Chapter 17(nvm erased again)

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Finally...after all of this time😂😭😂I was able to write the new chapter after getting it deleted!😭😂🙊🙈I tried writing the same content but since I lost some good sentences it won't be the same😫atleast I tried though and I hope you guys enjoy it😊I know it's been forever and I'm sorry I made you guys wait but last night (or a purple of hours ago) I was laying in bed replaying that chapter I lost in my mind and all of a sudden bits of it began to come back to me! It was around 12:30 am and I don't know why I wasn't asleep but it was one of the best things ever😂as soon as they began to come back I pulled out my phone and began to type everything out😌😂💕so again sorry and I hope you guys enjoy this EXTRA LONG chapter since I've been gone for so long😣💖

Continuation of Chapter 17 Taste...

3rd person POV
Derek chased stiles through the forest causing stiles to trip and fall! Derek immediately freaked out and panic ran through him when he saw him almost fall straight on a big rock but then relief flooded when he missed the Rock and his foot got stuck on the branch and he fell on the dirt on the side. He sort of laughed at how funny Stiles had looked falling and realized that he was fine and just had a couple of scrapes on himself and had basically messed his ankle up, maybe.
"Stop smiling! It's not funny!" Stiles glared at Derek.
"Uh...yeah. It is." Derek chuckled.
Stiles only attempted to glare harder at Derek but just ended up looking constipated. (Lol sorry I just think that look would be funny on Stiles)
"Okay," Derek laughed, rolling his eyes "how about we go back home and get you cleaned up and fixed?" He smiled at Stiles who was standing on one leg because of his hurt one.
"Fine." Stiles huffed. Acting mad even though he wasn't.
Derek put one of Stiles' arms over his shoulders and tried to help , the now limping, Stiles home.
When they finally arrived they noticed that Melissa and the Sheriff were gone. They assumed that they went out to the small market nearby and Derek proceeded to put Stiles on the couch so he could find things to take care of his injuries with. As soon as he set Stiles down on the couch the sheriff and Melissa walked in.
A worried look crossed the Sheriff's face when he saw his son slightly bloody and with a pretty messed up ankle. His face then softened when he remembered how harsh he had been on them yesterday.
Stiles was the first to speak.
"Hey. Uh where'd you guys go?" He asked as the sheriff fully stepped into the living room and Melissa followed short after.

Okay I'm freaking done. I re wrote that chapter and it took me more than two hours and and I tried saving it and my phone told me I couldn't because low storage. And so I got out to delete stuff and and when I came back its all gone and this is what's left. These couple of starting sentences is all that's left of those 2500+ words! I'm currently crying while reading this because I don't know why the hell I can't just write this chapter and finish it.
It has all of my hard work and now I lost the rest and I'm beginning to feel like I'll never be able to get this chapter done. IM SO ENRAGED LIKE YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTAND! THIS WAS SO HARD FOR ME TO GET BACK ON HERE AND TRY TO WRITE AGAIN AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN IT ERASES. AGAIN! So I think I'm going to just go to bed and figure this out in the morning. I'm sorry... I was seriously so excited to get back to doing this and now I'm just done...I was writing it in the dark and I heard creepy things in my room every now and then while writing like breathing but I assumed it was mine and then foot steps but I just believed it was something outside and I don't believe in all of that stuff like ghosts and all but then this happens again and idk what to believe.😭I've had the worst past weeks because of what's been happening in the house and when I finally get motivation for just deletes again and I just don't know. I'm sorry to disappoint you guys again...


The Pup and The Boy (Dormant)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora