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A whole week has passed, me and Archer were having the time of our lives.

We were eating lunch in silence. I interrupted it. "Dad?"


"What happened with you and mom?"


"Tell me. I wanna know." Archer continued eating while his eyes glanced at both of us.


"Tell me!!!" I snapped.

"Fine." He sighed. He placed his fork on the table and wiped his mouth. I waited for him.

He began. "You know how we divorced a few months after you were born?"

I nodded.

"Well, we weren't expecting you. We didn't want 2 children. I mean, I didn't mind but your mom did. She wanted to abort you."

I felt hurt by this. I mean I'm not surprised, but I still felt hurt.

"But, as you know, I think taking a life away just because you didn't want it is the most stupid idea. Me and her got into a huge fight."

"What happened?"

"Well, we managed to calm ourselves. You were born and the fighting began again. She wanted to put you in the orphanage-"

"Wait, what about my powers?"

"You didn't have them at that time. That's when I couldn't stand it and I divorced her."

"Why didn't you take me with you?"

"I wouldn't have time to take care of you!"

"How did you persuade mom to keep me?"

"I didn't."

"Then why did she?"

"Maybe because she still loves you," Archer suggested. "Maybe she just wanted to do what you wished on your behalf because she loved you."

"Why did you even keep this from me? It's not as bad as I thought!"

"We didn't know how you would react! I mean, you can be pretty unpredictable."

Archer nodded knowingly. I glared at him.

"A few years later, your mother calls me and tells me that you're weird. That something's happening to you. She described how ice was pooping everywhere and that these tattoos were growing on you."

"And then?"

"I went to your house to check on you. She was telling the truth."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"And now you're all grown up! You even have a boyfriend!" Archer's face reddened.

"Do you approve of my boyfriend?"

My dad thought for a second, staring at Archer. "He's alright. But just saying, you do anything, I come at you with a gun. Got it?"

Archer nodded obediently.

My dad sighed again. "I'm gonna go to sleep, you two can have your...candlelight dinner."

"Dad!" I snapped. But he was gone already. I turned back to face Archer.

"So, he doesn't mind me dating you," Archer concluded, wiping his mouth.

"He'd have to deal with it anyway. Why wouldn't he approve? You're a good guy anyway."

He nodded, making a I-know-right face. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I really want, princess?"


"To swim."

"Swim? Like swimming pool?"

"Exactly like that!"

"I think my dad has one in the basement."

"What do you mean you think?"

"I don't know. I've never really been there."

"Why not?"

"Uh. Because of my power." I made a 'duh' face.

"Can you swim?"

I gave him an unamused look. I shot ice at his food, making him jump. "No."

I stood up and walked out as he chased after me. I wasn't mad. I just didn't like it when people asked me if I could swim. It's like everyone in the world has to know how to swim.

It makes me feel weak. Like a weakling. I'm already made fun of, an outsider. I don't need to be hurt even more. I guess you could say I was mad.

Archer grabbed my arm. "Hey, princess!" He turned me around. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know that you were sensitive about swimming."

"It's ok. You didn't know anyway."

"How about I teach you?"

"I don't wanna learn."

"How about we just go for fun? Tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I guess. But if I turn that whole pool into ice with you in it, don't blame me."

"Don't worry, I won't!"

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