Chapter 13

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3rd person POV
"Yes ma'am?"
"I need to know the kid's name and age please."
"Umm I think he's about 15 and his name is Stiles...Stiles Stilinski."
She immediately looked up from writing and asked him if he had just said Stiles Stilinski. He told her yes and she sort of just smiled nervously.
"That's um- that's all I need thank you."
"No problem" Derek gave her a weird look but read her name tag "nurse McCall" then he went to sit down.
A kid named Scott was the first to walk through the doors of the hospital after the nurse had made many calls around.
"Mom?" Said Scott as his mom came out from behind the counter "is it true, is Stiles really here?"
She nodded her head smiling with a look of relief on her face and like she was gonna cry.
"What other kid do you know with the name Stiles?"
Scott became very happy and embraced her in a hug.
Derek was only sitting there in front of them watching them hug. How did they know Stiles and why were they so happy about it?
Next a man that seemed to be in his 40's walked through the door, dressed in a Sheriff's suit.
"Where's my son?"
"He's inside getting stitches to close his wound up."
They all hugged and were crying.
"This gentleman brought him in."
She motioned towards Derek.
Sheriff Stilinski immediately picked Derek up by the collar and pushed him against the wall.
"Where the hell have you had my son?!"
"Sir I'm sorry I don't know what you mean you're son? You're the one who left him with my uncle who left him with me in the woods 14 years ago."
"That's when he was kidnapped" The sheriff said with a look of realization.
They brought Stiles out and he ran to Derek first not knowing who the people standing with him were but Derek brought him in for a hug.

They brought Stiles out and he ran to Derek first not knowing who the people standing with him were but Derek brought him in for a hug

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"Stiles I'm sorry for not protecting you"
"It's fine Derek I know you tried your best."
Derek was actually crying in front of everyone which he never did but he had been so worried about Stiles.
"Stiles someone's here to see you." Derek said wiping his tears.
"Me" said sheriff Stilinski turning him around and bringing him in for a hug.
Stiles was sort of surprised and confused to who the man was but he hugged him. The man pulled away and looked Stiles' face over.
"Oh son you look just like your mother!" He pulled him in for a hug again
"D-dad?" This was another feeling Stiles hadn't really experienced, yes he had felt warmth and like he was home with Derek but this was different because Stiles had a love for Derek but more of a relationship type of love and not like the feeling of being hugged by his father.
"We need to let the city know, I'll head back to the station to tell everyone and let Scott drive you so you boys can catch up. Derek hadn't really agreed to any of this and felt like it was all moving to fast but he decided not to argue with the sheriff.
They got into the car with Scott and drove a couple of minutes in silence.
"It was your birthday that night."
"What?" Answered Stiles who was riding shotgun with Derek listening in the back.
"It had been your birthday and we were about to cut the small cake we had bought for you. I'm a year older than you by the way. But your dad used to always take care of me and so my mom was at work with your mom that night so it was just the three of us. It was a sort of cold night so you had your puffy red jacket on that had your name on it because you represented the Stilinski family. We had just put the candle on your cake but then we realized we didn't have a lighter to turn it on."
"Oh yeah...I think I remember were the little kid I couldn't be separated from, I was always with you no matter what, from being born to being 1 year old that night. I also remember you and my dad had left up stairs to find a lighter and left me alone at the table."
"We thought we could go and find the lighter quickly but when we came back you were gone and the door was wide open. For years all your dad and my mom have been talking about is finding you and now here you are buddy." He smiled brightly
"W-what about my mom?"
Scott stopped smiling
"......she died a couple of weeks later because she was hit with shock and depression... She couldn't bear living with out you and she was found dead in her bedroom with a suicide note."
Stiles felt like crying even though he hadn't known his mom as much. Derek was just silent in the back, blaming himself for everything that happened like if it had been his fault for all of this.
They finally got to the station and waited for the sheriff to come out. It was a while and stiles got cold and tired so Derek handed him his jacket and cuddled him close which was more of instinct since he always cuddled him when he was cold.

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