Chapter 10

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3rd person POV
"Derek get off of me!"
Derek opened one eye to see he was squishing Stiles and rolled over.
"You weigh a ton"
Derek only rolled his eyes.
He went to change to human so he could go with Stiles to town so they could hopefully see Y/n and ask her about the man he saw.
"Hey wanna go down to the park Stiles?"
"Yeah that sounds fun"
They got there and as always y/n was there. Derek didn't understand why she liked it so much anyways but he didn't really care he just wanted to ask her about the man that gave him that uneasy feeling.
"Hey y/n" they said walking to her.
She was alone today just watching the kids go by.
"Hiya kiddos! How was your birthday Stiles?"
"It was really fun!" Replied Stiles
"That's good so what's up?"
"Nothin..." Derek said trying to think of a way to ask her about the man "I couldn't help but notice you weren't with the man we saw the other day...who was he anyways?"
"Oh...I guess I never told you guys did I?"
They both nodded their heads no.
"Well he's my new boyfriend" she smiled happily "I met him at the new gym downtown and I guess he just moved here! He's very sweet and thought I should give him a chance!"
Stiles gave her this sort of grin because he had learned stuff about boyfriends and girlfriends here and there so he thought it was cute.
"His name is Peter by the way...hale I think"
Derek froze at her words.

Dereks POV

Did she just say Peter Hale?!? Oh no...he's probably coming up with a plan to kill me and Stiles what am I going to do?!I won't be able to be near y/n anymore because she's around him...but how am I going to keep Sties safe?!

3rd person POV

Derek was sort of just frozen in his spot and had remembered what his parents had said about Peter.
"Derek? Derek" stiles broke him out of thought "hey you okay there buddy your looking a little pale?"
"Umm it's nothing..yeah that sounds lovely y/n but me and Stiles have to go!"
He grabbed Stiles hand and ran into the forest.
"What was-that- about- Der?" Asked Stiles trying to get his air back
Derek briefly explained to Stiles the whole story his parents had given him mainly only saying that he was his dangerous uncle but not really telling Stiles that he might be after them.
"Oh well if that's it sourwolf, then there's nothing to be worried about I mean what if he changed?"
Derek shook his head no.
"You know now that I think about it...I think he might've been the man who had left me here in the woods...WAIT...IS HE MY FATHER?!" Stiles said,his eyes getting wide
"No no I highly doubt it...maybe he had to take care of you and instead left you here..."
"Oh it's because I thought it was family that had left me here..."
"Hmm...wait Stiles how do you remember that? It's been nearly 7 years or maybe 8 since that happened!"
"I don't know I kind of just remembered."
"Okay well we should just go out to eat and we'll talk about this later."
They were walking around the store looking for some good food to eat when Stiles stopped in the baby food isle.
"Oh hey these juices used to be so good!"
"When did you try those juices Stiles?"
"I think when I was parents...they would give me this...with like fruit snacks even though I was too young and should only drink milk."
"H-how are you remembering these things?"
Derek seemed really surprised but Stiles only shrugged his shoulders.
"Okay let's just grab our food and leave."
So they went and sat down on a bench.
"How long has this been happening?"
"What?" stiles said with a mouthful
"The memories."
"I haven't really seen I mean certain things seem to like trigger them I guess...there's things I didn't even know about like the juice but then I remembered it and my dad...his face looks sort of blurry in my visions or memories..."
"What if this is some sort of super power thing you have? Like a mind that can remember anything?"
"That would be awesome but I doubt it because I haven't read about it anywhere and I don't think there's such thing."
"Well there's no such thing as werewolves!" Derek smiled
Stiles only shook his head and finished eating his food.
"Okay you ready to go red?"
They went back home and Derek hoped that nothing would happen with Peter.
Two years passed and everything was quiet...too quiet for Derek's liking...even the animals had seemed to stop getting up in the mornings or moving around during the day which gave the forest a more eerie look.
"Hmm I wonder what is going on with the animals...haven't seen them around much." Said Stiles as they walked through the forest.
Derek was getting to quite old now. His wolf was still slightly ahead of him but they were almost the same. Derek realized he actually couldn't be much older than maybe 4 years from Stiles. That made him think a little bit about everything that had happened and how his parents died when he was at a very young age yet he remembered them clearly and how he was small when he began to take care of Stiles. He also thought about how his birthday was sort of off but he didn't care.

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