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The man on the throne opened his eyes.

A little boy walked in. "Sir, have you located the anti- human?"

"Yes, I have. But they hide it well."

"Maybe we should find another."

"No. I could sense her power. It is strong. I want it. Bring me a Retriever."

"On my way, sir." The boy left, leaving the man. The man sighed happily.

"Once I catch this one, I could be powerful to destroy the whole world," he mumbled to himself. The boy came with a teenage guy. "Ah! Yes, Retriever. I have a job for you."

"Yes?" The teen said.

"I have found another anti- human. I believe it is a girl." The teenage guy nodded. "I want you to meet her, make her trust you completely. Then give me some of her blood."

The man nodded to the little boy who brought out a small bottle. The little boy handed it to the teenager.

"This is where you will keep her blood. Learn her weaknesses. Bring her here, then we will dispose her. Do you hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"Any questions?"

"No sir."

"Good. Now be on your way. Remember, let her trust you."

The teen nodded obediently and then he left.

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