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"Here's her blood," the Retriever said. He put the little bottle in the man's hand. "But I have to warn you, her power is ice. That's the complete opposite of your power."

"Don't worry," the man on the throne reassured as he held the small bottle up to take a look. "The powers I have taken from the other anti- humans will sustain me."

"But you've never come across an ice one before!" The Retriever protested. "The others have air, fire, telepathy, morph, and more! And coincidentally, never one that had to do with water!"

"I have enough power to endure it!" The man said. "Now, in a few months, you will bring her to me. But make it slow so she won't suspect a thing."

"Yes, sir."

I woke up to the feeling of a band aid on me, literally. There was one right on my arm. I groaned and sat up. Where's Archer? I looked around and realized he left his sweater here.

I clumsily got up and went to the bathroom. I peeled off the band aid and saw a small dot. Did someone put a shot in me? Who put the band aid on me?

This is really weird.

I sighed, slapping the band aid back on. I quickly got ready for school. I went back outside and saw a post it on Archer's sweater.

I went over and read it:

Had to go, mom called. Love, Archer aka Aragorn (the guy who gets the sexy elf) :)

I smiled. I quickly pulled on the hood and my bag on. I went into the car and my mom drove me to school with a cranky Holly.

"I don't get it!" She said. "I was just sleeping-"

"With your boyfriend," I added.

She glared at me. "And then I just find ice stuck on me! I was just stuck there!"

"Really?!" Mom said, looking into the mirror. Her eyes narrowed at me. I gave her some innocent eyes.

They dropped me off at me school. I went to my locker, surprised that Archer wasn't here. I opened my locker and a note fell out.

I picked it up and looked at it.

Had to help mom with job, be back tomorrow. Archer

I shook my head. I shoved it back in my closet and went to retrieve my stuff. Devon didn't come to bother me, which was good. I quickly went to class.

I walked into my room to see Archer sprawled on the bed, asleep. I smiled as I pulled my sweater off. Then I spotted something on his hand.

I quickly walked over and inspected his fingertips. There was blood on it. What's going on? He probably has a reasonable explanation.

He looked so peaceful. I'll wake him up later. I quickly sat down on the floor, my desk had no more space. I began doing homework.

Half an hour later, while I still was doing homework, I felt a hand run through my hair. "Hey, princess," a drowsy voice said.

I looked up to find Archer kissing my lips lightly. "Hey, King of Gondor," I replied.

"Why're you on the floor?"

"Because there's no space at the desk."

"Why didn't you come on the bed like a civilized princess?"

"Because you were on it, fatty."

"Well, now you have space." I watched him as he moved over. I grabbed my stuff and pulled it onto the bed. Then I hopped on.

I leaned on the bed's headboard as I put my binder on my lap. I pulled out my pencil and continued doing my homework. I felt Archer's arm come around me.

I could feel his fingers on his other hand trace my tattoos. "Where were you? You're always leaving suddenly and come back with blood on you."

"I don't have blood on me!"

"Uh, yeah." I stopped doing my homework. I grabbed his wrist and pointed at his bloodied fingertips.

"Oh, that!! ...My mom had a nosebleed."

"Oh! Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

"So where did you go?"

"I thought I gave you a note. I was helping my mom work."

"But you said she had a nosebleed."

"Yeah... She had a nosebleed at work."

"Oh. Well, how was work?"

"It was ok."

"What did you do?"

"I just brought messages around the building. Like my mom needs the boss, who is at the 5th floor, to sign something so she tell SM to bring it to him."

"So you used an elevator?"

"No, the elevator was broken. So, I had to use the stairs."

"Awwww, my poor King," I said, pretending to sympathize him. I patted his cheek. "Is that why his royal highness is so tired when I came back from Rivendale?"

"Yes," he said with a grin. He changed his voice a little deeper. "And isn't her highness tired from the journey from her lovely home to my powerful castle?"

"Yes, in fact I am," I said, putting my head on his shoulder. "But I'm quite thankful that my lovely King is getting a bit of some exercise."

"Are you serious?!!" Archer said, his voice back to normal. He jerked back, my head sliding off. I raised an eyebrow.


"I do exercise!"


"I have abs!! A six pack!!!" He lifted his shirt up to prove his point.

I put my hands on his cheeks, giving him a look as though he was a kindergartener. "I know, your highness, and I'm very thankful."

I gave him a small kiss. "Now put you freaking shirt down! I don't wanna see your abs every second of the day!"

He laughed. He shoved his stomach into my face, making me full on the bed. I laughed. Then he bent down and kissed me. So far, I'm liking this relationship.

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