Not Worth It

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I slammed my locker and at the corner of my eye I saw Archer walk. I didn't think that he'd come back.

My fist clenched even tighter around my bag. I turned around, ignoring him. I quickly walked to class.

I managed to get through the whole day without him coming to me.

I quickly walked out of school, knowing that he'll be trailing behind me.

"Eirwen!!" He called. I ignored him and continued walking. "Eirwen! Wait!!! Please!!!"

I still walked and pretended like he wasn't there. I felt his hand grab my arm, turning me around. And as I turned, I punched his face as hard as I could.

He fell to the floor with a yelp, clutching his bruised cheek. I glared at him.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I said squarely.

He jumped up, putting his hands up. "Ok, ok. I won't," he assured. "Just let me explain."

"Explain what?" I snapped. "That you only dated me for your boss to succeed in taking my power and then destroying the world?!!!!"


"You what?"


"You have nothing to explain for yourself!!!"

"Yes! I do!"

"I should've know why you really dated me!! I know nothing about you! I slept with you!! I trusted you!!"

"So did I!!!"

I punched him on his other cheek. Now his cheeks were both red. He staggered back. He seemed determined to get me back. He looked up at me with determination firing up.

"I didn't want to!!!" He yelled. "I didn't want to give him your blood, take you there, or for him to destroy the world!!!"

"Then why did you do it?!!!!!!"



"I COULDN'T!!!!!!!!" People were staring at us now.

When they turned back around I turned my voice back to it's normal pitch. "Why?"

"I...I don't know."

"Why not?"

"Agnidev has some kind of force on you that I can't explain."

"Do you even know who you are? Is your name really Archer?'

"Sometimes I don't know who I am, ok? And yes! My name is Archer."

"You are so obnoxious!!" I punched his face a third time.

"Can you stop that?!"

I glared at him. "Sorry, can't." I slammed my heel onto his toes. Then I smacked his head with my textbook. His body was thrown around and he landed hard on the conctrete. "Why don't you fight back? Didn't your boss teach you how to fight?"

I kicked him. I managed to kick him again when to guys came running and dragged me back. "Hey, Archer? You ok?"One of them said, quickly helped Archer up.

Archer nodded as he wiped blood off his lips. His familiar green eyes peirced into my brown ones. I was surpised to see that there was no anger in them. There was only determination and guilt.

I pushed the guy holding me back off. I fixed the strap of my bag. I did one last glare at Archer and walked off.

"Eirwen, wait!" Archer said.

"It's not worth it, man," I heard one of the guys say.

Listen to him, dumbo, I said in my mind. You're gonna have to do something so heroic that I can't stay mad at you.

Hey, guys. So, do you think they're gonna get back together? Do you want them to? Do you ship them? Answer them in the comments!! Remember to vote!!!

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