Chapter 17~Destruction

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~Louise's POV~

"They're getting stronger, trust me!" Erika said sternly. Her face showed utter hatred and annoyance.

"It's not like we don't trust you," Serra replied sweetly. "It's just a lot to take in all at once, understand?" Serra looked at the folder paper in front of her and jotted down a few notes. Not like that's going to be any help:writing down all those words and dots.

"I don't know about you guys," I commented, putting a hand on my cheek, "but I think we should take those witches down. If they get too strong we'll have no chance at protecting Exworld, and that's not what we need right now. We just got a new recruit and if we can somehow use her knowledge to our advantage, we may have a way to stop this dang war for good. We already know she's lived with them for 3 maybe 4 years and that's already a great lead."

"Yes but we need strategy as well as information and power. If the Ring users are able to transform into animal form than we can too, right? I mean, the rings made by the Jequice are completely based off of the Exworld Inhabitant's' rings. That means A) They'll be out numbered B)We'll have just as much power as them (if not more) and C) All of Exworld will be saved! Easy-peasy." Marika added cheerfully.

"Honestly, I find this whole situation a little unbearable. They can transform, and for all we know, we can't! What's the point of trying if it's physically impossible?! Not to be that person, but we have to juggle academic stress, Online gaming mishaps, extra-curricular drama and plain family problems... We don't need to deal with more weight on our shoulders just yet. That's why we have to do this fast. There is no way I'm getting two C's on my report card! Finding a way to transform may be the key to success," Andee noted.

"Not to mention Louise, Laura, and Serra are the only ones capable of transforming into classification stages. How are we going to get the rest of us up to there and farther in less than a few months?! Transforming is the only way we can beat those over-powered jerks!" Zoe exclaimed putting a fist high up in the air.

"It doesn't matter if we can transform or not," Emma replied spitefully. "We have to extinguish the flame fast, or it'll burn everything to a crisp. The only thing left will be complete destruction."

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