation as I close the sketch pad. I don’t even know what to draw all I can see is them. Then a thought strikes me.


I look up to see Crilly standing over me “you like it then?” I nod quickly adding the finishing details before closing the sketch pad “can I?” he asks nodding at it. I don’t really want him to see but it would be rude to refuse after he brought me it. I nod and hand it over hesitantly, he doesn’t seem to pick up on this and flips it open to the first page “oh Shane” he says sadly looking down at my drawing “it’s good but Shane” he sighs placing the sketchpad on the side table. I look over to be met with Drews smiling face and flinch. It’s exactly as I remember it “I wanted to draw him, before I started to forget what he looked like before the...” I trail off “I know” he sighs reaching over and turning the sketchpad face down. “Kier not here yet?” he asks his voice a lot more upbeat “no” I mumble “it would seem that man can sleep in even in hospitals” Crilly smiles. “so have you told the others?” I ask “I told Falkor he’ll pass it on I’m sorry” he frowns “no it’s good thank you, it saves me having to say it again” I frown “okay” crilly says relieved he hasn’t upset me. It’s at this moment a nurse runs in. I stand up immediately concerned. Something’s happened to Kier? I notice Crilly visibly tense beside me.

Kiers P.O.V:

“Kier?” I mumble something incoherently back “Kier” “shut up Laurence” I grumble. My eyes fly open, “LAURENCE?!” “that’s me” he smiles. He looks incredibly surprised when I hit him, hard. “What the hell was that for?!” he asks shocked and somewhat annoyed “you’ve been in a fucking coma for 3 days and your response it ‘that’s me’? you’re an absolute dick” I mutter sitting on the edge of the bed. I immediately turn back though I can’t be angry at him “I’ve been in a coma for 3 days?” he asks shocked “you didn’t know” I breath “of course I didn’t idiot I was in a coma apparently” I shoot him a look that says ‘really’ and he tries to hold back a smile “w-what happened?” he asks “I don’t really know I was in the back you’re best to ask Shane” I frown “actually probably not” Laurence looks questioningly at me “Shane seems pretty shaken up about Drew being in a coma” I explain “he’s just in a coma? And wait Laurence?!” Crilly asks jaw agape from behind us “I’m awake” Laurence smiles “y-yeah. You do know Shane thinks everyones dead right.” Crilly says wide eyed “and the fans-” “THE FANS THINK WE’RE ALL DEAD?!” Laurence exclaims looking torn between rage and concern “yeah the van was on the news it was a wre-” “we were on the news?” “yeah unidentified but people in the area recognized the –” Crilly starts only to be interrupted by me this time “we were on the news and it was for fucking crashing?” I ask sarcastically “not really the time for sarcasm” Crilly frowns “Laurence?” a voice asks from the doorway before I hear a thud. Apparently Shane has passed out, great.

A/N Heres the weekly upload, hope you guys like it I should probably start writing a few more chapters but having had to write 12 essays/tests in the last 2 and a half weeks I'm kind of done with writing, all I seem to do when not revising is watch criminal minds and go to gigs. I'll try to upload a few extra chapters here and there but I've been told to do 20 hours a week minimum college work at home on top of my 32 there so I'm a bit swamped, as always hope you guys enjoyed it,


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