Chapter 25~Fighting Begins

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Note from the Author: I just want to warn you, this chapter was origionally SUPER long. I decided to split that super long chapter into two different ones. Chapter 25 and Chapter 26 will both be long enough for your liking. I'll try to make shorter chapters next time I update.

Emma's POV

"TAKE THIS!" I yelled proudly, holding on either side of my amulet, but not touching it. A brilliant beam of blue light shot right into the dummies face, making it explode as send stuffing everywhere.

"Woah, Emma!" Zoe shouted from the other side of the training area. "Save the battle cries for the actual battle!" The rest of the girls giggled, and I smiled slightly as well. The only one who didn't look happy was Andee. Was she seriously still mad about the breakfast thing? Oh gord. She has to get over it at one point.

"Check this out," Erika said crouching on the ground like a predator about to pounce on its prey. "Suck it!" She speeded at the dummy and in magical grey smoke, she appeared in the back of the dummy and sliced it's head right off. "I took the enemy out Naruto style!"

"Nice!" Laura yelled giving Erika a thumbs up. "I've got my own special attack, too." Laura placed her hands firmly on the ground and in yellow and blue flashes of light spikes shot up from the ground surrounding the dummy in a pointy cage. "Pretty cool, right? Full Metal Alchemist style."

Zoe clapped happily. She put her pointer finger on the top and her thumb on the bottom of her amulet. "I'm still trying to figure out how to activate these-," a neon yellow light shot out of Zoe's amulet and completely laser beamed right into the dummy. "I-I honestly have no idea how to control it," She said looking back at us in embarrassment. Serra face palmed and then walked over to her.

"I can help you with that."

Andee was in the corner setting her dummy on fire with brilliant red light, and Erika and I looked at her in confusion. If she had found her signature 'special attack' why wasn't she sharing it to us? Sulking. Typical. After 3 hours of practicing on dummies Resu decided to have us practice on each other. It seems dangerous, but this way we can practice attacking and dodging. There were three high pitched beeps then we would attack or avoid. The winner of the practice fight would get lunch before all the other girls. Something all of us wanted. *beep* I took a deep breath *beep* I put my hand on the handle of my sword/drill *beep*

I raced to the center of the training area and brought out my Narwal Horn Sword. Andee and I were the first two to reach the center. I thrust my drill at her but she sneakily dodged it and hopped onto my weapon. Then she ran up to me with her katana and lunged forward to stab me, but I used my remaining hand to send a beam from my amulet that was weak enough to knock her off. She stumbled onto the cement ground and was about to attack me again but was stopped by Erika. I began battling with Laura. She brought out her whip and started slashing the ground next to me. I was getting aggravated. Then she wrapped the whip around me so I couldn't move. I used my drill, in a fit of rage, to slice Laura's whip in half. Now she would be forced to only use her magic attacks. It was hard to dodge her Full Metal Alchemist attack but I was able to find her weakest position. When her hands are on the ground. I used that knowledge to my advantage. The next time she attempted her special attack I used my amulet to blast her out of that position. After a few minutes of tiring her out she collapsed on the ground and started moaning. "Radishes," she said sadly. "For lunch...we...have...radishes." Then she stuck her tongue out and pretended she was dead on the floor. On a giant score bourd Laura's name vanished and now there were only five of us left. Serra, Zoe, Andee, Erika. Andee and Erika were still fighting so Zoe, Serra and I were in a three person fight.

"I don't care what I have to do," Zoe said creepily, "as long as I get lunch after this!" Then she lunged at me and started swinging her chicken sword left and right while I hastily dodged her attacks. I started blasting my amulet at her sword. It was no use. The smoke that came from my amulet only made it harder to dodge Zoe's attacks. I realized the only way to fight her was with my hand held weapon. I took it out and swung my sword right in time to block Zoe's attack. We were in a battle of strength, and with Serra sitting there on the hard ground, like she was watching television, it was a little hard to focus. Both weapons together looked like an X. Our swords clanked loudly and made high pitched scratching noises every time I put more pressure on my weapon then Zoe did on hers.

"I'm getting that lunch and their's nothing you can do about it!" I yelled activating my drill's spinning mode, making it harder for Zoe to keep fighting.

"No!" She yelled closing her eyes tightly. "I'll use all my strength if I have to...just to make sure my stomach will not go unsatisfied!" When she opened her eyes they were glowing a bright yellow. Was this her special attack? All at once my vision was smothered by a brilliant yellow light throwing me to the other end of the arena. I just lay there, not able to comprehend what had just happened. A loud horn sounded and my name was erased from the board. I was out of the fight.

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