Hard Life

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I looked at myself in the mirror. The swirls on my body weren't fading any bit. I touched my face. Everyday I hope that it'll just go away, but it doesn't. It just stays on me.

I heard Freya meow. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth in my arms. She's my kitten. She's a silver tabby and is the cutest thing on earth.

She's the only thing that can make me smile.

I pulled my shirt on and my black boots. I made sure my sleeves cover my palms too to hide the tattoos on the top of my hand.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I pulled my hood up and made sure the shadow covered my face.

Yay. School. Home is no better, I told myself. It's true. My sister was always favored. She took all the beauty and fame and left me with pale skin. The only thing that's good about me is my hair.

I have nice, silky hair that flows onto my shoulders. It has a streak of light blue on the side of my head.

The tattoos are light blue intricate swirls in a pattern. There was one special pattern at the end of my eyes. There's small specks of snowflakes near all the swirls.

It started again from my cheeks and down onto my neck. It swirls around my chest and then travels back down my arms. It continues down on the side of my legs and curls around my ankles and ends at my feet.

My parents know about it. They just don't care. They're too busy with my sister. Seriously, half of our budget goes to my sister's 'needs'.

My parents are divorced. I don't know why. But my dad treats me way better than my mom does. I wonder why. But I don't see him often.

My sister's name is Holly. She's older than me and has a boyfriend. She got an actual room instead of the converted storage closet I got. Is she spoiled? Yep.

I walked into the car to find my mom waiting there at the driver's seat. "What took you so long?" She snapped.

I shrugged. Holly isn't even here yet, I said in my mind. A few minutes later, Queen Holly stepped in and slammed the door shut.

As usual, my mom did her daily compliment on Holly's clothes and how she did her make up and hair. The car started. Then we drove off.

We reached my school first. I walked out. It was a beautiful day today. Well, not to me. If it gets too hot...I might not be able to control my power. I mean sometimes if I get angry, my power gets out of control.

I walked into the school and to my locker. I opened it and placed my stuff inside. A blonde haired boy came, his piercing blue eyes eyeing me.

I groaned quietly. The school's top hot guy: Devon Thomas. He comes here everyday to torment me. I continued to put my stuff away as he walked over.

"So, Eirwen," he said with his playful voice of his. "What are you gonna do for lunch." He slammed the locker next to me with his hand and started leaning on it. We have everyone's attention now.

I didn't answer him and continued taking stuff out.

"When are you ever gonna take that hood off?"

I didn't say a thing or acknowledge him.

"Are you gonna answer me? You always keep quiet everyday. It's getting boring."

Silence again.

"Why don't I just pull that hood off?" I could feel his hand grasp the back of my black hood, pulling it back.

I grabbed his hand sharply, making sure his denim jacket was in between my hand and his skin . Although the hood covered most of my head, it still showed my eyes. I gave him my death stare, gripping his hand.

I saw a flash of surprise and then a grin. "There you go!" He said. I let him go and fixed my hood.

I slammed my locker shut and went to class. Shows over. It was the first time he tried to pull off the hood. I know he'll try again. I gotta be careful.

I sat down in the back at the last seat in the corner. The bell rang and people began to fill into the room. The second bell ran a few minutes later and the teacher walked in.

The lesson began. The teachers respect me and my hood. The call me up now and then. I answer questions now and then. But they usually leave me be.

This is a hard life, but I have to live with it. I would do anything to be normal and not have any powers. But nothing takes it away. I just have to deal with it no matter what.

Part 1 of Shattered Ice! Liking it? Did I explain her life clearly? If not, write it in the comments! But please be civilized about it, I have feelings too! Remember to vote!!

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