Chapter 2~The new arrival

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 Note from Author: The picture above is Erika. I will be putting up pictures showing the appearance of all the main characters.

~Zoe's POV~

I walked into the dimly lit classroom filled with desks that seemed to be overflowing with loose papers and paper airplanes that would never take flight. Bored looking facing decorating every aspect of the room and the teacher seemed to be identically unimpressed as the students were. My yellow ring seemed to tightened on my sweaty palms I used to hold the bottom of my blue skirt. My long red tie looked droopy and My dark brown hair never seemed more annoying than at this very moment. It kept slipping into my face and I knew my rubber band I used to put her hair half up half down was coming out. The teacher stood up and straightened her back as if to show Me her faded name-tag that was covered by the wrinkles made in her grey dress. "Um... Zoe...Hiroshima?" The teacher asked blankly. There was almost no light illuminating the teacher's black soulless eyes. Perhaps that was for the best. I thought this was the best time to introduce myself to the (pretty much dead) class.

"My name is Zoe Hirashima... Hiroshima is a is an island in Japan." As I said this many of the brain dead students wake up from their motionless slumber. Just then I looked at a boy with long hair sort of covering his eyes. His glasses seemed to shimmer in the few sun rays that were streaming through the foggy window. I knew I had found my first crush... Or maybe her first mortal enemy... Life is confusing how would I know?

"That girl will be sitting with us miss" said a familiar strawberry blonde girl standing in the corner of the class. She was wearing a red tie that reached down to the brim of her blue skirt. She also seemed to be taller than most of the students. That's when I realized where I had seen the tall girl before. This girl was the tall figure that saved me from the transparent monster I had been fighting all morning.

I sat down near the girl but longed to sit next to the boy she had seen before. The teacher stood up again and took roll but I couldn't take her eyes of the boy. After roll call the boy raised his hand and said the saddest thing he could say. "Miss, I don't believe I'm in the right classroom. I'm new here and I'm suppose to be in 6th grade." I nearly fainted from disappointment. The tall familiar girl next to her nudged me with her elbow. "What the heck was that for?" I whispered.

"That little prank you pulled this morning was a disaster. A. You totally wasted your energy with that one dang monster and now you can't help defend the Ring master, B. You were late to school and ruined your first impression so now the teachers won't trust you so we can't go on mid day missions with you and C. We needed you HERE! Without you we can't open the gate to Extold. It can only be opened when all the ring wielders are TOGETHER! Got it newbie?!" The girl whispered back.

"You want to play THAT game?! A.You're a jerk, B I don't know even know your name, and C. So far all I know other than that is is you're a kiss up." The girl gives off a aggravated vibe and then dragged me outside and signaled 5 of the other girls to come too. After they all gathered outside of the classroom all 6 unknown girls hold up their hands in the air and transform into colorful looking outfits. One of the girls introduces herself before the others 

 " I posses the power of deceit! My name is Marika, the cat ring wielder" Marika's dark skin tone complimented her mud brown hair. Her bangs barely covered her thin eyebrows and she was dressed in a grey long sleeve shirt and a short grey skirt that seemed to have a feline tail swaying side to side under it. her small grey cat ears poked out from her head like two tall proud looking pyramids in a dry sandy desert. Another girl chose to introduce herself immediately after Marika had.

"I wield the power of betrayal! My name is Andee, the fox ring wielder!" Andee had midnight black hair that shimmered in the current sunlight. She wore a red/orange tang-top and white shorts that made it half way to her knees. Her eyes were just as black- if not darker than her glossy hair. She also had a tail and cat looking ears (like Marika) but they were orange with white tips at the end. Her hands had dark red fingerless gloves and she wore her hair in a low ponytail. Her face was blank and didn't seem to have as much spirit as Marika yet in many ways she seemed more human. Marika's joyful looking face gave Zoe a feeling of comfort but also one of warning. Zoe thought to herself..Maybe staying away from the power of Deceit for now is a good idea.

"I Control the power of intimidation! I am Erika, the wolf ring wielder!" Erika was quite different from the three others. She was dressed in a dark grey crop-top with a grey fur vest and she had extremely long black hair that reached all the way to the bottom of her white furry miniskirt. She wore a headband with tall wolf-like ears and she had a grey furry tail that tapered at the bottom. Her Pearly White socks complimented her furry grey uggs. Her ears were decorated with small cute wolf earrings and a bracelet that had a small wolf charm identicle to the one on her ears. Her eyes were black like the never ending abyss of her heart. Her hands were in white fingerless gloves and she had a grey minipurse over her shoulder. It seemed to be filled with jewelry and a phone.

"I demand the power of unreliability! My name is Louise, the Rabbit ring wielder!" This girl had a peculiar feature to her. She may have looked normal at first but her pure white bunny ears were larger than I expected. They seemed to always want to flop down and she was confused how they stoop up tall and straight the whole time. Her light brown hair was more bouncy than any of the others. Her big brown eyes made her look attentive but at the same time distant and unreal. She wore her hair down and she wore a light pink dress that complimented her light pink boots tied with white laces. A large white ribbon was wrapped around her waist and she wore a silver necklace with a single bunny charm attached to it. She had one white fingerless glove that she wore on the right hand and a small white cotton ball looking bunny tail.

"I protect the power of unwillingness! I am Serra, the panda ring wielder!" Serra's long black braid that was tied with a thin white ribbon dangled behind her back as she placed her hands on her hips. Serra had a beanie that had two fluffy panda ears that looked unbelievably soft stuck to the top. Her wavy bangs almost covered her pale face. Serra wore a black dress with a white bamboo design sprouting up from the bottom and to add to that two black gloves that reached to her elbows. Serra also had long white socks and black uggs that were embroidered with a cute chibi panda in white thread.

"My names Emma, but you already know me so what's the point of putting on a show? She transformed into her light blue Narwhal outfit with the cute horn and the Kawaii desu desu boots decorated with one small horn on each side. "We want you to join us in the fight against monsters who plot to destroy Exworld. We are up against dangerous monsters that arnt like anything you've ever faced before. We are up against beings that only have two jobs-to kill the Ring Wielders, and then all of Exworld. You know these monsters by their distinctive color. We need you to join us if we want to win but so far all you've shown us is a weak will and a pathetic for a guardian of Exworld. If you want to save your planet you have to A) team with us and B) Get yourself together. Until this war is over all you have to know is you're a soldier of Exworld and until this battle ends that's all you can be." Zoe said no more. She just frowned and walked into the classroom right when the recess bell rang. 

The Stupidity Squad and the New ArrivalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz