Chapter 2

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3rd person POV
         Derek woke to the sound of Stiles crying his head off. At first Derek was scared because he didn't know why Stiles was crying. He began to think of reasons for the one year old's behavior.

Derek's POV
I remember my mommy said that when I was a baby I cried a lot
He thought to himself
When I asked her why I think she said it was either because I was hungry or needed a diaper change...

3rd person POV
Derek decided to walk to the store that he usually stole food from but he remembered he was still in wolf form. He put Stiles down and went behind a tree so he could become human. He didn't want Stiles seeing him change because he was afraid it would frighten the child so after he changed he went through a pile of leaves and found his human clothes. He came back to where Stiles was still crying and put him in his arms. As soon as the six year old picked him up the baby stopped crying which is totally not what Derek expected. He thought he would be more scared because a stranger was holding him. Stiles wasn't afraid though, because he recognized those beautiful green eyes that the wolf also had, that made him feel safe. Derek smiled to himself before heading in the direction of the store. He carried Stiles in his arm searching for the diaper section.
"Oh what cute kids," said a lady passing by "where are your parents?"
Derek became a little uneasy.
"Uh they're just around the store buying food and sent me here to get some diapers for my little brother."
He replied to the lady and smiled.
She looked at them and frowned after realizing their clothes were filthy.
"Umm here take these ten dollars and buy your brother some candy or"
She looked at Derek trying to not make it sound rude.
"And if you're parents ask where you got the money just tell them you found it on the floor okay?"
She smiled one last time and waved good bye.
Derek was really happy because now he didn't have to steal the food for at least 3 days and could look like a normal customer...sort of...


Derek payed for a small bottle of milk and a sandwich for himself. He felt like he shouldn't waste the money on buying new clothes and instead could go to the dry cleaners to wash their clothes. Plus Derek liked Stiles cute red hoodie. He would also save it in case
They needed it for an emergency.

He finally gave Stiles his milk and Stiles eagerly gulped it down. Derek smiled fondly at the small child who he was happy to call his friend. He carried him in his arms and took him around the small town that he had spent most of his days in since the incident with the other pack. He even brought Stiles to his old den but soon thought about how it wouldn't be safe for Stiles there because the other pack may come back.
Derek went back to the cliff and sat there staring out into the city that lay beyond.
"Hey Stiles maybe one day we can go down to that city and live there ,and be rich, and have a lot of video games, and maybe own a big house with a pool."
Derek rambled to Stiles who smiled up at him.
"You'll always be my friend right Stiles?"
"F- fwiend" Stiles spoke his first word.
"Yes! Friend!" Derek became really happy knowing that Stiles now thought of him as a friend though he knew Stiles didn't really know the meaning of it.


He stood up and carried Stiles so they could eat dinner before they went to bed. He took him to a small chocolate factory in the town where he bought himself and Stiles some chocolate milk. They drank most of it while heading back to their little spot at the cliff but Derek realized something stunk. He had forgotten to change the baby all day and forgot he had stashed the diapers somewhere in the forest so he went in search of them. After 15 minutes of looking for them he found them in a small hole he had dug. He didn't really know how to change a baby but he looked for instructions on the packet. When he finally changed stiles he sang him a song his mom used to sing to him called Back to Earth by Steve Aoki but a more softer version ( it's really cute at the start and sort of defines how Derek was meant to be next to stiles I couldn't think of any other songs or lullaby's at the moment so yeah😂) until Stiles fell asleep. He set him down and went to get out of his clothes so he could change to wolf form to keep Stiles warm. In his wolf form he continued humming the song until he himself fell asleep to the thought of his beautiful mom singing the song to him.


Here's one that's a little longer for you guys😊and I hope you enjoyed it!💕I love how Derek tries to act like he's an adult I mean for a six year old he's acting pretty mature.. I mean taking care of an infant when he's never known how...and just putting that burden on the future though, you'll find out why he felt so attached to stiles when he first found him😉that's all I have to say and I hope you guys have a good rest of your night,day, evening, etc.😘

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