Chapter 27

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April 1, 2017        
*cue the music*
Guess who's back? Back again! Steph is back, tell a friend😎🎤  Woah, woah woah, before you shoot me, punch me, kill me, or hurt me in any physical, mental, and emotional way👐 I have a good explanation for why I was gone so long!! Okay so there are many reasons...but I won't make up many excuses so let me just get to the point. I was feeling very un inspired for some reason like it just comes and goes. There are days I feel like writing 500 chapters because I know what I want but then there's days I can barely write a word down without going back and erasing it and for some reason that was me for many days. Like I thought I knew what I wanted but it kind of lost its spark and I couldn't write in this at all. Since I didn't know what to write I kind of didn't want to just rush something I didn't like and throw at you in hopes that you liked it because if I don't like it then I feel like no one will but I mean even when I do like it I kinda feel like you guys won't like it☹️😂anyways I had that problem and then you guys kinda know what's going on at home right now so...there's that. But also I was supposed to write a lot during spring break and then we found out that my brother won't be able to hang out during summer since he'll be taking summer collage courses😩so this is my only time to hang out with him like just this week since our Spring Break was cut down to a week since we had a lot of snow days☹️ anyways I'm back for now though and I'm hoping I can continue the story just please be patient with me guys🙏I know a lot of my readers have left due to the fact I don't post at all anymore and that's okay but I also wanted to thank you all so much for all the reads!🙏❤️ and thank you for sticking with me if you have😭💖 I want to give you the best of me if I can💕 anyways I know a lot of you don't read these long authors notes but I appreciate it when you do TRUST ME. It means a lot when you guys actually care about what's going on in my life and just know I'm here for you guys💖anyways to the chapter right! Let's get this started!
He had never thought about it being a karaoke section, but that's exactly was. They looked up and saw a woman singing on the big screen. Not many people were out there since they were all probably inside the club dancing. Stiles was a little bored and didn't know whether he wanted to sing right now so instead him and Derek went back inside.


"Let's sit again?!" Stiles yelled over the music and Derek shrugged his shoulders.
They walked on over to the chairs and watched the people dance some more.
Stiles pulled his phone out to text Melissa and The Sheriff.


That's it. That's the chapter. I know it's short but ehh I didn't feel like writing at all. Plus I bet you guys don't care and didn't read the text at the start🙄

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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