Chapter twenty

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Picture of Jade's house up above

Ethan's p.o.v

"Well now we have our answer" I said "So guys for now we all have to stick together even at school"I told them " Do we have a deal"I asked "deal" they all said."Well we will see you girls at school bye"I said as me and the boys began walking to the door,Then Chris hugged Rocksly goodbye while Logan did the same with Jade. I looked around the room to see if I saw Reagan she had left and went in the kitchen. As I walked in she was eating a cookie then I took it out of her hand and took a bite."Hey that's my cookie"Reagan pouted,then I slightly laughed the handed her back the cookie then hugged her then kissed her on the cheek telling her goodbye.

Later on that day

Reagan's p.o.v

After the guys left me Rocksly and Jade decided to join my family at the park,as we finally arrived at the park I saw Rocky rolling down a hill and Ross chasing him and Rydel and Ellington being all cute.While Ryland was just sitting there laughing at Rocky and Ross's stupidity."Hi guys"me and the girls yelled."Hey"they all said back "So dad I was wondering if we could spend the night over Jade's house please I begged her mom and dad already said yes" Fine" he said "yes" we cheered,then it was time to go home so we got and the car and left.We finally got home then I rushed into my room to pack and Rocksly did the same."I'm ready" I told Rocksly as I walked into her room."Alright lets go" she said.Then we were off to Jade's house.

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