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I collapsed on the bed, throwing off my shoes. I really should've take Archer's invitation.

I was just walking for an hour when he pulled the car up and told me to get in. And then I bluntly told him, "If I can walk 2 miles than I can walk 4." Freya climbed onto the bed next to me.

I checked my phone and realized Archer had called me 34 times and texted me 65 times. I deleted them all, too tired to read them.

Then I got a call from him. I picked up. "Hey, princess," he said. But it wasn't as cheerful like he always did.

"What?" I said, stroking Freya's fur.

"You know we still have that trip..."

"Do it tomorrow, I'm too tired. And when you pick me up, make sure it's not that Honda."

"Don't worry, I'm using my mom's. Tomorrow right?"


"Are you sure?"


"Are you really sure?"


"Ok. Well, see you tomorrow, elf princess."


"Bye." I put my phone on the table. It was too early to sleep. So, with my sore feet, I walked into the bathroom. I filled a bucket with warm water.

I brought it under my desk. I sat down, putting no my feet in. Then I pulled my homework out and began doing it.

I quickly finished up and poured the water out. I took a shower and went to bed, not caring that I didn't have dinner yet.

I walked to my locker where Archer was, on his phone. I ignored the pain on my heel and continued. I walked passed him and opened my locker.

I shoved my stuff in and took my books out. My pencil case slid out and fell to the floor. I sighed quietly. I bent down and picked it up, slamming the locker shut. That got Archer to look up from his phone.

"Oh, hey princess!" He said. "Didn't see your butt there!"

I rolled me eyes. "So when you talk to me, you stare at my butt?"


"Whatever." I turned.

"Wait, my schedule changed because I was messing with some girls-"


"Yeah, you know the usual. Kissing, touching her-"

"Yeah I got it."

"So, I think I'm the same class for first period as you. Science, right?"

"Yeah." I walked to class, the pain on my heels increasing. I entered the class and took my usual seat. Archer took the seat next to me.

Then Devon walked in. "Hello," he said cheerfully.

"Hey, man!" Archer said, the slapped their hands together in that boyish way. Devon took the seat in front of me.

"So, Eirwen," he said. "How was that walk?"

"It was, actually, pretty nice," I said sweetly, containing my anger. "Like you said, it's good for exercising. A bird told me that a long time ago, when you were young, it and it's friends had accidentally pooped on your face. That's why it looks like crap."

Devon's face burned with fury. Wow, he seriously looks like a tomato. He shot up and slammed his palms on my desk. "Say that again," he growled.

"Sure!" I said enthusiastically. "As I had my nice walk, a little birdy told me that-"

"I know what you said!"

"Then why did you ask? Trying to hide that you're deaf?"

"You-" the bell interrupted him. Students began swarming in. "You little nitwit, I'm going to-"

"Hey, bro, Devon, why don't we just sit? Besides, she's just gonna make you even angrier," Archer suggested, patting Devon's shoulder.

"Fine," Devon growled, sitting back down. The teacher came in.

"Alright class!" She called. "Form into your groups! And Archer, you can join Harry's group!"

I sat down on the floor as my group came. Devon glared at me. Pamela eyed me. I leaned over to her ear. "I insulted him," I told her.

She snickered. "Too bad I wasn't there to see it. Anyway, me and Eirwen are doing our part. What are you guys doing?"

"Well," Yusuf said. "I'm organizing the board."

"I'm drawing the diagrams," Caleb added.

"And I'm doing the writing," Jason finished.

"What about Devon?" Pamela said.

We all turned to him. He looked at us. "Me? What do you think I'm doing? The motivation!" He snapped.

"He's not getting any credit," I said.

"Nope!" Pamela answered.

I walked into the car as Archer beckoned me to hurry up. I climbed in, pulling the seatbelt over me. "Where we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said slyly. "So, how are you and Devon?"

"The usual."

"You know he'll try to get you back."

"I know. And I don't care."

He laughed. "You, princess, have guts."

"Just noticed?"

He grinned at me.

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