Chapter 11: His name is what?

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Drews P.O.V:

“they’re taking ages” I say discontentedly to Laurence and Luke “they are” Laurence says worry in his voice “they will there’s a lot to talk about” Luke says simply. “stop playing with that” Laurence say anxiously and I remove my hand from the tube snaking into my stomach “sorry it’s hard not too” I admit giggling a little at the end. I notice the corner or Laurence mouth lift into a smile briefly before he frowns again. “if you get it infected they won’t remove it”  he sighs “I know” I sigh. “it’s so boring in here” I moan. I notice Laurence smiling out of the corner of my eye “well it is a hospital” he says becoming serious again “I guess” I frown “and this is ICU” Luke adds.

They talk to me about the band for a bit, apparently I play some kind of guitar and sing backing vocals. I can play piano too, it’s all very strange. I notice the way their eyes light up when they talk about the band and wonder if mine used to do that too, I can’t help but be a bit jealous. We’re still talking about the band, some tour we did apparently, when Kier and Shane come back. Shane looks reluctant and his eyes are red, he’s definitely been crying. The others shoot him worried glances. I wonder if it’s something I’ve done? None of them have said so or even looked at me angrily so I assume it’s not. I hope I didn’t upset him, I don’t know much but Shane seems like a kind gentle person.


I wake up to the sun crawling up the sky, my first sunrise, well the first I remember. Everyone is asleep apart from Shane he’s watching me, his eyes tired fighting sleep. “hey” he murmurs when I realises I’m awake “I never thought my first sunrise I remember would be witnessed from a hospital bed” I say sadly. Shane yawns lifting his long limbs to stretch before leaning forward “I can tell you about our first sunrise if you like?” he says quietly, I can’t help but notice he sounds sad too. I feel like a horrible person causing him all this pain, he might have been better off if I’d just died. I realize he’s still watching me intensely and I’m frowning “I’d like that” I say quietly.

“it was after a gig actually” Shane smiles beginning to recollect the tale. “it had been amazing gig, hardly anyone came but it was like that for a long time” he laughs “I bet the guys just told you about the crazy crowd filled shows right?” I nod “It wasn’t always like that we’ve played to a lot of empty rooms” he smiles at the thought “anyway this was about a year maybe more into the band and it was a small gig but it seemed big at the time” he laughs then quickly stops conscious of the others sleeping. “they all wanted to go for drinks to celebrate but I’ve never been much of the party time” Shane admits “so we found a subway and walked to the local park” “Subway?” I ask confused. Shanes smile falls for a moment “a sandwich place, I’ll take you some time” “I’d like that” I smile, Shanes smile returns “we went to the park ate our sandwiches, talked about the band, the future just stuff you know?” I nod even though I don’t, not really “by the end of the night we were a couple, we watched the sun rise my arms around your waist” he finishes. He’s smiling but I notice a lone tear in his eye. “that sounds nice” I sigh “I wish I could remember it” Shane looks at me sadly “me too”

“Mr Woolnough?” a nurse asks interrupting us “yes?” “we’re ready to prep you for surgery now” she smiles. My throat goes a little dry so I nod “you’ll need these guys to leave” she says apologetically, again I nod understanding. “I’ll wake them” Shane says softly getting out of his chair and beginning to attempt to wake Laurence. I learn a lot about the guys from the way they wake up, Laurence gets up fairly easy though with slight reluctance, Luke is just up no questions asked and out of the room saying “see you later Drew” as he disappears before I have a chance to react. When Shane tries to wake Kier I can’t help but laugh my nerves disappearing temporarily, they resort to pulling his chair from under him, Kier continues trying to sleep on the floor “he doesn’t really get woken up” Laurence explains “I noticed” I giggle, in the end Laurence resorts to picking Kier up and carrying him out wishing me luck on route.

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