Chapter 15

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June 16, 2016

Hey I have A half day at school today since it's the last day until summer and I'm super excited!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I put a little bit of summer things Derek and Stiles do for some of their summer so I hope y'all enjoy that☺️I'm always open for requests btw! Sometimes I like get stuck on what to say so if you ever have a good idea just dm me💁🏻
" you want to tell me where in the hell you were last night?" Said sheriff Stilinski
"About that....I was at Derek's and I have a perfectly good reason!" Stiles said putting his hands up in defense
"Oh yeah and what's that?" He replied crossing his arms
"I-I just m-missed him?..." He said trying to come up with an answer that sounded good even though he was telling the truth. His dad looked at him with an 'are you serious look' expecting him to continue. Stiles looked at his dad and sighed.
"I just missed him...I mean he took care of me most of my life dad. So I just wanted to see him."
"So that's why you were going through my files yesterday..." He said thinking mostly to himself. "Okay well you could've just told me you missed him and wanted to go see him."
"You were sort of gone by the time I got the idea of  going to see Derek so that's why I didn't tell you...cuz like when you left after I had told you I was going to Scott's then he had called right after...Saying he was gonna be busy with his mom so...yeah."
"Yeah but that's why I bought you a phone son. So you could call me when I left and something like this happened."
"Okay sorry but that's not what we came here to talk to you about anyways."
"Okay...what is it?"
"I was hoping you would let me move back with Derek..." Stiles said looking down nervously
"No." He said then looked at Derek. " no okay. You're not safe."
"But dad you saw how I was acting for the past month...couldn't you tell I was miserable? I mean you wanted to know why I wasn't eating anything right? Well that's why."
He looked at Stiles with sadness in his eyes.
"Yes I noticed...and I'm sorry but I don't want you to get hurt again."
"Oh my god can you not see? I'm already here is hurting me because I'm living away from Derek and yes I love you and all but I barely know you and it's gonna take more than a month for me to get comfortable around you."
Melissa was just staring at Derek who was looking at Stiles and she could see the love and worry in Derek's eyes for him.
"Uh...hey sheriff... I'm sure Derek didn't intend for Stiles to get hurt in the first place..."
" I really didn't!" Derek bud in.
The sheriff stayed silent. Thinking.
"So dad...what's it gonna be...?"
Sheriff Stilinski looked around at them with his arms still crossed then stared at Stiles.

?"Sheriff Stilinski looked around at them with his arms still crossed then stared at Stiles

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Stiles begged him.
He looked them all over once more and Melissa gave him a small nod of the head trying say that Stiles would be okay with Derek.
"Oh okay!" He agreed and Stiles hugged him happily jumping up and down.
"Thank you so so much sir!" Derek smiled and Melissa watched as his eyes lit up. She smiled fondly at how adorable they were and happy. After Derek spoke, the Sheriff immediately turned his attention to him.
"And you!" He poked Derek's chest, giving him a stern look "promise me you will do everything to keep my son safe!"
"Yes sir. I promise." He reassured him
"Okay and Stiles, just promise me you'll call okay?" His eyes softened as soon as he turned to Stiles
"I will dad. I promise."
"Oh come in here all of you!" He said, pulling all three of them into a
group hug.
They said their good byes and Melissa stayed with the sheriff.
As stiles and Derek walked out shutting the door behind him, Melissa looked at the sheriff.
"What?" He asked, seeing her smile
"He really does love that boy." She said happily "you did a good thing by getting them back together."
"Well I wouldn't say Stiles looooves son isn't least not dressed like that." He said pouring himself some coffee and offering Melissa some.
As soon as they had shut the door to the Stilinski house Derek just began laughing of happiness and picked up Stiles bridal style and spun him around. Then ran with him in his arms to a field of grass up ahead
"Woah there big guy." Stiles laughed and Derek set him down on his feet.
"Dear Jesus I'm so dizzy." Stiles said while holding himself on his knees trying to stabilize himself again.
"Oh stop complaining! You enjoyed it."
Derek smirked remembering how Stiles likes it when Derek carries him and then laughing because Stiles is the one out of breath and tired even though Derek was the one running and carrying him.
"So partner in crime. What do you want to do on our first day officially back together." Stiles asked him
"How about we go and enjoy the apartment...maybe watch some movies on the computer your dad bought you....then pack up our stuff because I'm pretty sure I'm on the verge of being kicked out." He sort of laughed but felt bad that Stiles wouldn't get to sleep on a bed again for a while.
"Okay. Doesn't sound too bad" Stiles agreed smiling
When they arrived Derek told Stiles to find a good movie while he quickly showered. Stiles agreed but what Derek didn't know was that Stiles already knew which movies to watch. That's all Stiles had been doing at his dad's house, watching movies, so he already knew which ones were good and had his favorites downloaded.
He waited for Derek to get into the shower and was quick to begin building a fort as soon as he had gotten in. Scott had taught him how to build cool blanket forts while he was at his dad's house too.
He looked for anything he could use and found plenty of pillows and blankets since Derek just sort of had them at this time of year cuz it was cold and he just liked pillows I guess.
He finished his fort, went inside, got the movie ready, and waited for Derek to come out.
Derek walked out drying his hair. As soon as he saw the big fort on the floor he stopped.
"Uhh Stiles???"
"In here."
"Umm okay..."
He finished getting dressed and put on a jacket on top of his pj's since he was cold.
Stiles had already changed into some pajamas and was waiting
just waiting for Derek.
Derek peeked into the fort.
"Wanna join my little fort?!"

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