Bad Luck

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"How can you be completely fine?" I said. "I still have your blood stains on my sweater." I put my books in.

"I don't know," he said with a playful grin. "I guess that means I'm a man." He was leaning on the locker next to me with his leather jacket over his shoulder and his arms crossed.

"You're still a teenager," I said. I dropped one of the books and quickly picked it up. "Where were you? You haven't answered me."

"Why? You-"


"Just went to have fun from a while."


"You know, parties, drinks."

"Just that?"

He sighed as he grinned. "Fine, and had some sex."

"You waste all your money just for condoms don't you?"

"Yep." He brought his arms around me. "And I saved 2 of 'em just for you." I pushed him off as he laughed. The bell rang as I closed my locker. "See you later, princess." Then he walked off.

Two days has passed since he got robbed. And during those 2 days, he stayed home. And when he came back, he claimed that he had completely healed.

And he's beginning to replace Devon too. He came to wait at me locker just to have a small chat with me. He should've learned by now that I'm not a conversationalist.

I quickly walked off the class.

Archer dragged me off the bus. "Can you let go of me?!" I snapped as he pulled my across the sidewalk.

He laughed. "You really hate being touched don't you."

"You just noticed?" He laughed as we came to his house. "Why are we here? You touch me again, I will punch you."

"Here, give me your bag," he said, holding out his hand. I looked at him curiously.

I did as I was told. I placed my bag in his hand. He took it and went inside. He came back out without it. "What are you doing?" I said.

"Don't worry, you'll get it back. C'mon." He pulled to a blue Honda.

Fear immediately coursed through me. We're not going in there."

"Yes. We are." He chuckled. He dragged me in.

"No we're not!!"

"Oh c'mon! It's not that bad! I know it's dirty and I haven't cleaned it in a while but it's fine!" He pushed my into the shotgun seat. The car looked exactly like Carol's. My heart began to beat faster.

He went to the other side and sat down. He started the engine. "Make this quick!" I snapped as I crossed my arms. I pulled the seatbelt over me and slammed it locked.

He drove off the driveway and began driving on the road. I stared at the moving road before us, trying to block out the flashback.

But it overwhelmed me. I was sitting in the exact same spot. But instead of Archer sitting at the wheel, Carol was.

We were just laughing and talking. We continued when a gray Toyota came zooming out.

I screamed. And reality popped back up. My scream accidentally scared Archer, causing him to nearly crash into another. "What the hell is wrong with you?!!!!" He yelled.

He parked and turned to me. I didn't acknowledge him and continued staring at the road, breathing hard.

"Eirwen?" His voice became more gentle. The I suddenly threw off my seatbelt and yanked the door open. I ran out as Archer called my name.

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