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Howard led us into the dining room where my dad sat there waiting patiently.

"Eirwen, you can take off your hood, everyone in the house knows about it," dad said.

I pulled it off, sitting down. We began eating in silence. Today was spaghetti and meatballs.

"So, Archer," dad said. "Do you play any sports?"

"Uh, yeah," Archer said. "I play basketball."

"Are you on a team or...?"

"Nah. I just play for fun."

"Oh. Are you good?"

"I... I don't know. I think I am."

"Ok. Anything else?"

"Uh...maybe a bit of swimming?"

"Ok." My dad's voice sounded like he was approving it. "So, how are your grades?"

Archer's face reddened. They're probably relay bad. "They're...decent. For me."

"Ok. What's your hobbies?"

"Well, basketball, of course." He chuckled nervously.

"That's fine. So, what's my daughter's favorite song?"

"Dad!" I said, glaring at him.

"Let him answer," dad insisted.

"I-I think its 'Strange Love' by Halsey."

"Mmmm. Ok, good. How about her favorite superhero?"


"Favorite food?"



"It's getting late dad, so I'm thinking I should go to bed," I interrupted, taking the last bite of my spaghetti. I stood up.

"What time is it?" Dad said, checking his watch. "It's still pretty early. Why don't you guys just go explore again? There's still a lot to find! I need to get some paperwork done anyway."

Archer gave a small relived sigh. He quickly stood up and walked next to me. "Bye, dad!" I said, waving.

We quickly walked back out to the garden. "Your dad is scary," Archer said, looking up at the moon with his green eyes. I could feel his fingers curling around my hand.

I chuckled. "That's what happens when you date me. Besides, he thought there wasn't a high chance that I'll get one."

"Well, surprise to him."

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I don't know! You'd know how I'm feeling if you were me!"

"And thankfully I'm not. There's a creek somewhere." We walked out of the garden and entered a huge grassland and on the side opposite of us were some trees. "I think it's somewhere in those woods."

"Are you sure it's safe, I mean it's nighttime."

"I'll just turn anyone who attacks us into ice."


"C'mon, King of Gondor!" I dragged him across the grassland. It took a while to get to the woods but we were there soon enough.

We entered it, the trees soon swarming over us. We walked deeper into the trees. It was quiet and I could hear the crickets chirping.

After a while, I could hear running water. We can to an opening and there sat the creek. I looked at Archer who walked forward, putting his hand into the water.

Small fish swam around, avoiding his fingers. He took them out and began watching the fish swim. I bent down next to him, the water near me turned to ice. I sighed for the hundredth time in my life.

I waved my hand and the surface of the water turned to ice. All the fish continued, ignoring us. I stood up, carefully stepping onto the ice. The ice didn't crack so it was alright.

Archer stepped on next to me. "If you make this ice break, I will kill you."

"And my father, Elrond, will kill you after."

He rolled his eyes. "Protective fathers."

I walked across the ice, making more as I moved forward as the ones behind me dissolved. Then after a few minutes, I stepped off and barely gave Archer enough time to jump off before I melted it.

I grinned at him as he shook his head.

I climbed into bed, laying on my stomach. Archer turned off the lights and got in with me. He laid on top of me, his body warm.

"Today was ok," he said. "Your dad's house is nice though."

"Say that to him."

"Why don't you move in?"

"He won't let me. He thinks that if I move in, I'd start thinking that he's a bad father because he never has time to spend time with me. He's a lawyer, that's a lot of work."

"But it's way better than living with your mom and Holly. You actually live with someone you know that loves you." 

"But it'll be even worse that they don't show it."

"Why did your parents divorce?"

"I don't know. Neither one of them would tell me."

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