Chapter 6: Surprise

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Laurences P.O.V:

The doctors weren’t keen on me leaving the bed but since I was able to walk around myself they couldn’t really stop me “Laurence maybe you should stand back” Kier suggested as Shane twitched in front of us. Sure enough he was conscious within minutes “I – I saw Laurence” he says dazed from the bed “you did” Crilly replies “Shane I have some explaining to do” Kier frowns sitting on the bed “okay?” Shane says looking terrified. “Laurence isn’t dead. Luke isn’t dead. Drew isn’t-” before Kiers even got the last sentence out of his mouth Shane has jumped up out of the bed ran straight past me without a second look and towards the nurse station. “well done Kier that was brilliant” Crilly sighs shaking his head “and you’d have done better?” Kier frowns “I don’t know I’d have probably started with the explanation before I mentioned Drew” Crilly frowns picking up Shanes sketchpad? And showing him a drawing presumably of Drew “well you saw him I didn’t want him to suffer a second longer than he had to-” I zone out of their conversation and turn to see Shane running past the doorway at the end of the ward again but in the opposite direction. I sigh loud enough to cause Crilly and Kier to stop bickering and face me “it appears somebody gave him directions are we following him or not?” I ask “actually what kind of condition is Drew in?” Crilly asks concerned turning to face Kier “bad.” Kier responds “really bad” he gulps.

Shanes P.O.V:

I run down the corridor ignoring the nurses shouts to ‘slow down’ and suddenly stop walking back a few steps and look at the sign above the door “this is it” I mumble scared to myself before ringing the bell outside the door and using the hand sanitizer with the sign above it which reads ‘use before entering the ward’. I hear a click and assume the doors have unlocked pushing them gently. I’m hyper alert taking in every smell, sound and colour as I walk straight to the reception desk. I can’t help but notice the massive fish tank smashed as I walk over “I’m here to see Drew Woolnough” I say quietly eyeing the fish tank with suspicion “oh don’t worry no one smashed it intentionally” a nurse reassures noticing my worried expression. I can’t help but wonder how one accidentally smashes a massive fish tank built into the wall but I don’t question it. “he’s one the ward first right followed by the second left” a nurse smiles pointing at one of the coridoors leading off from the center of this specific group of wards. I nod worried “do you need help getting there?” one of the nurses asks “oh don’t worry I’ll take you I’m on a break anyway” another one smiles not giving me a chance to answer. She grabs my elbow and leads me in the right direction “so is this the first time seeing him?” she asks gently I just nod “do you know what to expect?” she asks I shake my head “okay well this ward is for the people in worse conditions” she says sympathetically. I swallow my mouth feeling dry. Worse condition what does that mean? I wonder to myself. “I’ll leave you then” she smiles stopping outside the ward “any questions come find me. I never asked your name?” “shane” I say shakily “come find me shane” she smiles before disappearing off in the direction we came. I want to follow her. Retrace my steps and walk straight out of that door back to Kier, Laurence and Crilly. Back to a place where I can pretend he’s fine. I know he’s not though. I take a deep breath mentally preparing myself before walking into the ward.

The ward is mostly empty of visitors, one woman sleeps on a temporary cot by a childs bed but apart from her not a visitor is in sight. It’s quite harrowing seeing all these people, some children with wires attached to them all alone. I notice toys and cards litter the bed sides of most but one or two people don’t even have that. I can’t help but feel sorry for them. I realize I’m at the end of the ward and are about to turn back thinking there must have been a mistake when I look at the man in front of me again. That can’t – that can’t be Drew. I look at him a tube leading up to his nose, wires snaking from his body. A consignment  of machines surrounding him. The blanket stops at his waist allowing me to see the electrodes attached to his chest. Bruises cover his body varying from a green colour to almost blacks and purples. I can’t help but notice the massive bruise on his face and the small scar stitched up. I stifle a sob for a moment before I can’t hold it in anymore and I let out a loud cry. Luckily the sleeping woman is the only one here so nobody can hear me.

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