Chapter 23

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December 19, 2016
They woke up nice and early the next day. Stiles had taken off his shirt during the night because he had felt uncomfortable because of the sunburn so Derek cuddled up to him to keep him warm.

 Stiles had taken off his shirt during the night because he had felt uncomfortable because of the sunburn so Derek cuddled up to him to keep him warm

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Derek had done some research about the area a few nights before they came so he sort of had an idea of what they could do these next few days there. They got ready but Isaac and Scott weren't up yet so they decided to just hang out in the room for a while and watch a show or something. They were only a few episodes into the show Supernatural and Stiles was trembling.
"How about we watch something else?" Derek smiled at Stiles who he was now holding in his arms because he was shaking.
"Yeah I think that's a good idea..." Stiles laughed at how scared he had been. He didn't really know what else to watch and sort of just scrolled around. Derek hesitated to talk but he thought that now would be an okay time to talk about what he had been wanting to.
"Stiles..." He almost whispered.
"Hmm?" Stiles said looking back at where Derek was laying behind him."what's up Der?"
"Uhhh....H-how much do you know about mates?" He was nervous.
"Hmmmm...well I actually know a lot...I sort of studied it a while back when I first started learning about wolves remember? I even talked to you about it a little bit...why?"
Derek sighed nervously. "I- I think you! I think you might be my mate..." Derek said turning away from Stiles, not knowing what to expect.
Stiles was silent for a moment, eyes wide.
"D-Derek! Are you serious?! Like...are you sure?!?" Stiles said turning red from either excitement or awkward embarrassment since he knew how mates worked and if he was correct than that meant Derek felt very...different, I guess you could say, around Stiles.
"Y-yeah...I....I think so...I mean...that's literally what my wolf has been trying to tell me or actually telling me these past few years..."
Stiles flushed a deep red "is that why you rarely let me see your wolf or talk to him...?"
"W-wow...I mean I don't know what to say...I didn't think you were my actual I knew I really really loved you....INTENSELY...but I wasn't sure you felt the same back..."
"WHAT?! Stiles you know I love you! I've told you...I just didn't want to make you feel like I was rushing things and like...I also wasn't sure if you felt the same back exactly...well atleast until my wolf told me a little about mates and how you should have basically the same love I have for you but I'm human form...but still...I wasn't sure...."
"OH MY GOD DEREK!" Stiles laughed with happiness.
" is that okay? I mean I don't know what I'm asking but I guess are you okay with being my mate? If you're weirded out that's okay too..."
"Are you freaking serious right now Derek? There is literally no one else I would want as mate other than you! Like you literally just said it yourself! I love you back with the same intensity as you love me." Stiles blushed
"So we're okay?"
"YES OF COURSE WE ARE!" Stiles laughed jumping on top of Derek.
He began tickling Derek not really knowing if Derek was ticklish or not, but oh Derek was. Stiles had only heard his laugh a few times and this was going to be one of those. Derek could literally not hold in his laugh and he started squirming under stiles and laughing.
"Ahahah Stiles cut it out! Haha Stop! I can't....breathe." He said almost in tears.
Scott and Isaac both came in to see what was going on and when  they saw they both fell to the floor. They were crying and laughing too. Stiles was just happy that they were all spending such a nice morning together. They finally pulled themselves together and Isaac made breakfast for all of them.
"So what're we doing today guys?" Scott asked, taking a bite out of his toast right after.
"I hear there's a dance club/ karaoke place a couple of miles from here...I mean we could go to some stores like at a mall and then check that place out when it opens? I think I read it opened at like 3pm...I'm not sure but we'll have to see." Derek offered.
"Wow Der you know a lot more about this place than I do!" Stiles said smiling at him.
"Hey you're not the only one who knows how to work a computer Stilinski." He winked at Stiles.
"Well whatever we do it should be fun!" Isaac smiled.
"Yeah I'm down for doing what Derek said!" Scott joined in.
"Alright well it's official then!" Stiles said smacking his hands down on the table "we're going with Derek's plans!"
They walked around for a while, taking pictures and walking into stores to check out some things they could take back home.
"Baby say hi to the camera!" Scott exclaimed pointing the phone camera to Isaac.

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