Chapter 8

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Derek woke to a wonderful cheesy smell
He was a little confused on what he had just dreamed but he thought he should wake Stiles up so they could investigate that wonderful smell.
"Stiles...Stiles wake up."
"Do you smell that?"
"Mmm that smells good"
"Yeah wanna go see what it is...I think it's y/n"
"Okay" Stiles rubbed his eyes and yawned.
They walked down the stairs.
When they got down y/n was in the kitchen cooking and had made mac and cheese for them.
"Hey sorry I need to go shopping for food but for now have some Mac n cheese." she gave them a half smile while pouring it into their bowls.
When stiles tried it he moaned at how good it tasted.
"Wow this is amazing"
"Really? I mean it's just Mac and cheese."
Stiles didn't care what it was, he found it good and ate it all.
While they were eating, all Derek could think about was what his mom meant in his dream. He looked at Stiles and smiled because he had cheese all over his face.
"That was delicious y/n thank you so much for everything." Derek said after finishing his food.
"No problem kiddos, anytime" She gave them a big warm smile and handed Stiles a napkin.
Her smile made Derek feel like he was at home and he was talking to a relative or maybe even his mom. She came over to take their plates and wash them.
"Well sorry kids but I can't take care of you all day today because I have work but is there any place I could drop you off."
"The park please" Derek responded
"oh that sounds good I'm heading there right now! I work in a small coffee shop in town so that's perfect!"


They drove off to the park and y/n dropped them off.
"Alright kids well maybe I'll see you after work but it depends if you're still here at 7 pm" she smiled "I better be on my way though because I don't want to be late, but bye! Oh and Derek... If the problem from yesterday isn't fixed...just pick up a pay phone and call me and I'll pick you guys up's my number. Bye stay safe guys!" She handed Derek a piece of paper and left.
"Derek what problem was she talking about?"
"Umm just some issue I was telling her about how sometimes the forest not being super comfortable to sleep in."
"Oh...I like sleeping on your fur though..."
"I know but you seemed really happy sleeping in bed and I can't let anyone know I'm a werewolf yet so I don't want her to see me in wolf form yet."
Stiles knew what a werewolf was because of his dictionary and wasn't too surprised when he had first read what it was.
"Okay I understand...can we go get some money for some water please?"
"Okay" said Derek as they walked back to the woods to collect their money from the tree. He felt really bad about lying at the moment to Stiles and y/n but he felt like he had no choice. He needed to do it in order to keep them safe and would tell them when the time was right. When they got to their spot there was a dead deer in the grass with a spiral on its stomach. Derek didn't know what the symbol meant but was disgusted by the bloody deer. Stiles ran to Derek and cover his face on his chest. Derek picked Stiles up in his arms and decided to walk around it.
"It's okay...I know it looks gross but we need to get our money."
"A deer doesn't deserve that" stiles cried. Stiles also loved nature with a passion since he basically grew up in nature. "Why would they want to kill such an innocent creature?"
"I don't know...but let's go get you your water okay and we can talk about y/n over at the park alright?"
"O-okay" he wiped his eyes.

After Derek got Stiles his water they went to sit on the swings at the park.
"So how'd you like being at y/n's house yesterday?"
"It was really cool and she had a lot of books."
"Maybe she can let you borrow one."
Derek told him
"Yeah I'll have to ask her! She's really nice I like her." Stiles smiled
"Me too. Let's ask her later today after work."

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