Chapter 9

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Derek's POV
I hear a voice ...what's happening? Wait I dreaming again?
The voice finally becomes clear.
It's his dad's voice this time.
"Derbear are you there?"
His mom chimes in.
"M-mom? Dad? Is it really you again?"
"Of course honey! Remember I told you we found out how to communicate with you?" His mom spoke with him
"B-but how?"
"Oh sweetheart that's a long story for some other time but for now your father has some things he needs to explain to you."
"Son, we saw that you found that deer on the floor today while walking with Stiles in the woods...correct?"
"Okay well did you see the spiral it had on its stomach?"
"That's one of our family means that whatever killed that thing will not stop killing until its's almost like revenge but much more... you understand?"
"Sort of..."
"Well all I wanted to tell you was to be careful okay Derek. I care for you and your friend too much so I want you to use all of your werewolf senses when you're in the forest. We also found out that the pack that did that was your uncles pack...we're not sure why he's coming after you yet or if it's even you he's after but that's what we're trying to figure out. His name is Peter Hale so if you ever hear about a werewolf with that name be careful. Speaking of and your mom wanted to talk to you about yours.. So it seems that your wolf is growing at a very rapid speed. Even faster than you and this is a very rare's like at a certain point in time your wolf grows maybe even a year in only a week but don't worry it's only's like your wolf is hitting by the time it thinks your at good spot it will continue to slow down until your human self is caught up with it and it will be back to normal again growing at the right rate. Due to the fact that your wolf is growing faster than you will most likely experience emotions you don't understand yet but you have to learn to cope with them alright?"
" woah that's a lot of information! I- I think I know everything you're talking about but I don't know I'm just- everything is just a little hard for me at the moment..."
"It's fine son you're right...we are throwing way too many facts at you right now so we're sorry but we just needed to warn you about those things..."
"It's okay dad, but I want to know how you and mom are doing?"
"We're just fine..."
For some reason Derek felt like they weren't telling the truth.
"That's good. I love you guys...and miss so much." He felt like crying.
"Oh Derbear we miss you too!" It was his mom now
"Yeah...we really do but this is the best we can do for now." His dad said afterwards
"It's just everything is so much harder without you guys and I miss all of your amazing cooking mom...and the skills of fighting you taught me dad"
"Honey,like I said, we will be visiting in your dreams very often and I know you can't see us right now but we're trying to find a way to do that...and when we do your dad can teach you some more survival skills but meanwhile in the voice dreams I'll give you my recipes and then you can make food for you and Stiles! Oh and y/n but for now we have to go because our time is running out! We love you and see tonight again! Bye!"
"Bye son, stay safe"
"Bye guys I LOVE YOU!"

3rd person POV

Derek's eyes fluttered open and he looked to his right, expecting to see Stiles sleeping next to him but the bed was empty. He rubbed his eyes and decided to go down stairs but first go to the bathroom. Y/n and Stiles were sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal and talking about Stiles past.
"So mean to say that your parents abandoned you in the woods where Derek found you?"
Derek was coming down the stairs and had heard it all. He gave a nervous chuckle but tried making it sound like a laugh.
"Wow kids and their stories huh. " He tried to play it off. "Sounds like he's telling you his latest story he's thinking about writing."
Stiles looked at him confused and head tilted.
"Oh Stiles so you like reading and writing?!" Y/n said excitedly.
"Umm yeah" he broke his gaze from the glare Derek was giving him. "I was actually going to ask you if I could borrow one of your books yesterday!"
"Of course c'mon let me show you all of the ones I have! What's your favorite genre?" She asked pouring Derek a bowl of cereal.
"Fiction! Especially about werewolves or wolves!" He said as they went to the living room. Derek stayed behind to eat his cereal and think about his dad's and moms warnings.

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