Chapter 16

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June 22, 2016
Hey I'm back! Even though none of you have noticed I'm missing😂but I finally am able to post this chapter and idk why but I'm kinda excited and kinda not😁I lately, while in school, had a lot of inspiration and knew exactly what I wanted to write and how I wanted to write it but I never had time...and now that it's summer and I have all the time in the world to write all of a sudden I don't know how exactly I want the scenes to happen so I hope this is good enough for y'all enjoy😬💖
3rd Person POV
After getting his bat Stiles was obsessed with it. He took it everywhere and used it when he could to hit plants and see how good he could get at hitting the right spot. He rarely ever hit actual animals though because he didn't like hurting them as much. Derek would also practice with him every once in a while since he healed and he was helping Stiles with aim. Stiles was so obsessed with it though that he took it to stores they went to and they even got kicked out of a store because Stiles 'accidentally' knocked down an anti-gay sign with his bat. Derek was finally able to hide it from him for a while and Stiles was whiney because he just wanted his bat. Derek laughed at how cute he acted when he pouted but he refused to let those feelings he felt get to him...he just thought it was normal to think of his friend that way. The night Derek took his bat away Stiles couldn't get himself to sleep.
"Derek I can't get comfortable." Said Stiles
Derek moved around as did stiles to see if he could find a good spot.
For a couple of more minutes stiles wiggled around but couldn't seem to get comfy until Derek suddenly changed to human form and was dressed. Stiles hadn't even realized when Derek had gotten dressed but he felt a little awkward at the position they were in. Derek was half asleep though so he didn't care he just wanted to do whatever made Stiles fall asleep so he thought being in human form might help.

 Derek was half asleep though so he didn't care he just wanted to do whatever made Stiles fall asleep so he thought being in human form might help

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"Umm.." Stiles awkwardly said
"Shhh just try to sleep" Derek said sitting up and holding stiles close to his chest to try and make him fall asleep.
It was silent at first but Derek began humming the song his mom always sang to him making stiles cuddle close and fall asleep.
Derek stopped to listen and only heard stiles' small intakes of breath and he knew he was already asleep.
He looked down at stiles and sighed but a sigh of happiness.
"If only you knew..." He said looking down at Stiles and with that he closed his eyes and fell asleep
Okay hold up if only Stiles knew what?!?? What does Derek mean? Does he even know what he's saying? Or is he just like asleep and is talking nonsense because I don't think Derek knows if he has feeling for stiles yet or not! But okay small ramble go on ahead and keep reading☺️😘😂(I know I already know what happens but most of the time I don't know exactly so like I could change it to whatever I want so it's fun to act like a fan girl of my own book sometimes😂)
*phone ringing*
"Uhhh" Stiles groans
Then he realizes that he's still cuddled to Derek and blushes
"Umm Derek...derek wake up my phone is ringing and I can't move."
"Hmm?" Derek asks still half asleep
"Derek your grip on me is too tight and I can't answer my phone..."
Derek finally opens his eyes and immediately let's go of Stiles who is inches from his face.
"Nah dude it's fine haha hold on let me see who's calling." He says looking at his phone "hmm it's my pops."
Dad: "hiya son how you been?"
Stiles: "umm I've been okay..what's up?"
Dad:"well I was wonderin' if you boys wanted to head down to our lake house for a night or so?"
The sheriff asked with uneasiness. It was just going to be them, the sheriff, and Melissa because Scott was staying at his dad's and they had gone out of state. The sheriff hadn't wanted to invite them in the first place but Melissa had insisted and he did miss his son so he thought it wasn't such a bad idea.
"Okay." They agreed "should be fun."
Dad: Alright son then we'll meet you guys here at our house tomorrow and we'll head there when you get here sound good?
Stiles:"yeah sounds perfect thanks dad!"
Dad:"no problem kiddo but bye I'm finishing packing some clothes right now."
Stiles:"okay see ya tomorrow, bye!"
And with that Stiles hung up the phone.
"So Der!" Stiles grinned at Derek "we should go shopping for some swim clothes so we can get into the lake!"
"Okay sure..."
They walked to the store but the entire way there, Derek couldn't stop being nervous about tomorrow.

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