Chapter 8: It's not enough

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Shanes P.O.V:

I wake up in a plastic chair uncomfortable. As I blink the sleep from my eyes the events of the past fews days hit me again and I struggle to not cry “hey Shane we’re back” Kier says softy “hey” I frown “we’ve got a fair bit” he smiles “here’s your phone” he smiles handing it over “obviously you can’t turn it on because it’ll interfere with the machines” he sighs and I place it in the empty draw on Shanes bedside table “we got your sketch pad and diary too” he smiles also handing them over. They don’t fit in the draw so they go in the cupboard which has some tissues in it conveniently enough. I stick the tissues on top of the cabinet careful not to knock the cards over. “so how did it go?” I ask hesitantly. I know they couldn’t have salvaged much. I notice my guitar case and immediately brighten up “the guitars didn’t make it” Laurence says guiltily watching my smile fall “your clothes are in your case” he adds “I did save these though” Kier smiles handing me 6 tuning pegs and my warhammer seal. It might not look like much but it means the world to me. I get up smiling and hug Kier careful not to hurt him “It’s nice to see you smile shane” he whispers “it’s nice to have something to smile about” I admit before letting go and sitting back down playing with the seal in my hands. I read the lyrics written on it ‘promise us you won't tell the public the fury with which we despoil.’ And smile at it memories of my teen years flooding back. I shake my head remembering an argument I had with Drew as a teenager; I claimed Every Time I Die was better than Weezer, we didn’t speak for a week. I place the seal and the tuning pegs in the draw beside my phone.

I notice Kier and Laurence share a look before Kier reaches in his pockets hesitantly “we erm thought you might like Drews phone and ipod too. The nurses said playing him some music might help” I take them graciously, nodding. I feel tears prick my eyes but I can’t cry I don’t want the guys to think it’s their fault. “so I think I’m going to have a shower” I say quietly. I notice Kier and Laurence smile probably happy I’m showering without them asking. I’m acting ‘better’. “okay well our stuff is on our beds so we’ll go get changed then go wait for our dinner” Laurence smiles. They had the hindsight to order their food before leaving. It’s become routine now. They normally skip breakfast, go back to their beds for lunch, come back here then go back for dinner again. Some days they come back, other days Luke visits and some days none of them are back after lunch.

I open my guitar case grabbing a pair of socks, my boxers and some jeans. I go to grab one of  my iron maiden shirt then stop my hand hovering over them. I zip the case back up and open Drews. I’m shocked to see his bass in there, I run my hands over it remembering when he taught me a few of our songs on bass. I quickly close it again the memories becoming too much to bare. I quickly riffle through the other bags they left and find they haven’t left Drews clothes. I guess they thought it might be too much. I do notice one of his shirts got into one of my bags somehow though and grab it gratefully.

Kiers P.O.V:

I’m too tired to shower by the time we make it back so I opt to just change into some of my clothes and go back to my bed. Laurence obviously got dressed in another bathroom in my absence and is already in his clothes “I’ve missed my clothes” I sigh happily playing with the bottom of my shirt “me too” Laurence laughs “my clothes or yours?” I tease “both. Plain black shirts were getting boring and you look so hot in your William control shirt” he grins “well you’re rocking that Blood On The Dance Floor shirt pretty well yourself” I laugh climbing onto the bed next to him. We lie in silence for a moment our breathing synchronized “what do you think Shanes doing?” I ask my head still on Laurences chest. I can feel his chest vibrate as he talks it’s oddly soothing “hopefully not torturing himself” he finishes “mhmmm” I agree sleepily “you should go to sleep!” Laurence commands “I need to give Crilly the daily update” I yawn tiredly stretching “It can wait Kier-” before he’s finished I’m asleep.


As I step outside the hospital it’s raining heavily “great” I sigh. I stand under the overhang though and manage to remain dry. I turn on my phone for the first time since I’ve had it. I’m assuming the police turned it off? I don’t even know. I quickly tap in my password. My phone almost blows up with notifications. “holy shit” I breathe as it continually vibrates in my hand. Eventually it stops and I slide down my phone checking my notifications. The amount of facebook seemed staggering enough then I looked at the number on my twitter “holy shit” I breathe again causing a man to stare at me disapprovingly “sorry” I mouth before turning back to my phone. I have an amazingly high number of emails, texts and missed calls too. The one that sticks out is my parents though. Then I remember that Dad has twitter “shit” I mutter under my breath realizing one of the fans probably contacted him.

I quickly ring home and the phone hardly rings before it’s answered. My mother answers sounding worried “mum?” “Oh God Kier you’re okay” she sighs in relief down the phone, I hear her shout my Dad and the phone beeps I assume she’s put me on speaker. “Why haven’t you contacted me Kier!” she shouts down the phone “things have been a little hectic-” “thats no excuse Kier!” “Mum Drews in a coma” I say my voice shaking “oh Dear lord do his parents know?” she asks “how are you son?” my Dad asks worried “I’ve broken my ribs and-” I hear somebody (probably my mum) gasp on the line “don’t worry I’m on painkillers” “thats not the point how is everybody else?” “Lukes fine, Shanes physically fine but a mess because he remained conscious when no one else did and thought we were all dead” “Dear God” “Laurence is fine too it’s just Drew” “Adam was nice enough to tell us you were alive Kier but we didn’t hear much else” my Dad sighs down the fine “it’s crilly but please can one of you tell Drews parents I can’t-” “I’ll do it hunny don’t worry” my mum reassures down the phone “hows the van and-” “it’s a write off and everythings broken apart from an amp and Drews bass” I sigh “you were insured right?” my Dad asks all business “well we couldn’t really affor-” “please tell me you were insured” he sighs “just but not enough to pay for a new van and gear or just the van actually” I frown “listen I need to go I was going to call Crilly and the fans probably think we’re dead” “how do they even know?” “it was on the local news one saw and tweeted then it blew up and we haven’t been online since” I sigh “okay love you dear” my mum shouts “stay safe Kier” my dad shouts before the line goes dead.

Great now the fans and crilly. Crilly picks up first ring “you got the phone back then?” he asks “oh hi Crilly hows it going” I joke “sorry hi hows it going?” “hey I broke my ribs and it fucking hurts did I mention that or?” “very funny hows Drew?” he asks serious “same old hows everyone your end?” “worried” he admits “us too” “I can imagine” “is it okay If I go? It’s just the fans” “Jesus Christ yeah go tell the world you’re alive!” he exclaims cutting me off. “well bye then” I say to the dial tone. I quickly log into our official twitter account then pause. What am I even supposed to say? And in 140 characters?! I stand for a few minutes unsure before retyping the beginning over and over again in the end I settle for:

‘Hi guys, as I'm sure you've heard we've been in a crash. Laur, Luke & Shane are fine. I've broken my ribs and Drew is in ICU keep you posted’

I look at the tweet and sigh “it’s not enough” before tweeting it regardless because it’s the best I can do right now. I quickly send a tweet from my account explaining we don’t have the internet at hospital and we can’t use phones so thats why I won’t respond before closing twitter and texting a few of my worried friends. It seems a little cold but I’m exhausted and it’s freezing out here.

A/N: Here's the weekly upload I'm feeling kind of shitty so this is it as far as Authors Notes go,


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