Chapter 22: Are you asleep?

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Drews P.O.V:

“So do you want to get straight to business or just chill out for a while first?” Crilly asks as me and Shane sit down in the living room. There isn’t enough sofa space for six so Shane sits on the floor, I lie next to him with my head on his lap. I’m really tired. “well Drew looks like he’s going to pass out” Kier smiles sympathetically, I get tired really easily these days. “Netflix?” Crilly asks “Netflix!” the others shout in agreement. I just look at them confused “dear God” Kier starts pausing for dramatic effect “he doesn’t know what Netflix is” suddenly five pairs of eyes stare at me shocked, really?! “I’ll go get my laptop!” Crilly shouts enthusiastically running out of the room. Okay then? “you’re adorable” Shane mumbles ruffling my hair. “this is going to be gold” Luke whispers “imagine his face” Kier sniggers back. Do they not realize I can hear them “oh they realize they just don’t care” Shane whispers. I really need to get my mumbling under control.

“Got it!” Crilly grins plugging it into some cable then plugging the cable into the tv? I watch confused as he types something into the internet “Drew can you lift your head up off Shanes lap for twenty seconds please?” Kier asks lips pursed as if trying to hold in a laugh. I oblige looking at him really confused “So what do you want to watch?” Crilly asks, I turn around to answer then look at the tv, what the hell is that? “okay so there are a load of tv shows and films on there, just pick one and I’ll check if it’s on here” he smiles “I – er, what?” The guys burst out laughing and I go crimson. After a moment of utter bewilderment I choose “any marvel film? I think I live marvel films?” and Shane nods reassuringly. The guys decide on a film called ‘Iron man’.


“that – was – so – good” I mouth to Shane slightly in shock. Shane just laughs at me, I can feel the laughter in his chest. “I wish I could retwatch that for the first time again it’s insane isn’t it?” he smiles, I nod sleepily. “right well we should probably talk about why you’re here before we watch the second one” Laurence says as he gets up “THERE ARE TWO?!” I shout excitedly “try three” Laurence shouts back walking out of the room. How are they all so calm about this? “Because we’ve all seen them before dunce” Kier laughs before getting up and going to help Laurence who I can hear pottering about in the kitchen. I really need to get my mumbling under control. “a-are you allowed to just make stuff in other peoples kitchens?” I ask confused “You are here” Crilly smiles petting Davey on his lap. A couple of minutes later Kier shouts “A LITTLE HELP PLEASE!” and Luke disappears too before they all reappear with cups of teas and coffees “it doesn’t compare to Costa” Kier sighs “I think you mean starbucks!” Crilly retaliates before drinking a whole can of this ‘rockstar’ stuff?

“right so lets get to business” Crilly smiles putting the empty can on the floor. The atmosphere seems to get tense all of a sudden. I suppose to an extent our livelihoods depend on this, Jobs were quit for this band and with no instruments we can’t make money this way anymore. “that’s for you Shane, I know she’s not the best but she’s treated me pretty well” Crilly nods at the guitar case in the corner. Shane gently lifts my head off his lap and goes over to investigate “oh it’s your telecaster” Shane mumbles lifting it up to get a feel for it “the pegs are a bit shit” Crilly admits “it’s okay I’ve got my old ones still” Shane smiles pulling them and the seal from his pocket “well that’s that sorted for now”

“we managed to raise some funds for you through ashes” “oh you didn’t have to, that moneys yours you earned it-” Crilly cuts Kier off “you’re like brothers to us is the situation was reversed you’d do the same”. We can’t deny that, he’s got us. “how much?” Laurence asks tentatively. “about two grand, I know it’s not that much but-” “NOT THAT MUCH ARE YOU INSANE?!” I shout running over and embracing him. “how did you make that much through just merch?!” Laurence asks shocked “well we didn’t per se, we started a kick starter. It’s not finished funding yet so you might get more. We added a bunch of perks from us but you guys might have to sign and draw a few things” “that’s fine! That’s more than fine” I exclaim “the moneys already hit the band so er equipment shopping tomorrow?” “YOU BET!    We should celebrate!” Kier grins. Everything’s an excuse for a piss up with him I swear “YEAH LETS WATCH IRON MAN 2!” Drew shouts causing us to all laugh, bless him. “any chance of digestives?” he asks timidly.

Drews P.O.V:

“I’m excited for tomorrow” I whisper turning to face Shane causing the bed sheets to become a mess “me too Drew, go to sleep” he mumbles tiredly “but I can’t I’m too excited!” I whisper enthusiastically “You’re not even getting anything Drew!” Shane groans burying his head into his pillow beside me “guys I know the sofa bed isn’t that comfortable but can you please shut the fuck up” Kier growls from the floor. “oh calm down you idiot” Laurence laughs lovingly before they start mumbling and snickering amongst themselves. I do not want to know what they’re doing right now. “thank god it’s dark” Shane whispers beside me. I try my best to hold in my laughter but fail and probably wake the whole house up. “why are you so excited for tomorrow anyway?” Shane asks seemingly given up all hope of sleeping. “because I’ve never been in a music shop before! Or at least not that I can remember” Shanes dead silent for a while “oh I didn’t think about that” he says quietly. Footsteps interrupt us and Crilly opens the door and turns on the light; blinding us and exposing Kier and Laurence “OH GOD GUYS REALLY?!” Crilly groans. I don’t even dare to look. “I was going to say it’s like a girls sleepover with the noise and giggling coming from down here but I highly doubt that now” Crilly laughs “I don’t know why don’t you ask Kier? I’m sure he’s been to a few?” Luke teases “are you implying I’m a girl?!” Kier gasps “no I’m calling you a paedophile. Now get off Beveridge and go to sleep”. Shane stares at me wide eyed and I still don’t look over “I’m going back to bed” Crilly sighs signalling for us to shut up before he disappears.


“are you still awake?” Shane asks “yeah” I whisper barely audible over Kiers loud snores. Seriously that guy can snore. “are you still excited?” “yeah. Why aren’t you asleep?” I ask slightly louder this time “I don’t sleep to well anymore and it’s cold” now I listen I can actually hear Shanes shivering in his voice “this’ll warm you up” I smile snuggling closer. Shane stiffens up for a moment before relaxing again. He’s asleep in minutes.

A/N: Well guys this got uploaded sooner than I expected to upload again. It's not very long, I started work on the next chapter and that's going to be a lot longer. I'm going to try and wind this fic down in the next few chapters I think as I feel it's starting to drag on. I have an idea for another, actually I'm basing my English coursework on it! Again it depends on how busy I am. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Feedback is welcomed!


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