Chapter fifthteen

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Picture of Reagan's room up above

Riker's p.o.v

I finally woke up but only to see what time it was "Dammit" I said it's ten in the morning the girls are late for school looks like they won't be going to school today and today's Friday which is a good thing for them I thought to my self,then I smelled food cooking down stairs then jumped out of bed to eat,but then decided I would go to Rocksly's room.

Rocksly's p.o.v

"Rocksly" I heard heard Riker say "what" I groaned "time to get up for breakfast" he said then I checked my phone to see the time it was ten "Wait what about school?" I asked"You can forget about that"He said then walked away. As I got up out of bed my phone dinged two new messages I read one from Chris it said " morning sunshine why didn't you come to school?" Then I typed back "I woke up late" then pressed send,then I decided to read the second message "I know your secret"-A.Who the hell could be A I though then typed back "who is this?" Then I waited for a reply then a picture of a dead dog appeared "I'm you worst nightmare" the person said then I cut my phone off and went into the bathroom to wash up.

Reagan's p.o.v

I woke up then went into the bathroom to wash up then I picked out my outfit for the day then grabbed my book bag then headed down stairs."Hey guys"I said "Hey" They all said."why do you have your book bag?"Ryland asked "Duh school" I told him."You do realize it's ten in the morning right"he said."Really I had no idea"I said,then sat down to eat breakfast with them.

Ryland's p.o.v

"So how was the party?" I asked Reagan then Rocksly came down the stairs then sat down next Reagan and started eating. "It was okay" she said."Really because if it was just okay how come you guys got home at twelve in the morning "I said.Then Rocksly said " the traffic was horrible on Hollywood blvd" "Yeah" Reagan agreed "whatever" I said then they went up stairs to Rocksly's room I'm guessing to talk about what happened at the party.

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