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It was just another normal day at school. I waited for the bus. It arrived and then I got on. After a few stops, it reached the subway. I got off and walked to the stairs.

I got onto a train. My mom could've picked me up everyday after school but Holly needed my mom to pick her up too. And my mom couldn't pick me and her up.

So I have to take the bus and subway. Yay.

It reached my stop. I got off and walked up the stairs. I began to walk down the sidewalk. I turned the corner and began to hear yelling.

Two boys were fighting. One had black hair while the other had red hair. The black haired one seemed amused by the redhead.

The black haired was chuckling to himself as the redhead was yelling. I sighed. They just had to fight here. I continued on my way.

The redhead got pissed off and shoved the black haired. The black haired stopped laughing and his face darkened.

The black haired slammed his hands into the redhead, making the redhead fall. And I was right behind the redhead, so he fell on me. I crashed into the ground with a yelp, my stuff falling.

I fell on my forearm, causing a wound to form. I groaned and staggered up. Two guys came and quickly helped the redhead up. They left, yelling at the smirking dark haired.

I gently rubbing the wound. The dark haired boy turned to me. It's the first time I saw those sharp green eyes. I could literally stare at them the whole day.

He was tall, a few feet taller than me. You could call him hot. I did. I could see his abs through his shirt. Did this guy work out?

I shook my head. I don't think these thoughts should be in my mind.

"Sorry about that," he said. "Robert just pisses me off." He walked to me. His smirk didn't waver as he moved. He saw my arm. "How's that going?"

I just glanced at him. I bent down and began picking up my stuff. I could feel my cheeks burning. He began helping me. We finished. He handed me the textbook and planner.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"What's with the hood?"


"Can I see your face?"


"I'm new here. It's a pretty good neighborhood. I mean I just met Robert a few minutes ago and began fighting, it was pretty fun."

"New and already causing trouble?"

He chuckled, his sharp green eyes amused. "It's one of"

"I saw your planner. I think I'm going to the same school."

"Really? That's nice." I didn't know what to say.

"You don't sound happy about that."

"No! I'm very happy."

"Good. I'm Archer, by the way. Archer Trayton." He held his hand out.

I looked at it, thinking if I should shake it. I mean, no one ever tried to acknowledge my like that. And it was probably a good idea if they didn't.

I probably shouldn't shake his hand, I might conjure some ice. I kept my hands still.

"Well...ok... No handshake is fine. Do you ever take that hood off?" His smirk faded a little but popped back up. He stepped closer, I stepped back. "Whats your name?"

"Eirwen Cho."

"Doesn't Eirwen mean blessed snow or something?"

"I... I don't know. I gotta go..."

"See you at school! Sorry about that! Bye!" He went on his way, leaving me there. I walked to my house, still thinking.

He didn't judge me about the hood. He wanted to see my face. He wanted me to take it off. I mean everyone did, but not in the way he did.

I walked in and cleaned the wound. Then I stuck a band aid on it. Archer Trayton. What kind of last name is that? I never heard of it. Whatever. I'll see him tomorrow at school.

For once, I felt excited.

I closed my locker. I haven't seen Archer yet. That's ok. I had a feeling I wouldn't see him. I wasn't too excited anyway. It's not the first time I liked a guy.

I slung my bag over my shoulder. I walked to class. I saw down in the corner again. I pulled out a book and began reading.

A few minutes later, he walked in. A cluster of girls trailed behind him. He seemed to be ignoring them. The second bell rang and they all scrammed.

He sat down next to me with a sigh. I kept reading. "You know your name sounds like Arwen. Like that elf from Lord of the Rings."

"I didn't know you read the books," I replied without looking up.

He chuckled. "I didn't read the books, I watched the movies."

"That's cool."

"Are you ever gonna take that hood off?"



"Shouldn't you be making friends other than talking to me?"

"I have plenty of time to make friends."

"How about finding a girlfriend?"

"There's too many hot ones out there. And besides, I might find one once you take that hood off."

I didn't know if he was talking about me or not but I could feel my cheeks burning. "Oh really." My voice was unemotional. It's always like that.

"If you want." So he is talking about me. I could feel my heart flutter. I saw my hand glow a little. I gasped and quickly dropped the book, hiding my hands into my pocket.

When I feel a special emotion, it triggers my power and make my tattoos glow. Sometimes it's only the ones on my hand or on my face. But if I get angry enough, all of them glow.

"What was that?" Oh great. Did he see?

"What was what?"

"Never mind, must've been my eyes playing with me."



Shattered IceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora