Chapter 21

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October 16,2016
You guys I'm so sorry for not posting in so long😭 I've been extremely busy lately with the fact that I have a lot of after school clubs I have to deal with and then homework so I'm sorry but I had a three day weekend and decided I finally had time to write some stuff😔😌 I hope you guys enjoy it and forgive me but also thank you so so much for all of the support💕 I don't deserve to have you guys reading my book even after I never post so thank you and if you really want me to post them just comment because that will usually hurry me up to do it faster😂👌cuz sometimes I'll forget and do other stuff but if you comment that you want me to upload soon then I will definitely listen to you😂😌❤️anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter and ILY ALL💕

Continuation of sneak peak...
"No yeah you guys can go out whenever you like!" The sheriff exclaimed as Stiles turned pink because of what it sounded like his father said.
"Thanks for inviting me guys!" Scott sounded thrilled.
3rd person pov
The day finally arrived where it was Stiles' birthday. The day didn't start as usual though since Stiles and Derek weren't alone in the woods. He actually woke up to the sound of music and the smell of cookies. His mouth watered and he got out of bed. He barely noticed Derek wasn't in bed with him but he shook it off and walked out of the room. Upon opening the door he saw his Dad and Melissa standing across the room with balloons and a cake.
"Happy birthday Stiles!" They screamed in unison as the birthday song blasted in the background from the kitchen.
"Awe you guys t-" He was cut off as he stepped out of the room. As soon as he made a step out the door Derek had tackled him and was now on top of him laughing.
"Jesus Derek you scared the crap out of me!" Stiles said breathlessly slapping Derek's arm. Melissa and the Sheriff laughed in the back and Derek just chuckled to himself.
"Dad! Melissa! Did you guys know about this?!" Questioned Stiles.
The sheriff raised his shoulders and Melissa looked away like she hadn't heard the question.
"Oh cmon Stiles you know it's not your birthday unless I've told ou happy birthday from above you!" Derek laughed "it's been our tradition since we were in the wood-" he hesitated, forgetting Melissa and the sheriff didn't know they had lived in the wilderness, "since we lived in our old house haha. I always wake you up by being over you although this time you were already awake but it was your dads idea I do this!"
"HEY!" Screamed the sheriff defensively. "Thanks for ratting me out Derek!" He laughed.
"Alright boys don't get your panties in a twist! How about we go and eat breakfast then cake and cookies!" Melissa squealed rushing to the kitchen. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"
The guys all looked at each other and made a bolt for the kitchen, Derek being last.
"Guess I'm the rotten egg." Derek smiled shaking his head.
Melissa served them their breakfast and they began eating.
"Hey Melissa..." Stiles spoke.
"Yeah?" Melissa looked up with a mouthful and smiled.
"I have two questions..." He signaled with his fingers.
"Ask away!" She said wiping her mouth and then stuffing her face again.
" it okay if I call you mom...?"
"Oh of course it is Stiles!" She happily smiled. "You know it is!"
"Okay I just wanted to make sure and have it be official," he smiled "okay and the second question is...where's Scott?" He asked looking around.
"Oh yeah Scott!" Answered the sheriff for Melissa because she was still finishing her plate. "He said he was gonna go out and get a friend from school so he could go with you guys to the lake house!"
"Oh okay that's cool!" Stiles smiled and they continued to eat their food.
Melissa finished her plate before anyone else and she excitedly got up as the oven beeped.
"Woah Melissa you alright there?" Laughed Derek as she quickly washed her plate.
"I'm perfect! It's just I can't wait for the cookies to be ready!"
"What cookies?" Asked Stiles
"Derek was helping me pick out breakfast foods and so we already had a cake for you but I accidentally put shaving cream instead of the frosting and so we needed another dessert. I was then telling Derek about how much I'd love to make chocolate chip cookies since they're my favorite but I didn't know how to make them. THATS WHEN DEREK TOLD ME HIS MOM HAD GIVEN HIM A RECIPE FOR COOKIES! Turns out his mom was one of the famous cooks from around the area back then and she made some of the best cookies but then...things happened and well we lost all her amazing creations but Derek told me he learned some of the recipes from heart and I'm very excited because his moms cooking was my favorite thing in the world." She spoke fast hardly taken a break.
"Wow. Breathe Melissa. Take a deep breath in and out. In and out." Stiles laughed and Derek smiled at how excited she was.
"Sorry I just can't wait till these cookies cool off!"
When the cookies were finally ready they brought them out to the living room and waited for Scott to get home. As they ate the cookies Stiles' dad explained to Stiles how his mom passed away when she was having him but she wasn't able to make it. Then they told stories of the first year they had with Stiles. He was a very fast learning baby whose brain had the ability to remember a lot of things. Atleast that's what the doctor had told them. It was almost like he had super powers but that's what they liked to think.
Melissa had almost finished all the cookies when the sheriff stopped her.
"Melissa! Leave some cookies for Scott and his friend for when they get here!"
"Whoops..." She smiled shyly putting the plate down.
"Hmm speaking of Scott...he's taking a little long isn't he?" As soon as Stiles said that his phone vibrated.

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