Chapter 6

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Imagine that in the picture above Derek doesn't really have a scruff or looks younger😂🙏

3rd person POV
The next day Stiles and Derek walked to the craftsman store to buy glue. They stopped by a gas stop and grabbed some food for the trip. Stiles had stolen a lunchables and Derek took a chicken wrap and lollipop. They finished their food and threw the garbage away continuing their walk to the store. Derek pulled out his lollipop and was about to stick it in his mouth when he saw Stiles staring at him. He grunted and handed it to Stiles who happily took it.
"Thanks sourwolf!"
Derek only rolled his eyes.


They finally made it to the store and Derek grabbed some glue. He decided to steal it just for today since he had barely any money left over from Stiles birthday. Luckily he found money people had dropped here and there so he considered himself lucky. They walked in and from an adults perspective they would've looked like little kids who were lost, the good thing was that there was no one around. They grabbed a handful of glues and walked out like nothing had happened.
They heard but were already running.
They hoped the man hadn't seen their faces and walked home laughing.


Stiles was helping hold up his little house thingy while Derek put a little bit of glue on piles of leaves he had so that water wouldn't travel in.
" Derek when the r-rain comes you won't be able to fit in here with's too small!"
" it's okay I'm sleeping out side, I'm used to it."
Stiles stayed quiet.
"But you're fur keeps me warm."
"It's okay we'll figure something out."
As the months of rain passed they decided that to keep Stiles warm they should have him sleep with a blanket they stole from a kid at the local park. It wasn't as soft and warm as Derek's fur but it would have to do. Derek slept outside of Stiles small shelter every night like his guard dog. Derek felt bad that he wasn't able to keep stiles more warm but he didn't want him getting soaking wet. More days passed on and Derek's birthday came. For his birthday they went out to eat at a pancake shop where he told the lady it was his birthday and she gave him two free pancakes which stiles and him shared. The rest of the day was pretty calm and they went to a pond nearby to watch the geese swim around and that was it.
(Derek should be about 8 now and stiles is still two but almost 3)

It was almost Stiles birthday again but Derek had nothing planned this time and he felt kind of bad to be honest. I mean Stiles was his best friend ever but he didn't know what he wanted besides learning. He had already gotten him a book and he wasn't sure if he should buy him another.
They went into town where Derek was hoping he could find some birthday ideas but nothing really came up. Around Stiles birthday time though Derek felt himself always become nicer and more happy. He didnt know if it was maybe because he liked seeing Stiles happy or it just meant Stiles was growing another year to the point where he could understand Derek better.
They just walked around and Stiles pointed at stuff here and there but he didn't really see anything he really wanted.
"Wow Derek look at that thing that girl has on her head! I wonder what that's called?! Can I go ask..."
Normally Derek would say no because he didn't want Stiles talking to strangers but for some reason he couldn't get himself to.
"Yay!" Stiles ran over to the lady and poked her.
"Excuse me ma'am but I was wondering what that was on your head..."
"Oh this" she picks up what seems to be some sort of hat with flowers but no top "it's called a flower crown"
Stiles mouth turns into an O shape like he understands.
"You want me to teach you how to make it?" She smiles
He nods his head rapidly.
"Okay c'mon we have to pick some flowers first" she motions for them to follow and stiles grabs Derek's hand and drags him. Throughout the learning process Derek doesn't really pay attention because he's staring at Stiles and wonders why someone would leave such an innocent, fragile creature out in the woods to die. He snaps out of his thoughts when he realizes Stiles is talking to him.
"Der, look" he points at the flower crown on his head.
"Nice" he replies
"Thank you so much for teaching me ma'am" Stiles turns to the lady.
"Call me y/n" she laughs at how happy and cute he is.
"Thank you y/n" Derek says this time.
"No problem boys" she waves goodbye.


It's finally Stiles birthday and Derek lets him sleep longer since usually he wakes him up early to work on stuff around the forest. When Stiles wakes up he asks Derek why they weren't working on stuff and Derek had to remind him it was his birthday.
"Oh yeah!"
"So what do you want to do today Stiles?"
"Well, I don't really have anything in mind...I have been wanting to make you a flower crown though..can I?"
"Of course" Derek says even though he doesn't want to. He just felt bad since he had nothing planned. They went around the forest looking for flowers that he could use and when he gathered them all they sat down and talked about how birthdays for Derek used to be.
"Yeah my mom used to make me amazing cookies that I can still remember the taste of" he explained
"Mmm I want cookies" stiles moaned as he made the flower crown.
"Maybe one day I can make them for us...friend"
"That sound great...friend"
They giggled at the 'friend' thing they did. After tying a few more knots Stiles finished the flower crown.
"All done!" Stiles exclaimed.
He put it on Derek and Derek found it to be one of the most beautiful things ever. (Ignore the colors of their shirts in the pic pls😂)

 (Ignore the colors of their shirts in the pic pls😂)

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"Wow you're crown work is amazing..." He began to get an idea.
"Stiles,oh my god what if during the rest of summer you make more of your beautiful flower crowns and we go and sell them by the park!"
"That sounds good and then we can make lots of money!"
"Yeah let's try it!"

Tried a new thing with the dark letters today💁🏻when I write with those bold italic letters it means I'm going to skip through a chunk of time...just thought you guys should know that💕😊besides that I'll be writing about 1 chapter a day or I'll try💝 ily all and stay safe😊

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