Chapter 22~Blue Dresses, Black Hearts

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Erika's POV

We walked into a store filled with bright lights and Japanese style decorations.

Andee rolled her eyes. She was playing with her Katana by putting it in and out of the case. "Why did we bother coming here, again?"

"Gni said we needed some more amulet knowledge and stuff," Emma said spitfully. "We can't fight the Jequiece with the amulets if we can't even use them."

"Good point," Andee replied in understanding. She stopped playing with the katana when she saw the two beautiful girls sitting on a seat inside the store. They had long black hair and wore silky blue dresses layered in wavy white lace. They were also carrying sunset colored fans, and fanning themselves as if the humidity was unbearable...even though it was pretty cold that night.

"Excuse me," Zoe asked politely, "do you happen to know where Resu is this afternoon?"

"No, but we are his grand daughters." One of the girls replied. "I am Rika, the oldest child of the family, and that is Rena, my younger sister." Rena waved at me smiling, but her eyes were blank, and soulless. Like Emma when she stays up till 2:00 in the morning studying for a test.

"Hmm...My sister and I were taught in the magical arts and know Resu's fighting techniques." Rena said calmly. "We can teach them to you if Resu is busy at the moment."

"That would be wonderful and very generous of you," Zoe said bowing. "It's tempting, but I don't want you to have to go through the trouble of training some amateurs just because you're related to the great Resu. We can be a little...uh..." Zoe turned to us and gave us the sympathy look, "uncooperative at times. We also have no idea whether or not Resu is okay with us training here. If he says no then we'll be on our way."

"Grandpa Resu would be obliged to train such energetic young warriors in his fighting art." Rena said.

"It would be rude not to teach such willing individuals about using any type of magical instrument. It's been going on in our family for years," continued Rika.

"He should be back from his trip to the market any minute now," Rena added.

"Just sit tight and we'll get your rooms ready for a quick rest," noted Rika.

"Feel free to look around and make yourself familiar with the place." They said in unison. They turned around and began walking down the hall. That's when I saw something strange. On both dresses their was a symbol that reminded me of something. I couldn't quite figure out what it was but I had a few guesses.

I grabbed Serra's hand and raced with her outside.

"Serra!" I told her.

"What is it?!" She seemed very aggravated. Could it be she actually wanted to learn about using our amulets?

"I need your staff!"


"Trust me, It'll make sense a little later."

"You better give it back!" She frowned at me intently. *sigh* I was hoping she would be more understanding. She handed me the bamboo staff and I hung it over my shoulder. Then, I rushed back inside and asked if I could use the bathroom. They showed me to a room neatly decorated with a marble sink and emerald colored counter. There was a thick cobblestone rock on a shelf right above the toilet.

"Jackpot" I said rubbing my hands together evilly. For the rest of the night I was sneaking stuff into my pockets. A lengthy thin strand of tightly tied rope that was used for hanging a portrait. A sharp rock I found outside the walkway. I was ready for my back up plan.

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