Chapter 26~ Failures

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Serra's POV

I got up and dusted myself off. That little trick I taught her was designed specifically for Emma. I knew that only Zoe had the power to eliminate her...but now that Emma's out, there's no fooling around. It's time to fight. Zoe turned towards me with the corners of her closed eyes still illuminated with yellow smoke, like Cinder from RWBY. I took out my green amulet and touched the smooth top of it. The good thing about keeping your special attack a secret, is nobody can counter attack it. Now that we are doing a battle with each other, stuff like that comes in real handy.

"Serra," Zoe said softly, "make this easier for yourself and give up. You know what I'm capable of."

"Here's the thing," I said calmly, "you don't know what I'm capable of! Doesn't that make everything so much more fun?" I unlatched my amulet and held it in my palm, with the two ends of the chain in between the middle and pointer finger. I held it up to her as if I was displaying it to a child. Wait...we are children. Oh well. Then, I made a magical pathway on the wall of the arena. I speeded up the wall, making sure not to miss a single stepping stone outline. Zoe started blasting her yellow beams at me in an attempt to get me to fall of the wall, or somehow miss the transparent glowing steps keeping me up with amulet magic. They left lots of smoke that made it harder to see my path, but I knew I had to manage. When I reached the final step I jumped off and activated my special attack. I based it off of Sans' attack from Undertale, except instead of bones, it was bamboo. Huge pieces of bamboo shot to the ground in arrhythmic patterns and little by little, the speed of the descending bamboo increased and Zoe was having a hard time dodging. This was going t be easier than I thought. Right when one magical bamboo was about to crush her I swooped in from my place in the sky and pulled Zoe's amulet right over her head and into my hands.

"Ugh!" Zoe flinched as she felt the amulet's weight leave her neck. "No!" I went to the center of the arena and threw (lightly placed down) Zoe's amulet. Then I [pretended to] crush her amulet with my foot. She sighed and angrily walked to the benches with the rest of the losers. A loud horn sounded and Zoe's name was erased from the board. I tossed her, her amulet and she gave me the stink eye. I knew very well she meant to say 'good game' but didn't feel like it. I headed over to Erika and Andee. They had been fighting the whole battle, yet neither looked even the slightest bit tired. Right when Andee was about to make the next swing with her katana I jumped in and blasted the katana right out of her hands.

"Get out of here, Panda!" She yelled. Grabbing her amulet tightly in her palm. I did the same.

"I'm not giving up until I've got that lunch!" I yelled using my special bamboo attack. Andee used her fire attack to burn my bamboo and Erika used her wolf glove guns to pin Andee to the wall. It was two against unfair. It's only then I started thinking of the two girls in the blue dresses. We hadn't seen those two all morning. What would they be doing at 8:00 anyway? There were only 9 hours left until our deadline. Andee, seeing that I was distracted, used her amulet to burn through Erika's wolverine claw things and backflipped to her katana like a total boss.

"Look out, Serra!" Erika yelled as Andee prepared her weapon and magic combo. Then, out of the blue, Erika jumped in front of me, sacrificing herself to Andee's katana flame. Erika's name was erased from the board. It was just me and Andee now.

"Panda...If you continue, I can't promise your safety." Andee whispered to me. Everyone was at the edge of their seat. Emma, Zoe, Laura, and even Erika who was still laying on the ground was anticipating the next move.

"Lunch..." I replied, "isn't just some cheap reward. It's a privilege...that you CAN'T TAKE FROM ME!" I leaped forward and did my awesome battle cry. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuggggghhh" I was blasting bamboo into Andee's path as she struggled to burn and dodge all of them. "There is nothing I hate more than a delayed lunch!" I began floating in the air, my eyes now glowing green the same way Zoe's was a few minutes ago. My braid flew gracefully in the wind and my beanie was now hovering above my head. Both sides of me had a floating Chinese dragon head. All at once, both dragon's opened their mouths and shot out bamboo in diagonal directions making my attack in the shape of an X. Just like Sans'. Andee flew backwards onto the pavement but quickly got back up and ran towards my bamboo attack with her katana. *Slash* *Stab* *Twang* No matter what she did she couldn't even dent my steal bamboo. Now it was my turn. *bang* *crash* *boom* I destroyed her katana and pinned her to the ground. I had defeated her. Lunch was mine. My eyes stopped glowing, my hair stopped flying, and I slowly descended to the ground. When I placed my feet on the cement floors I collapsed. 

Note from the Author: I'm so sorry about this long fighting scene, guys! I was watching SAO and I got sort of carried away. Just to make up for that I put an extra plot twist after the next few chapters! Isn't that fun?

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