Im sorry

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Hey guys I know you'll probably hate me for this but I think I'm just going to quit writing for a while....this summer has been the worst yet and my parents want to get divorced and Im having to deal with school almost starting which is putting a lot of weight on my shoulders and different emotions that I don't know how to cope with😔 Don't feel sorry for me...I understand if you're angry now because I won't be doing anything with this book for a while...but I hope you can forgive me...its just kind of hard to write a happy and cute book when there's so much yelling in the house and everything and I don't know what to do...again I'm so sorry and I understand if you hate me😭I just hope you guys can forgive me😔❤️losing that chapter took a lot out of me and it's like I lost everything I had been working I said it was the chapter that Derek was probably going to reveal his feelings on and I lost all of that build up to the scene where he told stiles and I don't really know how to re write that...again I hope you guys understand and thank you for being here with me for that journey😞😌❤️😭I will continue this story I just don't know when and I'm hoping that I can get some inspiration when school starts because I wish I could re write the chapter exactly the same how I did but I might need to change it now into something totally different😖again I'm so sorry and I hope you have an amazing day/night and I'm sure you'll find books better than mine💖😔good luck with anything you have to deal with right now guys and just know that my dms are always open...although I'm rarely on this app so if you do want to talk you can find me on vine or Instagram and I'll be there💕 I love you guys so much and just thank you💖
Instagram: winchester_wolf24
Vine: Winchester Wolf

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