Chapter 7

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For a few more days Stiles and Derek picked flowers, making crowns so they could go sell them in town at the park. They had decided to sell them on a Friday so people had them for the weekend.
"Okay Stiles ready to go?"
"I thinks so...just help me carry them"
"Okay let's go"
Off they went to the park to sell flower crowns

"Get your flower crowns, only 50 cents each." Stiles exclaimed
They had decided to only sell them for about 50 cents so people wouldn't think they were over pricing them. They usually gave him about a dollar though because he was so cute and happy about selling flower crowns. Derek would help every now and then and if not then he would sit back on a bench and watch as people came up to Stiles to buy him flower crowns, then take pictures with him since he was also wearing one. Derek went over and helped Stiles sell a couple of more before they ran out.
"oh wow hey guys!" Said Y/N finding Stiles and Derek selling what she taught them to make.
"HI!" Stiles ran up to hug her and Derek just scratched the back of his neck feeling awkward.
"Sorry we're selling your inventions..." Apologized Derek
"No dudes it's totally fine, I never even thought of selling them so you guys are really smart, and plus these look Wayyyy cooler than mine!"
"Wow thanks ...y/n right?" Stiles said trying to remember your name.
"yup that sounds just about right" She winked. "Hey can I buy one from
You guys? I lost my other one and am too lazy to make another one."
"Yeah just 50 cents please." Said Stiles
She handed them a five dollar bill.(if you don't live in the US and don't know what a five dollar bill's basically 10 times the 50 cents so she payed them more than they needed.)
"We don't have change sorry" Stiles covered his face in embarrassment.
"If you want we can give it you for free I mean you did teach us how to make it." Derek added.
"Oh no guys it's just I also wanted a photo with both of you. Don't you charge for photo?"
They both nodded their heads no.
"Oh well it's okay you can keep the money it's not a big deal."
"Yeah" she smiled "now about that picture" she laughed while pulling out her camera.
They all put flower crowns on and took a bunch of selfies making cute and silly faces.
"Alright well I have to go, I'll see you around...and you should really think about charging for pictures because there were a lot of people who took them for free." She said as she was leaving.
"We'll consider it" They laughed knowing that they probably were going to do it.
The rest of the day went by fast as they soon ran out of flower crowns and went home with lots of money in their pockets. Derek kept it in a hole in a tree near where they were sleeping so they could keep track of it.
Stiles was the first to fall asleep and Derek stayed up pondering the thought about how nice y/n was.

Derek's POV
Wow y/n has been really good to us the last few days we've seen her. Maybe she'll be someone we can trust. Mom if you can hear me, please give me some sign about this girl. I hope I'm not wrong about her. As always I miss you and love you. I hope you're proud of me taking care of this child I call my friend...I know I'm eight and too young to but I was lonely and needed someone. Anyways good night mom love you and dad too.

He shut his eyes peacefully, and happy that they now had more money to spend.


"Derek...Derek wake up!"

"Uhhhh go back to sleep" Derek replies and pulls the strings on stiles hoodie

"Uhhhh go back to sleep" Derek replies and pulls the strings on stiles hoodie

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