Chapter 20

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September 14, 2016
Well guys I think this is going to be the chapter for the week😁 sorry about those two last ones! Those were terrible but it's just I needed some time because I was having trouble figuring out how I was going to have them talk about the whole kiss situation they had but for now here is this and I hope you guys enjoy!😊

3rd person pov
Derek finally went to bed last night, not bother to put a shirt on because I mean he was feeling pretty hot( I actually laughed while writing that because it could mean that Derek felt hot as in good looking because Stiles had kissed him, or he could've felt hot because Stiles made him pretty heated😉or it was literally just a hot night because summer or something😂). They slept in the same position all night.

Derek was the first to open his eyes and see how they were tangled together

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Derek was the first to open his eyes and see how they were tangled together. His face flushed a deep red and he slowly tried moving. Stiles stopped him, grabbing his arm so he couldn't leave.
"Stay.." He mumbled in a dreamy like state "You're warm"
"Stiles let me go...we have to start getting ready to go back home..." Derek whispered as to not wake Stiles up. Like Stiles had finally woken up by the sound of Derek's voice he jumped up.
"Woah there Stiles." Derek said, startled by Stiles' sudden movement.
"S-sorry"  Stiles turned pink then turning red because he realized Derek was still shirtless.
They packed in silence and got ready to leave. Melissa and the Sheriff were already packed up and drinking coffee on the table when the boys came out.
"You boys ready to say good bye to this place?" The sheriff smiled as they walked out with their stuff.
"No not really." Stiles replied, smiling to himself remembering last nights kiss.

The ride home consisted of awkward jokes and Derek and Stiles barely talking.
The sheriff looked at them through his rear view mirror.
"So uh..." He started "did you guys by any chance hear any wolves howling at night? I mean it was so loud that it almost sounded like it was right next to us!"
Derek got extremely nervous and Stiles started talking about it.
"Oh yeah! We heard it too! Right Derek!?" He said gently smacking Derek's arm with the back of his hand as Derek nervously nodded. "yeah I thought it was part of my dream but I guess not" Stiles said laughing.
"Oh" the sheriff said thinking but suspiciously looking at Derek. "Because there haven't been wolves in California long as I can remember..."
"Uhh may-maybe they're migrating or something for like new land..." Derek tried to make stuff up.
"Yeah I guess..." The sheriff let it slide and the rest of the ride home was silent.
They shut the doors to the truck as they step out with their bags.
"Thank you Sheriff and-and Melissa...for taking us on that trip!" Derek thanked them.
"Oh no problem sweetie! It was a pleasure having you two come along!" Melissa replied, motioning for them to come inside the house.
"How about you boys go and get unpacked!" She said not realizing that they didn't actually live with them anymore. Stiles and Derek looked to each other and decided to just go and unpack in Stiles' room because where were they gonna put all his clothes anyways? They didn't exactly have drawers and closets in the forest to keep all their stuff so they thought that was a good idea.
For about 10 minutes they unpacked in silence.
Stiles couldn't take it anymore and he spoke out.
"Derek are we going to talk about...the kiss...what it means for us...or what we are gonna do?"
"....." Derek didn't know what to say. He had never had to deal with this kind of stuff  until this point and now he didn't know how he was supposed to react.
"I guess we don't have to talk about it but....but I just want you to know that whatever it was or whatever we it just feels right! I mean kissing you just felt like we were meant to be!"
"I agree Stiles..." Derek blushed looking up at Stiles.
"Phew! You were scaring me there Derek." Stiles said wiping sweat from his forehead. "I thought you like hated me now or something!i mean you weren't talking so that was scary!"
"Stiles, I could never hate you. I ...." He looked at Stiles frantically as if he didn't know what or how to say what he wanted "I love you too much Stiles and I just can't hate you. I mean I just love you with such a passion that you don't even understand. Plus that smell- the smell you give off its just so intoxicating and I love it. The feelings are so overwhelming sometimes that I can't breath-" Derek rambled but was cut short by lips crashing to his. When Stiles finally pulled away he said out of breath "I love you too Derek" he whispered it as he put his forehead against Derek's.
Derek smiled so hard he felt like his face would fall off.
They just stood like that until they heard a knock on the door.
They jumped as Melissa walked in.
"Hey bo-" she stopped and smiled, giving them a suspicious look "why are you guys so happy?"
"uh umm because I can't wait to see Scott duh!" Stiles rapidly answered. What he said wasn't a lie at all! He couldn't wait to tell Scott this! About him and Derek! He just hopes that Scott won't judge him on any of this...
"Scotts on his way here so you'll see him soon!" She smiled "but for now how about you boys come and help me make lunch?"
They followed her to the kitchen to help her.

Scott arrived around 20 minutes later greeting them and saying hi to Derek once more since the last time they met.
He smiled brightly and pulled Derek in for a hug, whispering in his ear in the process.
"I'm so happy for you and my bud Derek"
Derek continued smiling as they hugged
"What do you mean?" Derek felt nervous.
"You know...that you guys are back together because my bro was miserable without you!" Scott smiled pulling away and patting Derek in the back.
"Oh..." Derek awkwardly smiled back. "Yeah I'm happy too."
They are lunch and sheriff Stilinski invited Derek to a game of poker but just them and Melissa because he didn't want Stiles knowing how to play.
"Man I'm stuffed! How about we play a game of poker son!"
"Yeah sure!" Answered both Derek and Stiles at the same time.
"Uh I meant Derek sorry stiles....but I mean you and Scott can go and catch up!" The sheriff said.
"WHY ARE YOU TAKING DEREK FROM ME!!?" Stiles laughed "I'm just kidding but yeah I'm totally down to hang with Scott if that's alright with you buddy?" He looked at Scott.
"Always man! You know I love spending time with you!"
"Awe thanks Scotty! Well we'll be right back guys. We're probably going to go for a walk around here but we'll be back soon!" He hugged his dad and gave Melissa a quick kiss and they left Derek, The sheriff, and Melissa to play their game of poker.
Derek awkwardly sat there staring at his cards and he finally spoke up.
"Ummm...I'm sorry but...I-I don't know how to play this." He looked down in shame.
"Oh son you should've said so!" The sheriff exclaimed excitedly. He explained the whole game and demonstrated everything with Melissa as they laughed and the sheriff seemed very happy. Derek was starting to feel like part of the family even though he missed Stiles at the moment. It's like the sheriff was finally taking him in as his own and Melissa was there to support.


Stiles and Scott walked, talking about what Scott did at his dad's.
"Okay now tell me how the trip was with my mom and the sheriff."
"It was super fun and cool!" Stiles explained everything but left out some things about him and Derek to save them for last. He even talked about how he had just found out Melissa and his dad were together.
"Oh hehe yeah..." Scott rubbed the back of his neck
"WAIT YOU KNEW?" Stiles smacked Scott in the back of his head.
Scott laughed "yeah I mean I was with them most of the time so it was really obvious haha"
"Oh...yeah I totally forgot" Stiles laughed. "Well...speaking of love...there's something I've been wanting to tell you Scott...."
"What is it? Are you alright? Did Derek hurt you?"
"What?!?! What no! I mean it has to do with him but I mean..."
"Okay sorry because if he hurts you I swear I'll beat his ass!"
"It's fine Scott" Stiles laughed, assuring him.
"Alright...well anyways what was it that you wanted to tell me?"
"...well...I' gay..." Stiles said turning red and covering his face. He didn't know why he was so embarrassed to say it or why he felt awkward about it I mean he had never seen it as a bad thing but he just thought Scott would judge him.
"Oh bro I'm so happy you have that all figured out!" He went in for a hug from Stiles "I'm proud of you buddy because i know it's a sensitive topic to talk about and well not even I have myself figured out...but I'm happy you do!"
"Thanks Scott" he said with sincerity in his eyes. "I wanted to talk about Derek too...I like him reeeeeally like him! The thing is...I think he likes me too" Stiles blushed.

Scotts pov
I freaking knew it!!!! Mates man. I COULD SMELL IT FROM DEREK WHEN I FIRST SAW HIM! And just alone the way Derek looks at him I mean you can tell!
3rd person pov

"That's freaking fantastic man!"
"Yeah we...we just kissed yesterday." Stiles said, covering his face and acting like middle school girl.
"OH MY GOD DUDE HOW WAS IT!!" Scott exclaimed getting super excited.
"It felt perfect" he sighed
"Awe you guys are so cute I ship it like I ship Dean and Cas!" Scott joked
Stiles knew what he was talking about because with all the shows and movies they had watched together and plus all the reading he likes doing, he figured out what Scott was saying.
"AWWW THANKS SCOTTY!" They hugged again.
"Okay its getting late! We should probably head back home."
"Yeah we should " replied Stiles
YO YO YO WHAT DID SCOTT MEAN WHEN HE SAID HE KNEW?!? THAT HE COULD SMELL IT LIKE TF? Ahaha jk jk y'all already know don't you? Cuz you guys are smart lil cookies😂😜💖but anyways DO YALL SHIP SCISAAC OR SCALLISON?!? COMMENT BELOW PLS🙏🙏VERY IMPORTANT FOR NEXT CHAPTER anyways here's this chapter and I will be writing a new one on Monday since it's my birthday👌👌💕so I'm gonna make that chapter a birthday one too😌👌have a great day or night though my wolfies🌌💙

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