Chapter 25

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January 3,2016
Omfg I just realized I wrote 2016 ^ even though we're already in 2017 *facepalm* anyways Since I felt bad about not giving you chapters on the days I wanted to then I decided to give you two chapters even though it's like a day later😂anyways since I'm starting school again and I probably won't have time to write as often as I was which was like every month😂 I actually decided to write once a week! Like instead of just posting randomly I actually want to have a day I post and so I actually wanted to know which day is better for you guys? COMMENT BELOW🙏like if I should post a chapter every Monday or every Wednesday just something like that😌okay enjoy the chapter guys☺️(also should I change the cover of the book? I'm not really diggin it anymore you know what I mean?)
Continuing from the last chpt...
"It's still like an hour or so until they open the club and plus I don't think we want to be the first ones in so how about we play a board game?" Isaac asked.
"Okay!" Stiles smiled and looked to Derek.
"I'll be there in a few minutes I'm just gonna finish cleaning around but you can go ahead." Derek smiled softly.
The boy jumped giving Derek a quick kiss on the cheek and rushing out with the guys.
Derek got caught up in cleaning almost everything in the kitchen that he ended up pretty dirty. He cleaned in places Melissa hadn't even discovered yet so some places were very dusty or oily. The boys were too caught up playing
UNO that they didn't even realize Derek had gone outside. He sat outside on the stairs leading to the porch and enjoyed the fresh air of the wilderness for a moment. His face calm and relaxed at how nice was to be out here and how clean and pure everything smelled. Sometimes smelling stiles' sweet smell could be too intoxicating. As much as he loved the smell, sometimes it drove him crazy because he couldn't get closer to him. That smell made him want to do un pure things he had never imagined until he basically understood all of this. Right now not being in Stiles' presence wasn't so bad though. It was actually quite calming. He sat there and turned on his super hearing, loving all of the sounds of nature that he heard. He smiled at how much he actually missed being out in the forest. His expression soon changed as he remembered what Isaac told him. He should be spending time with Stiles while he had the chance. Not that stiles would die or anything but before his uncle did anything to TRY and take stiles from him, because he wouldn't be able to touch a hair on Stiles' head. Atleast not over his dead or unconscious body he wouldn't.

Derek's pov
What am I gonna do? What are WE gonna do? His wolf sighed. I don't know Derek...does this ever feel weird to you by the way? What? Talking to me? Like I know we're technically the same "creature/person" and all...but we think completely differently how sometimes I just want grab stiles, push him against a wall, and fu- OKAY! That's enough. is weird, but you're sort of LITERALLY a part of me and I've learned to live around you since we're sort of like best friends. Although I wouldn't let my friend love Stiles the way I do so...yeah it's weird since I feel like I'm crazy for talking to myself and actually hearing someone respond but ehh it's been like this our whole life and it shouldn't be weird...and yes, sometimes I block you out and mute you but that's only because of the things you tell me to do so...yeah okay I mean that's understandable the wolf agreed making a funny face but man we will protect Stiles with our life before Peter can do anything to him. Also...out of context but.. Speaking of're getting to soft for my liking so man up please will ya? I feel like one of those teenage girls that Stiles shows us on his tv shows. I mean I thought I was the fun and girly one but you? Oh man you take that to a whole new level now. I'm glad you've loosened up a bit but remember you're strong and manly. Derek rolled his eyes. Yeah whatever I'll be more manly. Whatever? like totes bestie! That's so 3 seconds ago so like whatever! Let's be manliest now yassss. His wolf mimicked Derek, making fun of him. What so now there are certain phrases and words in my dictionary I can't use? Nah I didn't say anything... Okay sure. But in all seriousness we need to be prepared for anything that happens when we get back. We need to keep Stiles and I hidden. At least as much as possible since stiles will be going to school soon. I definitely need to get a job too since I don't want to run low on money but I'm not sure where. Either way be ready okay? I may ask you to morph to use your abilities since you are stronger. Okay I can do that easily you just have to give me the cue or literally just...morph dude..I mean we are one so... Yeah you're right okay but should we tell stiles about this? No let's not worry him. Let him enjoy his birthday week.

3rd person pov

Derek planned what they may do some more. He was still incredibly worried because from what Isaac had said, he already thought 8 werewolves was enough to take him down but more? That would be impossible.

 He was still incredibly worried because from what Isaac had said, he already thought 8 werewolves was enough to take him down but more? That would be impossible

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Stiles walked down and sat next to Derek which broke him out of his thoughts.
"What's up Der? You okay? I thought you were gonna come in and play with us." Stiles said, concern glazing his eyes.
Derek took a deep breath. " just enjoying how beautiful it is out here." He said feeling guilty that he lied. Even if it wasn't a huge lie in a way...he was keeping things from Stiles and he didn't want to do that.
Stiles hummed in response, sort of agreeing at the fact that this place truly was a beauty.
Derek spaced off a bit again, looking out into the trees. Stiles turned to subtly look at him and study his rough yet gentle features. He loved his eyes so much. He just wanted to gaze into them forever. His eyes traveled lower to his pecs and arms.

Stiles pov
Damn this man is all kinds of perfect. That shirts hugs him in all the right places. He bit his lip. And that stubble is just somehow perfectly shaped on to that jaw of his that can basically cut through glass. His hair. I don't even know what to say about his soft and fluffy hair, I just want to run my fingers through it. I mean I don't want to just run my fingers through his hair. I'd like to explore some more with my hands.

3rd person pov

Stiles was practically drooling at this point as his mind raced. Derek felt stiles' stare burn into his skin and he gently smiled looking over at the boy who had been silent for far too long.
"Yes?" He asked startling the boy.
"Huh?" Stiles blinked not even realizing how long he had been staring for.
"Stop staring at me it's making me uncomfortable." Derek lightly chuckled.
"Well I'm sorry for admiring your beautiful body and face!" Stiles smacked his arm.
Derek blushed at his comment.
"Awe is the little sourwolf blushing? Oh how cute..." Stiles held his heart.
"I'm not cute!" Derek lowly growled, flashing his bright glow stick eyes at Stiles.
"Ahh how terrifying!" Stiles sarcastically joked.
Derek just rolled his eyes.
"What? It's not my fault you're threats aren't believable." He laughed.
Derek pretended to be sad.
"Okay ,okay , I'm sorry Mr. Scary wolf man." Stiles breathed out causing Derek to smile at him for it and rolling his eyes again.
"Speaking of cute though! I almost forgot that my cute stuffed animal had a voice recording I didn't get to hear. I'll be back let me go get it." Stiles said standing up. Derek panicked for a moment but then realized that Stiles had to hear the recording at some point.
Stiles came out with the wolf only seconds later. He laughed a little at how it was a wolf named Der bear, it had a leather jacket, and had Derek's voice recorded which basically made the bear a mini version of Derek himself.
YALL sorry to quickly cut the chapter here but I almost died for you guys😂I wasn't gonna have time to write after I got home from school because homework so I was mainly writing on the way home like on the bus and it was like 5:55 pm since I have after school clubs and stuff but anyways we arrive at my stop and I'm still holding my phone in my hand writing some last stuff as I step off of the bus saying bye and thanks to the driver and for being on my phone I didn't see where I was stepping and I fell off of the side of the bus and hit my head and scraped my leg, which is currently bleeding out, and literally ripped my sweater because it scraped that badly on the floor/rocks. My NEW jeans didn't rip but literally on the other side my skin did like wth FAM it started burning all of a sudden but anyways😂 yeah this is all I currently have for you since my head and side is in pain and I was gonna not do my homework to continue the story but I currently can't think straight😂😭😂😭PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND COMMENT BELOW🙏answer the questions from above.

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