Chapter 16~To Be or Not to Be

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~Laura's POV~

Erika rushed to the back of the battle field throwing me onto the hard cement.

"Hey!" I screamed as she sprinted towards the black sheep (Stephanie). With one hard blow to the face the sheep poofed into nothing but a thin cloud of grey dust. 

"Stephanie!" I yelled as I struggled to stand up. My knees were scratched and bleeding. My elbows red with blood. I had to do something- I had to save my master and friend...but is she really a friend?  Is it really worth risking my own life for someone who never truly cared about me? I don't care... I'll find a way to avenge her. "You-you'll PAY you WITCH!" I screamed rushing towards Erika at full force. 

"You idiot! Don't you see I'm trying to protect you?! Do you seriously want to risk your own life for these terrible people? Why?!"She answered turning around to face me. Her pure grey eyes were now filled with disgust and confusion. 

"They looked out for me my whole life..." I whispered, "so I'll protect the at any cost!" I activated my ring and brilliant beams of yellow and blue light shot up into the sky. I stumbled backwards and opening my light blue eyes blinked in confusion. I had transformed into-a super cute outfit much like Erika's. Erika stared at me in disbelief and then I realized what I really am . I am the ring Wielder of Unknowing! The Pufferfish ring Wielder Laura! It all made sense. I was never anybody's secret weapon-just a captive. But I was free. I could finally embrace my true power and fight for a worthy cause! To protect Exworld.

"Duck, Erika!" I screamed as I pushed Erika to the ground and used my yellow and blue pufferfish brass knuckles to pound the black sheep in front of me all the way to the end of the battlefield. Stephanie bounced out of her Black sheep form. In animal form a ring user is able to gain double the power for a limited amount of time. It looks like her time is up. I was about to throw a few pufferfish ninja stars at her when Becca leaped in front of Stephanie and teleporting both of them back to the base. The last words I could hear was "No fair..." coming from a weak (adorable) voice that sounded quite like Steph's. It was over for now.

"Stephanie and Becca," I said bravely, "You're so dead."

The Stupidity Squad and the New ArrivalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora