Chapter Fifteen

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(This story is coming to an end.. Very, very soon..)

"Mitch! Mitchell Hughes!" He jolted awake with a gasp as a ruler slammed against his desk, making the class cringe. The boy ducked his head, staring down at his lap and muttering curse words under his breath.

"It is not nap time, Mr. Hughes. I expect you pay attention in class. We would not want a detention, would we?" Grape scolded. His voice lacked anger. He was more amused by this than peeved. "Make sure to get enough sleep so this will not happen again.. Now class, turn to page 552! Go ahead and read, Jason."

Mitch sighed, putting his head back down on the desk anyways. Grape saw, but didn't comment again. The Canadian let a hand rest against his left thigh.. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened..


One moment he was kissing the love of his life.. The next there was a searing pain in his thigh. Mitch shoved Jerome away from him, stumbling backwards with a cry of pain.

Jerome glared at him, knife clutched tightly in hand. Already the rain was washing off the blood. He was panting, the look in his eyes savage and animalistic. "Fuck you! Stop playing with my emotions, you bastard! I don't love you! Get that into your thick skull! I... Love. You."

With every word, Mitch could feel his heart crumbling. He was breaking. Instead of snapping back some snarky reply, he just fell to the ground, landing in a puddle of mud and blood. He curled up on himself, his sobs concealed by the thundering storm above. He was a mess. He couldn't breath. He couldn't think..

Footsteps by his ear.

He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing shallow and uneven. "Please kill me..." He whispered.

A soft sigh.

"Just do it..." He mumbled again.

Two warm arms slipping under his shaking body, picking him up. He was too frightened, too hurt, too broken to open his eyes, to say anything. Mitch just laid there, unable to focus on anything. He was carried through the courtyard and out of the school gate.

Nobody said anything.

People were bound to see.

There were people looking out windows. Children playing in the rain who stopped to stare. Hell, there were even people in front of the school, who saw them.

Those people were Ethan and Sketch.

They were talking in low voices to each other. The ginger boy shifted his feet, pouting up at Ethan as the man muttered something to him. What they were saying was unheard, and Jerome didn't really care. They did, however, glance over at #Merome, frowning before turning away.

A warm blast of air hit Mitch as the wooden door swung open. Jerome kicked it shut, placing the bleeding, quivering boy on top of the kitchen counter. Luckily, his mom wasn't home. Jerome ignored Mitch's soft whimpers and opened the cabinet, digging around for some hydrogen peroxide and cloth bandages.

The man grabbed a pair of scissors, using them to cut away where the uniform had gotten stuck to the wound. He pressed a cloth against it, but yanked it away when Mitch hissed. Biting his lip, he muttered something under his breath and just started pouring the liquid into the wound. Everytime Mitch winced in pain, he did too. Finally, after the bubbling and stinging of the medicine stopped, he wrapped his friend's thigh in the bandage.

Mitch allowed himself to be picked up again, this time being carried over to a couch and set down gently. He finally opened his eyes, vision blurry and hazy. Every breath he took was a challenge for himself. His eyes followed Jerome as the boy sat down on the opposite couch and turned on the TV, flipping it to a news broadcast.

Young girls murdered at Team Crafted High School! Witnesses say this is not the first time something like this has happened.

The TV was shut off after that.



"Jerome." Mitch said, a bit louder this time.

"What, Mitch..?"


"Why what?" Jerome sighed. Now that Mitch could see, it was clear how tired his friend was. So, so tired..

"Why did you.."

"I don't know."


"Yes.. Biggums?"

"...I love you."


"I know. I love you too, bro." His voice was uneasy. The TV was turned back on, channel switched to Family Guy.

"..No. You don't get it. Jerome. I love you. I love your stupid ass, okay? I shouldn't, but I do. I wish I didn't, because it would make this so much easier. You'll never understand, Jerome."


"Fucking hell. What?"

"I love you too."

Flashback over

A knock on the classroom door. Mitch snapped back to attention. Everyone did. All heads turned to the door.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. We have another new student. Come on in!" Grape sighed. He was probably thinking Just another one to die.. . The teacher had taken a liking to all of his students. Hearing about their deaths.. Well, he had to stay professional. These conversations were meant for laying in bed, talking about his day with Huahwi.

A tanned boy stepped in, being trailed by the principal. Ms. Dawn placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling at the class. "Hello students! This is Vikk. I hope you will all treat him well."

There was something about Vikk that made Mitch feel uneasy. Maybe it was those red eyes.. Or sinister smile.. Or the metallic scent of blood on him.

The bell rang. Everyone jumped up from their seats, except for Mitch. His injury prevented him from doing that. He stood up slowly, walking towards the door. He was stopped by a small hand tapping on his shoulder.

"What's your name?" Vikk asked as he looked back, giving him one of those creepy smiles.

"Mitchell. Come on kid, it's lunch time." Mitch grabbed Vikk by the wrist, pulling him along. It didn't hurt to be friendly, right..? He then caught sight of a tall blonde boy. "Lachlan? Is that you? Where have you been?"

Lachlan squeaked, turning around. His eyes widened in terror as he saw who was clinging to Mitch's arm. He opened his mouth, but quickly shut it as Vikk shook his head. He couldn't of said anything if he wanted to, anyways..

Lachlan was now mute.


(Yes, at the beginning, Jerome meant 'I love you'. Mitch didn't hear/understand him because of what Jerome said at first.)

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