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"Don't you ever wish that you could just lose your ice powers?" Archer asked, his fingers tracing the swirls on my hand. We were on my bed and I was sitting in between his legs.

I snuggled against his body. "Yeah. Most of the time," I answered.

"Is there a way you can take it away?"

"I don't know. But one thing I don't understand is why it doesn't affect you."

"I have no clue either."

"Why would you?"

"What if I could find a way?"

"I doubt that."

"But what if I could?"

"I... I don't know."

"Would you let it go?"

"I told you, I'm not Elsa."

"I know that, princess. Now tell me."

"I don't know. Why are you asking me anyway?"

"Just wondering."

"It didn't sound like it."

"Your birthday's coming up." How he abruptly changed the topic was making me suspicious.

"Yeah, why?" It was true. I had completely forgotten about it as usual. A few months has passed. Winter was slowly emerging. No more birds, sun, heat. Winter is me. I am winter.

"Nothing, just asking."

I looked at him. His eyes traveled around the room and then met mine.

"What is going on in that mind of yours?"

"Nothing." He sighed and he slumped a little farther down, his arms tightening around my stomach.


"Yup, princess. Nothing at all."

"I don't think so." I held up my hand, a snowflake appearing. I let it run around my hand.

"I never seen you do that before." He held his hand out and I let the snowflake float into his hand. It melted instantly.

"That's because I only did it when I was little." I let another pop up. "Why do you always leave?"

"I just have a but if stuff to do in other places."

"What stuff?"





"Yep. Deliveries."

"Can't the post office do that?"


I rolled my eyes. "You gotta stop lying to me."

He smiled. "But you still love me."

"Unfortunately, yes I do."

"Ok, dare do today: make it snow in the room."


"Make it snow, go ahead."


"Make it snow, princess! Or I'm gonna start singing 'Let it go'!"

I groaned. "Fine." I raised my hand, closing my eyes. I concentrated. I opened my eyes as a snowflake popped up, bigger than is ever made.

Then I let it float up to the ceiling. I didn't know how to make it snow, I was just improvising. Then I made it burst apart, showers of snow falling.

It was a light fall though. Nice, peaceful and graceful. I looked at Archer who was gawking.

"How's this?" I said, raising my arms.

I turned back to him. He kissed me. "You're way better than Arwen. Good thing you're mine, princess."

"I'm not yours."

"Yeah you are."

"No I'm not."






"Archer Trayton, I am not yours, I am your girl-"

"See! You are my girlfriend!"

"Whatever." The snow continued to fall as we talking. They collected on our hair and on our bedsheets.

"Hey, princess."


"Ever have sex while it snowed?"

I immediately popped up and out of bed. "So, King of Gondor, you should be heading for home now!" I raised my hand, stopping the snow. "Get out!" I pointed to the door.

He stared at me. "Just because I said-"

"Out! See you tomorrow, King of Gondor!" I dragged him up and pushed him out the door, slamming it shut.

Hey!!! Sorry for this chapter to be so boring! But have you ever wondered why her father divorced her mom? Well, if you haven't, better think now! So, try to answer the question in the comments and remember to vote!!

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