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"Ok guys! Today I'm gonna put you into groups of 4!" The teacher said. She began to go around grouping us. Since I was last, I got grouped last.

She came to me a few minutes later. "You're with Pamela, Caleb, Yusaf and Devon." Perfect! Devon!! "You will also have an extra person, Jason. Please move into your groups."

I did as I was told. Pamela and I were alright. You could call us friends but we're not that close. I mean we're closer than we are to those boys.

I sat down onto the floor next to her. She smiled at me. Then she leaned over and whispered into my ear, "This is gonna be so fun with Devon here." It was a sarcastic comment.

She, like me, didn't really get along with Devon. The boys came and sat down, forming a circle.

"So you are in your groups now," the teacher said. "Now you will divide the work amongst yourselves."

I eyed all the boys. "Since there's and extra person, me and Pamela can do the research, right Pamela?"

"Yep. You guys can split the rest of the jobs among yourselves," Pamela agreed.

"Here, why don't we do this?" Devon said. "Me and the boys can do the motivation while you girls can do the rest?"

Me and Pamela gave him an unamused look. "Not gonna happen, dolt," Pamela said. "Our job is research, that's that."

Devon rolled his eyes. "Same ol' Pamela, always telling people what to do."

"She only tells people what to do because people like you are morons," I snapped.

The rest of the boys "oohed". Devon chuckled to himself. "This is gonna be fun."

"If we don't get a good grade, me and Eirwen are just gonna tell the teacher that we did our part and you guys didn't."

"So, jokes on you," I finished.

"C'mon, Eirwen, let's go research on a computer."

We quickly grabbed a computer and began researching. The period ended half an hour later. Me and Pamela stayed a little longer to talk, since it was last period, about the project.

"I'll research at home," I said, packing my stuff up.

"Yeah, I'll do it too," she agreed. "I'll see you tomorrow, bye!"

"Bye!" She left the room.

I quickly zippered my bag up and pulled it over my shoulder. I went to my locker, my footsteps ringing on the floor. The school was eerily quiet since everyone left.

I opened my locker and quickly grabbed my stuff. I closed it and walked to the door. It was closed for some reason. It's usually opened during dismissal.

I punched the doorknob, locked. Weird. I quickly ran to another one, locked again. Was so seriously locked inside the school?

I went to check the office. The lights were off and the door was locked. What? The workers usually stay an hour late or so.

They probably have a meeting or something. Time to call someone. I pulled out my phone and clicked the first person on my contacts.

It turned out I had clicked Archer, since "a" is always first and his name starts with an a. I put the phone to my ear. He picked up.

"Hey, princess, wassup?"

"I'm locked in the school."


"I don't know. The teachers aren't here and when I checked the office, no one was here."

"Is that why you're late? We still have our little trip remember?"

"Right. But I'm locked in the school, so..."

"Go to basement. There's a janitor's closet and on the doorknob is a keyboard. Type in 4567. It'll open and there's a hook on the left wall with some keys. The silver one unlocks all doors. There's two doors that lead outside across from the closet."

"How do you know this?"

"Well, that's why I always have detention."

"How did you find out the code?"

"I saw a janitor do it. I'll pick you up, there's no buses at this hour."

"Fine. See you."

"Bye, princess." He made a kissing sound and laughed. I made a disgusted face and hung up. I quickly jogged downstairs and found the closet.

I saw the keyboard as told and quickly typed in the numbers. I found the keys and the doors. I unlocked the doors and then put the keys back.

Then I quickly walked out. I walked across the field. I came onto the sidewalk and saw 3 people leaning and talking on a tree.

One of them was Devon. I had to walk that way but I didn't want to. I sighed and went on my way.

I came near them. "So you managed to get out," Devon said.

Why am I not surprised? Devon was the one who locked me in! Anger rushed through me. Stay calm, I told myself.

I turned around. "Seems like I did," I said nonchalantly.

"Congratulations," he said. "I didn't think you would."

"Don't underestimate my abilities," I replied. Seriously, don't. It work be pretty.

"Don't underestimate mine either," he told me.

We stared at each other for a minute, our eyes locked. A car pulled up, breaking the lock. I turned. Archer stepped out of it. "Hey, peeps!" He said, jogging over. "Wassup?"

"Devon," I said. "Locked my in there."

"Really?" Archer asked, looking at Devon.

"Yup. Congratulations to me," Devon answered.

"Whatever, c'mon, Eirwen, let's go," Archer said.

"Came just to pick her up?" Devon said testily.

"Yeah, why?" Archer asked.

"I don't think she deserves it," Devon said. "How about you, Arch, let her walk? It's good for exercise!"

He just had to say that?! That is just making Archer in a difficult position. Archer stood there, looking at me and Devon.

I sighed. "I can walk. I walked 2 miles, I can walked 4." I glared at Devon and then began my long, long journey.

Hate Devon, or not?!!! And the question is: who would you date in this story? Devon? Archer? Holly? Eirwen? Remember to vote!!!

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