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I walked across the wet floor, watching the water ripple. I was at the pool to find the name again. I don't know why. I just felt like it.

I told my dad what happened. I told him everything. About Agnidev, Archer, etc. Then he left because he needed to go to make a phone call.

My shoes thumped on the tiles as the lights flashed on the water. I found the name across from me on the other wall.

I looked as the water made it look deformed and squiggly. I looked at it.

"Why don't we do that?" A voice said. The voice was familiar. "Write our names on the wall?"

"We're not going to do that," I said automatically without thinking. Then I realized someone was there.

Archer. No duh. He stood there. The bruises had almost healed. I glared at him. "How did you get in here?" I said.

He was there, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. "I sneaked in."

"What do you want?"


"You know that's not gonna happen."

"Why not?!"


"And you're still living!!!"

"I'm getting my dad!!" I stepped to the door but Archer grabbed my arm.

"No! Wait!"

I yanked my arm out. "Don't touch me!!!"

"Ok! I'm sorry! Just, please! I wasn't acting!"

"So you weren't acting when you kissed me?"

He shook his head.

"How about when you hugged me?"

Another shake.

"I don't believe you."

"Just please!! I-"

"I'm calling my dad." I tried to get to the door again but he grabbed my arm for the second time. He twisted it across my chest, tying me in.

"Get off me!!!" I snapped, trying to break free. I held up my free hand and a blue ball of power appeared. "Don't make me!!"

"You wouldn't," he said into my ear.

"Try me." I was about to throw it at him when he threw me to the side, barely dodging the ball.

And it so happened that the pool was there. And guess what. I fell in.

I yelped as I splashed into the water. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath. I could feel my hair floating everywhere.

I felt my body sink slowly. My heart thumped quicker by the second.

Calm down, calm down, I said. Before you turn this whole pool into ice.

I was gonna take a deep breath when I remember I was under water. I cursed in my head.

I didn't know how much time passed. All I knew was that I was gonna die. I was gonna drown!!!

Stop it! I chided in my head. You're just gonna make it worse!

My lungs were begging for air. I felt my feet touch the bottom of the pool.

When I thought my lungs would burst, I felt an arm go around my waist and knees. Someone was here!! They pulled me in to a familiar body. It was Archer. It had to be.

I didn't care. I just need air. That's it. I felt the water rush against my face as I was brought up.

I gasped for air, coughing, when I reached the surface. I wheezed and opened my eyes. I was right. It was Archer. His hair clung to us forehead while his arms held me.

His green eyes looked down to mine. We just stared at each other for a second. The he broke the silence.

"Are you ok?" He said. He didn't move anywhere. He just strayed there in the middle of the pool. Our faces were closer than I wanted.

I nodded. "Thanks for pushing me in and saving me." Half of my voice was sarcastic and the other half was relief.

"No problem."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Archer Orlando Williams. I don't know who my parents are because I got taken away when I was a baby."

"Got taken away by who?"




"Look, we can be friends. But I'm not sure if we could date again."

"Why not?"

"I don't know if I can trust you."

"But I just saved your life!!"

"But you also almost killed my before that."

"...I... I'm sorry."

"I guess I can forgive you since you saved me. We can be friends."

"But I don't want to be just friends."

"I... Look I wanna date too-"

He pulled me in and his lips touched mine. I hafta admit: I missed kissing him. He was a good kisser, just saying.

If don't push him off, like I had a choice. He was the one that was keeping me alive right now.

"Hold your breath," he mumbled into the kiss. He bravely gave me enough time to before shooting under water.

The water rushed back up but this time I felt safer. He was hugging me so tightly. His arm around my knees dropped away and traveled up my leg and around my waist, joining the other arm.

We just continued kissing as we sank slowly. After a while, my lungs began begging for air. And thankfully, so did Archer's. He let took his lips off and swam back up.

He looked at me with his green eyes. I couldn't help but notice how our faces were so close together. "Are you gonna date me now?" He whispered.

"You know one kiss doesn't solve anything," I reminded. "But sure. Yeah."

He smiled. Kissing me again.

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